Saturday, February 01, 2003
That was not a fun week. I had two labs and two assignments, a 10% exam, readings, and some other assorted junk to get to.
Unlike last term, everything goes like clockwork this term. I have two labs and two assignments every week to contend with. There's no time to slack or else it's reflected in your work. I've never really been an "up-to-the-minute" type student. I rather play the "slack-for-weeks-at-a-time-and-then-learn-the-course-in-a-week-right-before-the-final" type role. It's worked before and I was hoping to do so again. Oh well.
As you can see, the workload has prevented me from posting as much as I am used to. I feel really bad, because I just recently installed some new page counters for my site. People are visiting in droves and when I write droves, I mean maybe five or six people a day... ha ha ha...
Well, because of the lack of postings, I'm probably going to ramble on more than usual here.
Let me see... what do I want to write about... oh yeah, actress Ali Larter was on late-night TV twice tonight. I wrote about her in an earlier post of mine. She has to be one of the most beautiful women on this planet. On Craiggers' show, she actually clarified her "pot belly" comment. Ms. Larter said that in addition to the pot belly, she's looking for intelligence as well. Something tells me she wouldn't mind if the guy was fit and smart too.
On Saturday, I play my second ball hockey game. Some of my teammates are optimistic about our chances this time around. "It can't be that bad again... " is the popular refrain. Those poor, poor suckers. We are bad, and I'm wondering how many games it will take before everyone realizes it. You can't make progress sometimes until you hit rock bottom.
Gee, what else... well I guess nothing... it's really late and I kinda want to crawl into bed now.
However, I will leave you with a link for your enjoyment. Have you ever seen pictures of porn stars on the Internet? I know it sounds like a stupid question, but seriously, have you ever seen porn stars in a relatively normal and clothed (for the most part) environment? It's interesting to see them when they're not "working". If you click here, you'll see a set of photos from a porn convention where surprisingly, nearly everyone is in normal clothing (for the most part). There are maybe five out of two hundred photos where a breast makes an appearance, so you may wanna re-consider looking at this from work. Click here for a work-safe photo.
I am going to get some much deserved sleep now. Later.
posted by Erwin |
2:54 AM
Wednesday, January 29, 2003
So, I'm sitting in one of my com sci labs today. It for an undergrad CS course. I'm taking a few of those out of personal interest. Anyways, that's not the point.
So there I am in front of my machine and I notice someone else has logged in on the machine next to me, but is gone for the moment. I start the lab and a few minutes later, the person next to me comes back.
It turns out she's one of the hot girls in the class. Yeah, you read that right... one of... anyways, she doesn't go to all the lectures, and she always has her labs done before the lab session. I mention her hotness not to be sexist or to objectify women, but this is an observation that needs to made. This girl is extremely pretty and either she works out a lot or is blessed with some great genes. She also wears her clothes in a way that you could easily see this. She's just not pretty for a girl in computer science... she's a pretty girl compared to any girl, in any department.
Imagine that, a genuine hot chick in computer science. I thought that day would never arrive, but here we are. And we're only three years (or is it two?) into the new millenium. You're probably saying, "Big deal Erwin." Oh yeah, it's a big deal alright. I've done all my academics in engineering and science, and I can tell you there's a severe under-representation of females in this area. I could count on one hand how many girls were in my undergrad class in mechanical.
To be seeing babes taking computer science, that's saying something about how far we've come as a civilzation.
Now lest you think this girl is an idiot, she actually helped me with my lab. Part of my code didn't work and a small suggestion from her fixed everything.
Then, this weird thing happened. She called the TA over to check over her work. He did and then she started asking some advanced questions about something else. They talked for a while at her terminal, but then they went up to the board to write out some code. They kinda disagreed on a point and started to get into a bit. I swear I felt some sexual tension emanating from them.
Later on, she asked another question, and he came over again. He playfully mocked her a bit about an e-mail application, and again I thought I felt something there between them. I'm going to have to keep an eye on this... very interesting.
So, she not the only hot girl in the class. There's this blonde girl too. She has a beautiful face and a trim figure. Sometimes she goes to my tutorial.
The younger students these days have it so easy. In my day, we would sit in class and pass along rumours of the existence hot females outside of class.
Well, due to the fact my blood sugar is low and I had five hours of sleep last night, this has rambled on too long.
Until next time!
P.S. No, I am not going to start mackin' on these fine ladies. I doubt I'd have any chance with these women who are probably eight years younger than I am.
posted by Erwin |
5:31 PM
Tuesday, January 28, 2003
It's late and I still have tons to do, so I'll make this quick.
I forgot to mention that I saw actress Carly Pope on the weekend. I was at one of the Starbucks in Yaletown and she went inside. She's a lot prettier in person. We're going out for dinner on Saturday.... ha ha ha ha ha.... heh heh... heh... ahem....
The Canucks signed both Ed Jovanovski and Trevor Linden to multi-year contract extensions. I won't hide the fact, I'm a big Linden fan, so these are two excellent moves on Burkie's part.
Stay tuned for a new section to be added to this week!
I am knee-deep in school work and it's only getting worse!
posted by Erwin |
1:01 AM
Monday, January 27, 2003
Logically, I shouldn't even be taking the time to post, but I do so to clear my mind and to put down some thoughts.
I spent too much time not working this weekend. I had a social commitment to keep on both days. I had fun going out, but when I returned home, I tried to work like a dog for the rest of the evening. I partially succeeded tonight. Had I worked this hard all through the weekend, I would have steam-rolled through my course work.
Nonetheless, I am a bit frazzled as I have lots to do this week school-wise.
Well, what else happened? Oh, I did manage to order my very first delivery meal at St. John's College. I ordered from Johnny's on Saturday evening. I had the lasagna and some chicken wings. The wings were alright, not the biggest wings I've seen though. They were kinda over-cooked too. The lasagna was definitely sub-standard. The sauce was decidedly bland, and in what must have been a first, I thought that this particular piece of delivery food needed to be more salty. Will I order from Johnny's again? Probably not during "regular" hours, but if it's 2am in the morning and you want food, who else are you going to call?
Hey, do you remember the blogs I wrote about? These were the two blogs I personally read regularly. Anyways, after I linked to them here, both authors have decided or are thinking about not blogging any more. Geez, I must be the kiss of death. Anyways, Alyssa actually took her blog private and now Dev0n is threatening to take her whole site down. I think Alyssa might be going public again, but I'm not sure.
Well, regardless of what happens to those two, you know who I always count on for an entertaining blog? Paul Katcher. I've linked to him before, and this won't be the last time. His stuff is that good.
Hmm... what other crap I can write about before I do more work that will cause me to be a sleep-deprived zombie tomorrow? Oh, this is kinda nerdy (it's actually 100% geeky), but I'm using this new application called X-Win32. It allows you to run Linux and UNIX applications off a Windows machine. It's so cool! I use it to connect to the CS UNIX machines at UBC. I can run any number of UNIX apps like emacs, Netscape, gdb, vi, and ddd, all from home. I don't even have to go to the lab now, and I even live on campus.
I must go now and do the abeforementioned work. Have a great Monday morning.
posted by Erwin |
1:44 AM