Friday, April 11, 2003
Wow, 3pm nearly and I haven't done any studying yet today. Not good. Oh well, time to post.
I was sitting at dinner last night minding my own business when the people around me were discussing intellect. One person said it was possible to gauge someone's intelligence by listening to them speak. My good friend Laura (ha!) took the other side of the argument when she said, "No, that's not true. Look at Erwin here, he's socially retarded, and he's still quite smart."
Ouch. I was stunned. Much laughter was produced. As I gulped down my beef barley soup, I knew time was short for a witty comeback. I had nothing though, but then I thought of that episode of Seinfeld where Kramer says the best comeback is that you slept with the guy's wife. That didn't really apply here, so I think I said something about my Mom still loving me.
Anyways, damn I need to get studying.
posted by Erwin |
2:53 PM
Thursday, April 10, 2003
We've all seen the above message at least once, perhaps many times, while navigating through the Web. Maybe you typed in a link wrong and clicked on link that went nowhere.
Typically, you get a non-descript page telling you of the error involved. What some people might not realize is that every webmaster is free to direct visitors to whatever they want when a 404 error is encountered. It could be a custom made 404 page, another internal page, or even another site.
A few months ago, I discovered this and took about five minutes to whip up my own little 404 page for this site. It's pretty cheezy, but for five minutes, I didn't expect much.
If you're interested in how others handle 404 errors, take a look here. This site has a great repository of info on 404 errors and custom 404 pages. This one is pretty funny.
posted by Erwin |
3:24 AM
Wednesday, April 09, 2003
Go Flyers go!!!
posted by Erwin |
4:39 PM
Tuesday, April 08, 2003
It's been more than five years since I've had to deal with final exams and playoff hockey at the same time.
If I recall correctly, when I finished my undergrad the Canucks didn't make the playoffs that year. That was also the year Keenan gutted the team sending off most of the players that were on that storied '94 group.
Fast-forward to the present and now the Canucks will be facing the Blues in the first round.
I am going to go out on a limb here and make a bold, and possibly unpopular prediction. The Canucks will lose the series in six games.
That's just the way I feel. I've been watching Canucks hockey since I was 8 years old. I've been through the good and the bad times. Hopefully, after all that time, I'd like to think I know a bit about the team.
Canuck teams have come and gone over the years, but the common thread among all of them, including this year's team, is a fragile confidence. To finish the season, the Canucks had extremely poor showings against Anaheim (a loss), Phoenix (found a way to let the Coyotes tie it and then failed to win it in OT), and of course Los Angeles (did not score). Had the Canucks just registered one more point in any of those three games, they would have won their division and not be facing the Blues.
Instead, the Canucks let the division title out of their hands. Not only that, Naslund and Bertuzzi failed to pick up the Art Ross and Rocket Richard awards. Now, those awards mean nothing to the team collectively, but coming so close to winning those and losing, must deflate those players even just slightly.
As such, the Canucks did not finish the season strong. They've said all the right things since, about being a new season, the regular season doesn't matter now... etc. I wonder though if they've completely left it behind.
The first game will have a big impact on the Canucks confidence. If they win, I think they will forget what happened at the end of the regular season. If they lose though, everyone will start questioning why things have gone so off-base.
While it's just a feeling I have, I'm afraid the 'Nucks will go down in six. I don't want them to lose and I count myself as a Canucks fan, but sometimes you just get a feeling.
So, in two weeks, I'd be completely happy to say I was wrong, and I hope I will be, but only time will tell.
Regardless of my prediction, I'll be cheering them on on Thursday, while at the same time, feeling guilty about not studying for finals.
posted by Erwin |
11:56 PM
Monday, April 07, 2003
I stopped doing work at 10pm on Friday night. I had finished up a long project. With that done, I took the whole damn night off. I can't really remember what I did. Oh yeah, I went and got some pizza with Nic at the SUB. I vaguely remember seeing Jimmy Kimmel that night too. On TV of course. He had Mike Tyson as a co-host. That's like eating potato salad that's been out in the sun for a day and wondering if anal distress is far behind.
On Saturday, I woke up at noon, went downtown and got my pictures developed. I got back around 4pm. I was showing my pictures to people in the study room when Dana came in and invited us to his room for coffee. The man must have the most impressive room in SJC. He had fine rugs on the floor, there were adornments on the wall, and soft music playing. The whole room oozed coziness. There were also plenty of places to sit, including a Lazyboy. Outside his window was a birdfeeder. He had tons of food stocking his shelves. On the counter was a professional expresso machine and a coffee grinder. When we all sat down, Dana circulated a menu from which we were to choose our drinks. This menu could have come straight out of Starbucks.
I chose a mocha. It came in a tall, heavy glass. Dana mentioned that he had made the mochas with microfoam which he said would manifest itself as a velvety coating on our tongues. It totally rocked!
After a period of drinking and chit-chat, we all thanked Dana and departed. Stephanie invited me out to dinner with her, Bruno, and Evelyn. About a half hour, we were on our way to Locus on Main. Unfortunately, the place was packed and we settled on this little place called the Montmartre Cafe. The decor was quaint and very French. The food was good. Afterwards, we went and had coffee at The Fine Grind.
We got back pretty early, but I pissed the time away working on my site. The rest of evening I spent watching TV.
I did nothing today other than watching that awful Canucks game, working a job application, and your average dicking around.
For the last weekend before finals, I'm taking this pretty damn casual. The calm before the storm I guess.
posted by Erwin |
1:17 AM
Sunday, April 06, 2003
I went to London Drugs today to develop my photos from the Spring Dinner. I took the pictures using a "widescreen" disposal camera. I'd never used one before. I finally jumped in and got my pics burned on a CD. Man, I tell ya, it's quite a timesaver. I usually scan them in afterwards, but I don't think I'll do that again. I feel so behind the times.
Anyways, you can take a look at the pics here.
posted by Erwin |
1:34 AM