Friday, June 13, 2003
I am in my last week of freedom before I have to start work. I've been reviewing a Dreamweaver manual in preparation.
I also went to Metrotown today. I haven't been there in quite a while. The plan was to go buy sheets for my bed and to visit Old Navy. I've been using one set of sheets for the last eight months. The wear and tear is starting to show as my bed sheet is starting to pill. Anyways, I went into Zellars, Sears, and The Bay to take a look in their bedding departments. A set of sheets can be expensive, $60 or more for a nice twin set with a high thread count. I did find a beautiful lavender coloured set for only $20 at Zellars. I was going to buy it and then I realized it was for a double, so I had to leave it. Only later, someone told me it would have probably been ok since we have extra long twin mattresses here at SJC. I wish I had known that. So, I still have natty, old, worn sheets. I may pay a visit to Linen 'N Things on the weekend, though I'm expecting to pay a premium there.
I did buy some stuff at Old Navy, but I won't tell you what, because how much more boring can a blog get than me telling the world what I bought at Old Navy? I'm going off on a tangent here, but speaking of t-shirts, I'm thinking about making a limited run of t-shirts. It seems that Cafe Press has a pretty attractive merchandising option. I would plan on charging a very small fee for them or give them away for free. The question is, would anyone want to wear them?
So, yeah, I have a few more days of freedom left and I start making the big summer bucks on Monday!
posted by Erwin |
2:10 AM
Wednesday, June 11, 2003
The archived posts for June 2003 are non-existent, and Blogger refuses to publish them no matter how many times I push the button. Sorry for the inconvenience.
posted by Erwin |
8:06 PM
I picked up Old School on DVD today from Future Shop. Since I had Mark's PS2, I set it up in the TV room so that a few others could watch it with me tonight.
I mentioned to the room that I got the unrated version. I was wondering what it meant to be unrated. We pop the disc in and after the Dreamworks logo, we immediately see two chicks take their tops off and display their boobs. This is the opening menu sequence. Unrated. I see.
I would say Old School is pretty good, but not better than the American Pie movies nor Road Trip which was also directed by Todd Phillips.
Besides picking up and watching the DVD, I had a bit of a leisurely day. I got my hair cut. I think there's some sorta rule that says it's bad form to mention in your blog that you got a haircut. Oh well.
I had to rush back onto campus for our weekly softball game. It was an interesting game. We were playing the Physiology grad team, which includes my good friend, Rhonda, a fellow SJC resident. I hope her loyalties were a bit divided, after all, it's us! The people she lives with!
Anyways, I played right field for the entire game. I sucked... big time in the field. I let a few balls get away from me. Luckily, I batted a bit better, but I did pop up a few more times that I had liked.
The game actually went into the last inning with SJC leading by two runs. I'll be honest and say that I thought we were going to lose. Our D is still pretty suspect and I was expecting the worst. My hopes were lifted slightly when we threw out the first batter. Then some dude got a home run but luckily the bases were clear when he hit it. I think they got another base hit. Then Rhonda came up to bat and then drove in the tying run. I felt our team sag a bit, but we still had to get the final outs. We got another out for the next batter.
The next guy then spanked a rope to left and it hit the turf behind Max. He ran back and grabbed it. In what I can only describe as a laser of throw, Max sent the ball hurtling towards home where Rhonda had been waved in. Karen was waiting there patiently for Max's bomb. I have to mention that Karen had one of her nails nearly ripped off on her catching hand during warm-up. She sucked it though and here she was ready to catch the most critical throw in the game. And catch the ball she did! With a resounding smack!, the ball found its way into the pocket and thus enabling us to end the game in a tie.
There are no extra innings in GSS softball which I guess was the best way to end a hard-fought game on both sides. Though, if SJC had won, it would not have bothered me that much. ;)
posted by Erwin |
1:25 AM
Tuesday, June 10, 2003
I have a PS2 in my room now.
Mark, one of the post-docs at SJC, is leaving for a conference and family visit back East. Since he'll be away, he's generously allowed me to borrow his PS2 for about a week and a half. Nice.
I've got NHL 2002 (my own personal copy), Batman : Vengeance, GTA Vice, and a few Bloody Roar titles. I popped in NHL just for old times sake. I'm a bit rusty! Batman is pretty cool. I can't wait to try Vice.
Well, time spent posting is less time on PS2! See ya!
posted by Erwin |
1:30 AM
Sunday, June 08, 2003
After having posted that I was enjoying brunch, Karen suggested we go for brunch today.
Nic, Karen, and I wound up at this place on 4th Ave called Hell's Kitchen. It was quite nice. We got to sit on the patio, the weather was pleasant, and it was fun people-watching. The food itself was neither terribly bad nor was it terribly good.
I realized at brunch this was my first summer living in the Kitsilano area, which is something I've wanted to do for a while. With just a few days of good weather behind us, I can already tell it's going to be a good summer. Living in Kitsilano, the weather makes it great for many, many different reasons.
After we had brunch, we just missed our bus, so we wandered into this store called The Candy Aisle. It sells nothing but candy and the whole store is brightly decorated. Dumb as this sounds, but it made me feel like... a kid in a candy store.
Karen bought some little treats, but I bought a couple packages of pop rocks and this tiny 150 ml can of Coke. I just tried the two of them together now, and not only did I not explode, but I think the pop rocks are more fun with out the Coke.
When we left the store, Nic had to go back to his place by the beach, so Karen and I waited by the bus stop. While we were waiting, some guy in a car either yelled at us or beeped us as he drove by. I looked, and it was Adrian. Adrian used to live at SJC, but he drops by almost daily. Anyways, he pointed down the street, so Karen and I followed. We hopped into his car and he gave us a ride back onto campus, which was real kind of him.
Not long after, I had to go to softball practice with my team. Not that many people showed up, but it was fun still. We were out there for almost two hours in the hot sun. Near the end, people were waning in the heat.
On the way back from the field, someone remarked that we were having cheese and spinach tortellini for dinner. Yuck. I suggested that we go to Swiss Chalet instead. I found agreement from Rhonda and Dana. Dana was nice enough to drive us there. Dinner was fabulous of course, but then again, when isn't it at the Chalet?
Now, I'm at home doing laundry, writing this post, and eating pop rocks and Coke. Now that I mention it, my hands are all tingly now... I hope that's not from the pop rocks and Coke. That's a lot of carbon dioxide. I wonder if that would cause any major.dfgdf #RRG dgd dbf b.btrer
posted by Erwin |
10:36 PM