Friday, April 04, 2003
Further to my previous post about high-fives, I just saw this on TV last night. Are people high-fiving more now?

posted by Erwin |
1:59 AM
Thursday, April 03, 2003
Have you ever thought it'd take you maybe an hour to finish off a project and but it became several hours, and in the end, you're really not finished? Yeah, that was and still is my night.
Actually, I could have predicted how this night has turned out. Earlier in the day, I ran into the TA for the course this project is in. I had one simple question for him. "What kind of logic do we use for the last (and really small) part of the project?"
"I have no clue what is going with that part of the project. George (the prof) has changed it so much I can't even figure out what you're supposed to do."
Great. Well, I didn't believe the TA and I didn't go see George, and I paid the price for it.
I've written about 400 lines of code for this and this last part should be no more than 20. Yet, I've spent four hours on those 20 lines. Hmmm... maybe it's a lot more than 20... nah, that's totally crazy...
Oh well, I'm off to play a game now...
posted by Erwin |
3:00 AM
Tuesday, April 01, 2003
Well, I didn't wind up doing anything last night. Due to bad info, I was told it wasn't worth going to the pub, when in fact there was a good time to be had.
Also, our little late night excursion what called off at the last minute due to some crucial intel that was passed along to us. The duct tape has been filed away for another time. I am, however, still disappointed we didn't get into some mischief.
A funny thing happened at dinner tonight. Stephanie asked me if there was anything good on TV this evening. I said that 24 was on. She said she didn't know what that was. I wanted to turn into the Comic Book Guy on the Simpsons, but I refrained. Instead, I explained to her how it was a show that covered an entire 24 hour period over one season. Each show detailed the events over the course of one complete hour. Well, as I was explaining this, Evelyn starting laughing. She was listening intently up until this point but I guess she found my description humourous. To point where she kinda turned red and almost choked on her water which had been jazzed up with a slice of lemon.
People asked her what was so funny, but she kinda just looked straight ahead. I wonder what about my description of 24 was so funny. You know I don't mind people laughing at me, but I think I might put shaving cream on her door knob. Actually, it was interesting seeing Evelyn laugh, because I don't think I've seen her so amused before.
Ok, that's enough of a break. I'm going back to work.
posted by Erwin |
10:33 PM
Monday, March 31, 2003
I have lots of work to do. This in itself isn't anything new. However, I've been led to temptation tonight. At dinner, Stephanie said that lots of people were going to the pub tonight. She said I should come. Sounds like fun.
Also at dinner tonight, I agreed to partake in a covert-op that will occur in the wee hours of the morning. I can't say much, but it involves duct tape. One of the parties involved said she's going to go "commando" tonight. In witty reply, I said, "You're gonna go out with no underwear on?" I'm a funny guy, huh?
Maybe I won't go to the pub, but I'm down for the late night activities. On the other hand, the pub could be fun...
posted by Erwin |
7:26 PM
If I can just stop one person from patronizing the dry cleaners at the UBC Village, then this post will have accomplished its goal.
Last Wednesday, I stopped off at the dry cleaning place at the Village. Stupidly, I didn't read the prices but I've been to many dry cleaning establishments and they all charge just about the same. Anyways, I dropped off two sweaters, nothing fancy mind you, one was a wool one and the other was cotton.
Today, I go and pick up my clothing. Total cost? $16.85!!! For two sweaters! I'm used to paying $5-6 per sweater, taxed included!
I know that any establishment is free to charge whatever they want, but $8.50 for a sweater is stupid. Just in case I was wrong, I phoned up a few dry cleaning places around town and I was quoted around $5 each time. They're probably trying to profit off the fact they're the only dry cleaners on campus.
Don't go to the Village dry cleaners if you don't have to!!!
posted by Erwin |
4:29 PM
Hmmm... it sucks that I'm so busy. It leaves no time for the web site. I had a busy weekend that didn't leave too much time for fun.
On Friday, I met up with my Mom for dinner. She gave me the pair of PJs she bought for me in Shanghai. Oh yeah, did I mention my parents came back from China on Tuesday? My Mom declared her and my father SARS free, but I'm still nervous. Anyways, the PJs rock. They're virtually the perfect pair. 100% cotton in a blue gingham pattern. I'll have to take a photo for you guys to see.
After I got back from dinner, I did work all night till around 2am or so. I think I got up at noon the next day.
On Saturday, I did work all day! The only time I paused was when Rhonda was nice enough to let me share her vegetable stir-fry for dinner.
Today, I went to Safeway for a much needed food run. I was totally out of food. For almost a week, I was eating food out of a vending machine late at night.
Well, it's super late, so I better put this one to bed. Oh before I go, I'd like to show you the results of some new software I've been using to thumbnail my pictures. I literally just downloaded it ten minutes ago. I've used it to work on my Chinese New Year pictures. It looks like crap 'cause I don't have time to tweak it, but it certainly saved me some time. In any case, take a look here.
posted by Erwin |
3:22 AM