Friday, August 15, 2003
My work term ends next Friday. That's like a week away. In the meantime, I've been rushing to get everything done that I promised I'd get done. I think everyone I work with appreciates my effort, but I'd feel bad if I left them with unfinished business.
So, I've been stressed about work all week. Which is uncharacteristic of the job thus far. On Wednesday night, Rhonda was kind enough to invite several SJC people to improv with her and her visiting friend Erijka. I, however, was the only one with a wide-open social calendar, so it was just the three of us. We saw the Lord of the Things : The Battle for Middle Mirth, which was put on by the Vancouver TheatreSports League on Granville Island. The show featured my old improv instructor. It was good to see him. I took an improv class about two years ago with him. Well, actually, I started an improv class with him. I dropped the class after just one evening. It wasn't him, he was a really good instructor. It was the rest of my class. They were all very unfunny people. It was mix of old and young people, but they all had the common thread of not possessing a sense of humour. So, I dropped the class.
Anyways, the whole show was really funny and the hour and a half just flew on by. It's less than $10 if you're a student and if you like Lord of the Rings, you'll like this show. Each performance is unique because they use audience participation. When the show was over, we took the aquabus over to Yaletown. I had forgotten how beautiful the water is at night in Vancouver. We took a slow and meandering route to Yaletown and we got off at the stop at the end of Davie. I've never stopped at the one before. I usually stop off at Hornby.
From there, we walked up to the Opus Hotel, which contained our intended destination, the Opus Bar. As we got there though, we quickly saw a large group of people outside. There was some sort of private function going on where people were dressed up in clothes from the 30's. Oh well.
We wandered around Yaletown a bit and wound up at Milestone's, a good old standby. The ladies and I had a few drinks and some food. It really hit the spot. At one point, I remarked, "Well, I'm not worried about work now!"
After that we took a short walk up to Granville and caught a bus back to campus. After a long day at work, that was what I needed.
Just one more week of work!
posted by Erwin |
1:52 AM
Tuesday, August 12, 2003
So, I get this e-mail yesterday:
Date: Mon, 11 Aug 2003 15:58:06 -0700
From: "Williams, Greg"
To: "Erwin Tang"
Subject: I'm so upset.
why? you ask? ??
1) no mention of Hooters on your blog.
2) no mention of you sharing a bus with greg williams on your blog
3) the "comments" thingy on your blog doesn't work for me.
4) no picutres of greg williams on your website
Let me back up a bit. Greg and I go way back to my very first project at EA. I was a rookie in the testing world. We were about 3/4 through the project when we got short-handed and we needed another tester for the final push. It was like the playoffs and we needed a rental player. Greg was that guy. His reputation preceded him. He was an old school tester from the days at EA when they watched pornos at break (not that he did any of that).
Anyways, Greg was a great addition to the team. He was a good tester and funny as hell. He left EA after the project was done, but we kept in touch.
Greg works at WebCT now, which is conveniently located on campus here at UBC. We've run into each other several times. The last time was last Friday at the bus loop as I was going to a stag.
I told him I was going to a stag and I needed a quarter for the bus.
"A stag? Dude, you're gonna need this."
Greg handed me a twoonie at that point. Nice. On the bus I told him the evening was going to start at Hooters. I'll be completely honest and say that the best thing about Hooters are their chicken wings. If I ever go to Hooters again, it'll be for their wings. They are really good. If you can get past the horrendously bad shorts the waitresses wear, it'll be worth your time.
Hey, if you're wondering what Greg looks like, wonder no more:
Feel free to make comments, 'cause the thing maybe slow, but it works. ;)
posted by Erwin |
10:06 PM
I've arranged it so that my work term ends after the third week of August. I wanted the week off to rest before the school year starts and I get my ass kicked.
A little while ago, an idea creeped into my head that it would nice to get on a plane and go somewhere for a few days during my break. It helps that my Mom is a travel agent. She's indicated that a free (or radically cost-reduced) flight to anywhere in the US or Canada wouldn't be a problem. The only problem is accomodations. I'm not sure how much she can help me there.
Well, there's also one more problem... where to go? I'd like to stay in North America, because it's closer and well, I don't have a current passport right now.
I have a few places in mind right now, they are (in no special order): New York City, Las Vegas, Winnipeg, Regina, Orlando, and Hawaii. You're probably wondering what the hell the 'Peg and Regina are doing in that list. I've never been to those cities and it'd be cheap to go there.
Vegas is good in that there are always package deals and flights are plentiful. The downside is that I've been to Vegas before and it kinda sucks going to Vegas alone.
NYC is an attractive choice because it's Manhattan. It's a great city with lots to do. I also have a buddy there who just moved into an apartment in the Upper West Side. I haven't floated the idea of staying with him, but at least I could try asking him. With a free flight and and possibly free lodging, this might the cheapest of the US destinations. There might be a downside to NYC in that it's a big and bustling city. When I went there the first time around, it was great to be there, but I'd come home some days and feel like I'd been through the biggest urban jungle in the world. I'm looking for relaxation and I'm not sure if this is what I'll be getting.
I chose Orlando for only one reason... theme parks. I'm a kid at heart and it's been over ten years since I've been to all the attractions. This trip will be expensive for sure. I'd like to stay at one of the many themed hotels that Disney runs, but that'll be pricey. The tickets to the parks aren't cheap either. I'm also worried that spending an entire day walking around and lining up isn't exactly the best way to re-charge my batteries.
Hawaii was a choice that was just mentioned to me today. I was talking to my boss at work about where to go and she mentioned Hawaii. It's been years since my parents took the whole family to Honolulu. If I was looking for relaxation and rest, then this would be the destination. Nice weather, beautiful views, and endless beaches would await me there. The only drawback would be cost. I'd need to find a somewhat affordable place to stay.
What do you guys think? Where should I go? Feel free to list places I haven't even thought of.
posted by Erwin |
1:55 AM
Monday, August 11, 2003
Weekends always seem longer when you go out and do stuff on Friday night. Wouldn't you agree? Well, I still wish it was the weekend, but I did a lot of stuff nonetheless.
The highlight of my day was trying out my newly restrung racquet with Matt and Mitchell. After watching Andy Roddick play the last couple of days, I was like, yeah, I can hit like that.
So Matt and I get out on the court first. We warm-up and pretty soon we're trading bombs back and forth. Well, as big as bombs can get from two grad students in their late-twenties. The disappointing thing was that I was hitting pretty well only on my backhand side. My forehand was going nowhere. I haven't had a forehand in about two years. I don't know where it went. Here's a little tip for ya if you play me... hit to my forehand. The difference between my two sides is night and day.
Well, Mitch joined us soon after, and two hours later, we were ready to call it a day. I love playing tennis. Arash calls it "tennis fever".
I showered and went to dinner. Here's a little fact about SJC you may not know about. Dinner on Sundays is usually pretty disappointing. They usually don't serve meat on those days and we're stuck with a vegetarian meal. Tonight, we had tortellini stuffed with cheese and spinach. It was far from satisfying.
I didn't really do much this evening. I got hungry around 10pm and called Adrian (who has a car!). He agreed to pick me up for a food run. Of course my timing was great because Rhonda came by to get her dinner and to chat. I had to kick her out after five minutes to meet Adrian outside. I felt bad.
Anyways, we went to 7-11. I got a sub. I think I'm the only one that likes 7-11 subs. They're great late in the evening as a snack.
Now, I gotta go work on some web stuff for work. And back to that...
posted by Erwin |
12:03 AM
Sunday, August 10, 2003
I got up at 9am this morning, which was quite a feat since I was at a stag last night and I didn't get into bed until 3am. The reason for the early morning was a trip down to Chinatown for dim sum. I went with Rhonda to the Floata restaurant where we met up with Jenny, Jenny's roommate Andrea, and her friend Kristina. Whoa! I usually go to dim sum with my parents. Here I was with four lovely ladies in their twenties. Sweet. Ha ha ha...
Anyways, just about every one of the ladies was a dim sum rookie. I tried my best to give them a good dim sum experience. I'm not sure if I accomplished my goal, but they seemed to enjoy it. Unfortunately, the chicken feet dish didn't come around, so I wasn't able to initiate them properly. Some dishes were a hit and some were misses, but that's how dim sum is in general.
Well, tonight, I made a last second decision to see the fireworks. I was in Vanier Park with Rhonda, her visiting friend Erijka, Sarah, Brad, and Nic. I knew that the crowds were going to be quite manageable when on the way down, my bus was sparsely populated. There was a kettle korn booth which I was so happy to see. I'm a big fan of kettle korn. It's a surprise in every bite. It could be sweet, it could be salty. You just don't know. I bought a $5 bag. It was delicious. Kettle korn is the type of food that you can continue to enjoy until the end of the bag.
The fireworks were alright, though seeing China's portion of it made me regret not seeing their performance on Wednesday. Our journey back to campus was relatively painfree. Six chicken wings later, I'm here typing this. I'm really tired right now. I think I'll go to bed.
posted by Erwin |
1:17 AM