Saturday, March 15, 2003
So around the beginning of the new year, I got initiated into Rhonda's high five salutation circle.
Rhonda, also a fellow SJC resident, would occasionally depart a dinner or a gathering by asking for a high five. I'm sure almost everyone is familar with the near universal salutation of slapping two palms together in an energetic fashion.
At first I thought what an odd thing to do for a 23 year old woman to be doing. Asking other 20-somethings for a salutation you did mostly as a kid. I immediately thought of that episode of Seinfeld where Puddy is the car salesman. Puddy relentlessly asks Jerry for a high five.
I went along with Rhonda's high five requests, but I think I once said to her, "We're in a nice restaurant, I don't think people do high fives here."
Before, the only people I saw doing high fives were between little kids and little kids and adults. The problem with adults doing high fives is that you can look like an idiot if you don't do it right. You know when one person overcommits and the other doesn't enough and it just looks like lame hand pushing. Even Rhonda will ask you to do it again if you mess it up.
While I thought the high fives were at first odd, I have changed my opinions after several months. I believe the high fives harken back to simpler and more innocent times as kids when we first learned how to high five. When we were carefree human beings naive about the world in front of us.
So while Rhonda may have her own reasons why she needs to slap the hands of people around her, I will feel a small reminder of my past whenever she asks me to high five.
posted by Erwin |
9:30 PM
Thursday, March 13, 2003
Club Rubber has up new pics from their Hot For Teacher bash. If you can imagine it, there were a lot of women in short plaid skirts and leggings.
My sources tell me the site has been blocked from EA, so if you're reading this from EAC or EAX, you're probably out of luck. Sorry.
posted by Erwin |
3:15 AM
Wednesday, March 12, 2003
I'm tired and have been all week. I'd like a day where I can sleep in and do nothing. Actually, tomorrow comes pretty close. I have no classes and one lab.
Up until a few hours ago that lab was going to be cancelled because of the TA strike. Now the lab is back on. You might have heard or read about this, but the provincial government has legislated the TAs and other striking UBC workers back to work. I have an appointment to get my haircut at the same time as my lab. I'm going to skip my lab. That's where my priorities lie... lol.
Anyways, the all the TAs I know are pretty pissed about this piece of legislation. All I've heard is grumbling and displeasure at the government, and rightly so. While the TA strike is an inconvenience, it has not shut down the campus nor has it prevented students from getting the work done. Yes, the marking is a little bit behind schedule, but the marks will eventually be parcelled out. I'm not sure if any student will be in jeopardy of losing their school year.
So, as we speak there are a group of students heading out to Victoria to protest the legislation. There's also a big protest rally planned on campus for tomorrow. I get the feeling this one will be quite loud and boisterous.
I am so tired right now. Is it alright to take a nap at 9:35pm?
I talked to the girl with the humour Kryptonite again today. And again I was not funny. When she left, her friend said to me, "Wow, you're boring when she's around."
Ouch. I can't explain it. Not sure what to do. Maybe I should break out the "do you ever notice..." material.
Need sleep. Bye.
posted by Erwin |
9:38 PM
Tuesday, March 11, 2003
Despite all logic telling me that I should be doing the mountains of work I have to finish, I worked on my web site tonight.
The second installment of the interviews is up. This time around, we feature another SJC resident, Nic Clarke. Click here for the results. I don't have time to make an index page for the interviews yet, so hang tight.
What else is going on.... hmmm... oh yeah... some of you may think I have a bit of a sense of humour. Perhaps, I've had the pleasure of making you laugh. Well, I've discovered my sense of humour Kryptonite. It comes in the form of a single girl. I cannot for the life of me be funny around this girl. I'm not sure why. I need to get to the bottom of this.
posted by Erwin |
2:36 AM
Monday, March 10, 2003
UPDATE: My mail is again working.
My first announcement is that the hard drive that holds all my mail is full. Unfortunately, that hard drive resides on a computer that I've never seen before. Until I can get the admin to free some crap up, I can't receive mail at my regular address. So, if you sent me mail anytime from 6pm Sunday and on, I'd probably won't get it. Please send any mail to me to this address until further notice.
My second announcement is that I have my pics up from the International Dinner. Have a look. I've put my Chinese New Year pics on the backburner for a bit. I'll get them up sometime.
Have a great Monday.
posted by Erwin |
2:41 AM
Sunday, March 09, 2003
After many months of living at SJC, we had our very first genuine fire alarm go off today. These were a dime a dozen in undergrad, but quite rare now.
I can tell fire prevention technology has come a long way. In our decades old undergrad residences we had an clangy bell that would go off in the hallway. It was actually quite easy to ignore. SJC is about five years old and we have these individual alarms in each of our rooms that screech out this deafening banshee wail. It makes you not want to be in there.
So, when the damn thing went off, I was still in my PJs and hair unkempt. Damn, I thought, I don't need this. I was going to ignore it, but over the screech of the alarm, I heard people outside the hall. Ah well, better go outside. So, I got dressed and made sure I didn't look like a total idiot and went outside.
We were herded into the rear parking lot, apparently that's the rally point during a fire. Anyways, no one was believing this was the real thing. Some one said, "If I see smoke and flames, I'm running back in there to get my computer."
About a third or less of the College were in the parking lot. Some were dressed appropriately, some were not. One guy had a blanket around him and he wasn't wearing shoes. Another guy had a 3.5" diskette with him. I'm guessing that was holding some important files, but seriously, how much porn can you hold on 1.4 Mb?
Max comes out and he's holding an empty laundry basket and an empty Tupperware container. People were saying that's an odd set of things to take with you.
"He must really like those things."
"Hey, if the place burns down and they give us food, he can save it for later."
"I bet those hold his empty dreams... bittersweet dreams."
"You people shut up, I was doing laundry."
Since we were all in the back, we didn't even get to see the fire trucks and the firemen. After about 10 more minutes of standing around, we get the all clear. On the way back in, I hear that someone was cooking with butter and it set off the alarm. Honest mistake I guess.
On the way back in, I found a ball hockey ball, so it was totally worth the inconvenience.
Sunday is completely over yet, but I get the feeling that'll be the most exciting thing to happen to me today.
posted by Erwin |
5:13 PM