Friday, February 21, 2003
I'm not feeling so well right now. Those hives still haven't gone away. The last time I had a food allergy reaction, it lasted about a week as well. Except, it completely laid me out last time. I got the hives and was exhausted.
This time around, I'm tired and kinda lethargic, but I'm still able to do my daily activities. Hmmm... I think I'll go follow-up with the doc tomorrow. Remind me never to eat eggplant ever again!
I think I've mentioned this before, but I've been using a new stat tracking tool on my site. For the first time, I've been able to see how people are getting to my site. For some of you, you're just using your bookmarks or typing it in. In the data, that just shows up as people directly visiting the site. However, some people are getting to my site via search engines and that does show up in the data. Specifically, I can see which search engine they're using and what they typed in. It's really quite cool.
By far, I have the largest amount of referrals from and its various incarnations. About 200 people a month stumble upon this site via their google searches. What are they looking for? Here's a list of things they type in:
bootleg dvds - Suprisingly, my site is fourth on the list if you type that in
Markus Naslund pictures - I have two pictures total of him on my site, yet my site comes up as third on the list?!?!
E3 2002 booth babes - I almost crack the first page, but I'm relegated to the top of the second
why widescreen is better - not bad for a few pages I did on a really boring weekend
ewok song - wow, fourth on the list for something I'm kinda embarassed about now
So, what does this tell you? That my site is important wealth of info on the above subjects? Hell no! It should tell you that even though google is a really good search engine, you can still fool it.
Also, I've noticed that these random surfers very rarely poke around elsewhere on my site. They kinda look through what they were looking for, but usually they don't go looking for other stuff. For example, a lot of people looking the E3 2002 pictures don't realize I have E3 2001 pictures as well.
I'm going to do some other stuff now. I can't believe reading week is almost over!
posted by Erwin |
1:57 AM
Wednesday, February 19, 2003
While I didn't think my gum procedure was that bad to begin with, I certainly don't think it's anything at all anymore.
Click here and listen to Brendan Morrison describe the injuries he suffered to his mouth last night during the Canucks unbelievable comeback win in Detroit.
He lost a bridge, broke two teeth, got a nerve removed, lost a chunk of his gums, and had a tooth penetrate his cheek. And he still came back and set-up the Malik's winner.
That's one tough dude. I use the word "dude" way too much.
posted by Erwin |
4:11 PM
$900 FOR WHAT?
Today, or I guess yesterday technically, I went out to Burnaby in the early morning to see my gum specialist. This in itself is interesting because up until yesterday, I didn't have a gum specialist.
That's because on Monday, I woke up early to see my regular dentist. He said I have a problem with periodontal pockets, so he booked me with the specialist. It wasn't exactly what I had planned for my break.
Anyways, my regular dentist also said something weird. He said, "Erwin, I think you should get some blood work done. There's a really small chance it might be diabetes."
Had he said anything else other than diabetes, I would have been really worried, but I wasn't. That's because I'm hypoglycemic, which is like the exact opposite of diabetes. I'm well aware of the symptoms of diabetes, and I know I don't have any of those.
Then my dentist made an odd comment. "Oh, by the way, it's not anything serious like leukemia if you were worried about that".
Leukemia? I just came for a check-up. Who goes to their dentist thinking they might have leukemia? Geez.
So, I'm getting the blood work done anyways just to appease him. After I saw him, I went to the clinic to a get form for the lab. The doctor asked, "So, wait, tell me again what your dentist said?".
I told him and then the doc gave me the standard diabetes questions. Pee lots? Tired more? Nope. Nope. He gave me the form afterwards, but I could see the skepticism in his face.
So anyways back to the gum specialist. He said I needed this procedure done on one of my teeth. It's where they peel away the gum, clean up the root of the tooth, and re-suture the gum back together. Grand total for this hour of fun? $900. I checked my UBC dental plan and I'm covered for half of that. Wow, I might get two done then.
Dude said, "Have a nice meal beforehand, 'cause you'll be on soft foods for a while". Nice.
Tomorrow, I am going to wake up and not see any dentists or have anyone shove anything in my mouth and tell me I need to pay them lots of money.
And I will end with pictures of a Valentine's Day Party.
posted by Erwin |
2:48 AM
Tuesday, February 18, 2003
This is supposed to be reading week, where I had planned on getting lots of sleep and studying done. This is not turning out to be the case.
I gotta bus my ass out to Burnaby tomorrow morning. Really early. I'll fill ya in when I get back.
posted by Erwin |
1:09 AM
Sunday, February 16, 2003
Well, I hadn't planned on posting right now, but the damn freaking cable service at UBC just went crazy about 25 minutes ago. One minute I'm flipping back and forth between the lovely Jennifer Garner on Saturday Night Live and some sex ed show, then I'm seeing and hearing static.
I'm sitting there in my underwear wondering what's going on. I check all the cables and everything is as tight as a drum. I re-start the TV app and still static. I get dressed and head on up to the TV room. Some dude is flipping through static as well. He tells me it went out about the same time mine did.
Back down I go, and I get on Messenger to see if anyone is on that lives on campus. Jonathan is on and he lives over at Gage. He tells me he's getting static too.
So, I could either do work, or something else. Here we are doing something else.
I'd like to share a new link with you. I've been reading the on-line press releases from the Los Angeles Police Department for about two years now. These releases detail all serious incidents that the LAPD are involved in on a monthly basis.
Reading through them is fascinating. I know LA is a big city with lots of crime, but the details of each incident just highlight how dangerous it can be to live there. In each month, enough people are murdered to equal maybe half a year's worth of Vancouver's homicides. It's almost unbelievable how many times LAPD officers are involved in firefights in the average month. It's no surprise they were one of the first departments on the continent to switch their regulation sidearms to semi-automatics.
The LAPD press releases can be found here. When you look through them, take note of the phrase Officer Involved Shooting, usually those are the most interesting. Click here for one of my favourite incidents in years past.
posted by Erwin |
1:04 AM