Saturday, July 12, 2003
Bryan, Pat, and I watched a whole bunch of clips from several DVDs tonight. We watched the pod racing scene and every lightsaber fight scene in Phantom Menance. Then we watched The Final Flight of the Osiris from The Animatrix. Next up, was the mental hospitial breakout scene from Terminator 2. The finale was the lobby scene and subway fight sequence from The Matrix.
You can imagine what images are going through my mind right now. I know I'm really tired right now and it's nearly 4am in the morning but I think I need to stay up just a few more minutes.
If I had more energy, I'd write about what happened to Bryan and I earlier this evening. We had to give statements to the RCMP! More on that later... as soon as I can get the whoom-whoom-whoom sound of my head.
posted by Erwin |
3:46 AM
Friday, July 11, 2003
So there's this pop machine not 20 feet away from my office at work. About two weeks ago, I noticed there was quarter that had been shoved near the coin slot. Its orientation is hard to explain, but I'll do my best . The front of the coin slot is covered with this heavy duty metal foil skin that provides the artwork for the machine. On this foil is the picture of the coins, like a Twoonie, Loonie, etc. Shoved between this heavy duty foil and the actual machine housing is this quarter. I can see it because a small sliver of the coin is jutting out from where the foil has been cut out so that people can put coins in the slot.
You can't miss it, because it's right where you put the coins in. How could anyone miss that? Anyways, the first time I saw it, I tried pulling the coin out all the way with my fingers, but it wouldn't budge. It seemed so simple to get, but the damn thing wouldn't move.
I had to leave it, but I noticed that over the subsequent two weeks or so, the coin remained. This tells me that coin has been seen by many people now, and undoubtedly they've tried to grab the damn thing too. It also tells me though, that while lots of people have probably tried to dislodge it, no one has succeeded which means it's jammed in there real tight.
Well, five minutes ago, I just bought a can of Coke and there that coin was again. This time, I pulled my keys out and tried pushing the coin from the other side. I was pushing this way and that, half expecting to see a hologram of Princess Leia before that quarter. After minutes of this and enduring the stare of a girl that wallked past me, I was forced to give up.
How is that stupid quarter held in there?
posted by Erwin |
2:45 PM
Around 11pm this evening I wanted to take a shower after going to the beach. I was chewing some gum and before I knew it, I was in the shower. I showered the whole time with gum in my mouth. I've never done that before.
Who has bathed with gum in their mouth before? Hands up!
posted by Erwin |
12:55 AM
Thursday, July 10, 2003
Thanks to Garrett via Rene for this amazing and cool video of two guys playing ping-pong (Windows Media only).
posted by Erwin |
10:54 AM
I just found this article about a new study from New Scientist magazine. Rather than re-hash it, I've quoted a portion of it:
Geniuses and criminals may not seem to have much in common but they both do their best work in their 30s -- and mainly to impress the opposite sex.
When Satoshi Kanazawa, of the University of Canterbury in New Zealand, studied biographies of prominent, mostly male scientists he discovered that they made their key discovery before their mid 30s, around the same age that criminal behavior peaks.
He believes the male competitive urge to attract females is a driving force for the scientific and criminal achievements, according to New Scientist magazine.
"They do whatever they do in order to get laid," said Kanazawa.
Wow. So that's why I'm in grad school. Must... discover... how to... breed... cats... with... dogs... soon...
posted by Erwin |
12:48 AM
Wednesday, July 09, 2003
The server upon which resides will be physically moving from its current location (the storeroom of an AOV store in Whalley) to a new location in downtown Vancouver. That means this site and my e-mail will be unavailable for several hours as the server physically makes it way from Whalley to downtown, most likely on a Skytrain and/or a bus. Once taken off-line, the server will have additional hard drive storage installed. This means that I will be able to host bootleg copies of The Matrix Reloaded, Finding Nemo, The Hulk, Charlie's Angels 2, and Terminator 3. Actually, I'm kidding about that, but you have no idea how much additional traffic I just generated from Google by typing that sentence.
The larger hard drive space gives me more options in terms of the quantity and type of files I can host, but I don't have any definitive plans for that yet.
I don't know the date of the move yet. It most likely will occur in August sometime. So, if one day you're trying to read my blog to see if I had a burger for lunch, and the site is down, you'll know why.
posted by Erwin |
11:27 AM
Monday, July 07, 2003
I found this article on-line while I was surfing on my lunch hour today. The topic: how to decipher signs from a girl that is romantically interested in you. I was quite interested in this piece because historically, I've required signs as overt as a metaphorical billboard to figure out what the hell a girl is trying to tell me.
When I read the article though, I was dismayed with the various disclaimers littered through out. This sign means this, but then again it might not mean that. I guess that's understandable and just plain reality, but it kinda reinforces my point of view that women, in general, can be extremely hard to figure out. Also some of those signs that are described are dicey at best. I've had several women exhibit one or two of those signs, and I knew for sure she wasn't interested.
For the five people that read this blog, I'd like to open the floor up for discussion. Failing that, let's talk about the 13 year-old Indian boy who still has flies coming out of his wang.
posted by Erwin |
11:06 PM
I like the summer. More importantly, I like this summer. It's probably the most fun summer I've had in a long time... ok, ever.
I make this statement not because of one fun weekend or one great night. I make it because of the collective fun I've had over the last few weeks. I like my job, I like where I'm living, and most importantly, I'm surrounded by people I like. I'm not telling you this because I'm being boastful, but because I've never been able to say those things before. Maybe one of those things were true, but never were they true together. A landmark point in my life. Heh.
The summer will end before I realize it. Let's hope the fun continues.
On Saturday, Miriam and Rhonda had a huge joint birthday party on the SJC patio. It was probably the most well-attended SJC party I've ever seen. I have photos from the party and I'll be making a gallery shortly. The planning for the party started in earnest while we at the pub about a week ago. At the time, I think I was bugging Rhonda about her disproportionately large big toe, so she wrote on a piece of paper the words HATS and BALLOONS, and told me I was in charge of those things. Then she turned away to the real party planning. Ha ha ha...
So the afternoon before the party, I went to London Drugs and the Dollar Store on a mission to get the best hats and balloons I could get with eleven dollars and forty-two cents. When I got to the Dollar Store I immediately knew that I had to buy more than just balloons and hats if I was going to kick this party up a notch. I bought sixteen party hats which had this cartoon of various animals celebrating a birthday. I also got ten sparkler sticks. Add to that, I bought eight of those blow thingies that roll out when you blow on them. Someone told me they're called "blow-ticklers" but I think they just like saying "blow-ticklers". My most extravagant purchase was two confetti "mortars". They were basically two short cardboard tubes with a knob on the end. When you turn the knob, I guess it releases a spring or some small charge and confetti comes shooting out the either end. I got two, one for each birthday girl. My only purchase from London Drugs was a bag of balloons which were described as "wormy balloons". When I saw them, I instantly knew these were the balloons for the party. While the balloon designers might have envisioned their balloons to be "worm-shaped", I can only describe them as "ribbed" and "long".
When I got to the party, I had my bag of goodies with me. I decided that I should let the people have the stuff in small increments, to draw out the fun. I handed out the hats first and they were a real hit. A birthday party isn't a birthday party without stupid pointy hats. Then came the "wormy" balloons. Those got an interesting response. One comment was, "Oh, balloons ribbed for everyone's pleasure". Next came the "blow-ticklers" which people had fun blowing in each other's faces. I think I gave Rhonda her confetti "mortar" next. It was surprisingly impressive. Then came the sparkler sticks. It was here that I made a critical purchasing error. The ones I bought did not last very long, to which Rebecca said to me, "They were too short and it didn't last long enough". Make up your own jokes because everyone else sure did. Last but not least, I gave Miriam her shot at the confetti and she showered the patio with it.
I must admit, I had a lot of fun buying that stuff and seeing people use it. At the next party, I hope I'm in charge of buying the party accessories!
posted by Erwin |
12:40 AM