Friday, May 09, 2003
I feel compelled to post about the Canucks, but that will have to wait for later. I actually didn't watch any of the first period. I went and played tennis instead. By doing so, I was late coming to dinner. I usually eat pretty early.
When I got there, Laura was in line in front of me.
"Hey Erwin, you're here kinda late today."
"Yeah, I was playing tennis."
"Oh you mean on the computer?"
I'll be damned if that wasn't one of the funniest things I've heard in a long time. I started to laugh my ass off. Laura started to apologize, but she started to laugh too. Sometimes, you just have to laugh at yourself.
posted by Erwin |
1:32 PM
Thursday, May 08, 2003
So I was wrong (but not by much) in the last round of the playoffs, but I can easily see crying in the streets of Vancouver tomorrow night. In fact, it's looking like the most likely outcome.
What a horrible way to end the season.
posted by Erwin |
3:11 AM
Wednesday, May 07, 2003
I thought this article was a good read. It combines two unlikely recent events, the new X-Men movie and the war in Iraq. It also gives me a chance to mention my always simmering crush on Famke Janssen.
Here's a funny related anecdote. I was playing tennis with Marcia and Mitchell today. Mitch asked me if I had seen X2 yet. I said yes and I thought it was awesome. He saw it with Matt earlier this afternoon and he liked it too. Marcia asked him who was in it. Mitch replied, "Rebecca Romijn-Stamos, and I forget who else... that was it I think..."
I had a chance to see the movie again tonight, but the timing wasn't right. Maybe again soon.
This is off-topic, but remember exactly one week ago, I had my dental surgery? Yeah, we had cheeseburgers that night for dinner. I had my burger frozen. Tonight, I de-frosted it and ate it. It was tasty. Yeah it was.
posted by Erwin |
1:33 AM
Tuesday, May 06, 2003
When I was at Wal-Mart, I bought an eight-pack of Twinkies.
Today, I brought them back home with me to SJC. As an experiment, I taped one of them to my messageboard. Next to it, I wrote "Free Twinkie! Please, take it!". I timed it to see how long before someone took it.
About five minutes after I put it up, I started surveillence by peeking out my peephole. Some guy totally passed it by. I waited but no one else came. I had other crap to do, so I left it to be.
Around 8:30pm, I came back to my room and it was gone. Total approximate time before it was taken? Three and a half hours.
What did that whole exercise tell me? I'm not really sure.
posted by Erwin |
12:36 AM
Monday, May 05, 2003
No, post-op complications have not prevented me from accessing the Internet. I've just been kinda lethargic and this weekend, I took my recovery back to my parent's place.
After having a fantastic recovery hours after the surgery, the morning after I was faced with the harsh reality of having your gums operated on. The right side of my mouth was swollen as my periodontist had warned. I looked like I had a huge wad of chew in my cheek. It was then the five pound bag of ice I had bought came in handy. Not only did it reduce the swelling, it was soothing to the touch.
The swelling was there the next day as well. That also signalled the beginning of the fatigue. I'd wake up and be awake for two hours and then I'd get really tired. I'd sleep for the entire afternoon and then wake up in time for dinner. Which at that point still consisted of protein shakes and scrambled eggs.
I think the peak of the swelling occurred on Friday. I had several women ask me if they could touch my cheek. I said yes of course. I can't remember the last time that a woman asked me if they could touch a swollen part of my body. My afternoon-spanning slumber nearly caused me to miss the game on Friday too.
On Saturday, I took my recovery to my parent's place back in Port Moody. When I got there, my parents were nowhere to be seen, having taken off to play mah jong for the evening. I did, however, find notes littered throughout the abode, pointing me to where I could find various items of food. I was starving at this point, and I was really fed up with eating soft crap. My mom had left some chicken and strawberries, and I ate that in one sitting. Then came the nap.
I awoke only to find that it was past 8pm. Wow. A friend called and after speaking with her, I was off to get some dinner. First, I stopped off at Wal-Mart at Lougheed Mall. You know, I haven't seen so much big hair, mullets, and Camaros since, well, since the last time I was home. Feeling brave about eating chicken earlier, I went and got my dinner at McDonald's. I am pleased to say that I can most definitely eat french fries in my current condition.
Today my parents took me out for Shanghai for lunch. I discovered that there are still some items I can't eat, chicken feet being one of them. I was going to go to Ikea afterwards, but a chance phone call led me to the Coquitlam Silvercity Theatres. It was there I met some friends who were coincidently also in Coquitlam to visit their folks.
We were fortunate enough to catch a viewing of the new X-Men movie. I'm not going to provide a full review, but I will say it's an excellent movie, better than the first one. Everyone has great hair in the sequel.
I'm spending one more night here with my parents and I'll be back on campus Monday morning. I'm hoping to get my webcam working again so I can take a picture of what my mouth looks like.
I'll see you guys when I get back to SJC.
posted by Erwin |
12:46 AM