Saturday, October 11, 2003
As most men can attest to, women at one time or another have caused us heartache. The resulting feeling sucks, to put it eloquently. Now, there's a scientific explanation behind it.
posted by Erwin |
2:49 AM
Friday, October 10, 2003
I didn't think I had time to post, but I do. Why? Well, I was going to upload some images to the Future Shop web site to get them printed out on photographic paper. I've been to the site half a dozen times in the last few days to check it out. It's a bit cheaper than London Drugs and closer to campus. So, tonight, when I really needed to access the site to upload and order prints, the damn Future Shop site is down. Why the hell does life work like that?
The same damn thing happened with the course web site a few days ago. You know that expression, "if he didn't have bad luck, he wouldn't have any luck at all"? Well, I guess it doesn't apply to me really, but having the same string of bad luck is frustrating. Of course, when 8am rolls around next morning, the site will be back up because people will be at work to fix it. Isn't the whole point of having a web site is that so commerce can be transacted at all times of the day?
I need the long weekend to relax and take it easy, so that I don't get all riled up for inaccessible web sites.
I am so hungry right now. I wish I had like 20 chicken wings right now. Or a plate of the stuff below.

posted by Erwin |
2:02 AM
Thursday, October 09, 2003
Hmmm... it seems my post entitled Will Iron For Food left a trail of comments that I only just responded to now. It was dated October 1st.
posted by Erwin |
10:38 PM
When I moved into SJC over a year ago, I was curious to see what type of network they were on. I knew they weren't part of ResNet, which was a good thing.
After I got my computer set up, I saw that SJC residents were on an unswitched network that was part of the larger UBC infrastructure. It was very, very good. Sure the unswitched part meant that we were wasting bandwidth here and there, but I was getting dl speeds of 400 Kb per second. Not bad. Now because we weren't part of ResNet, no one was really monitoring our traffic. We didn't have a sysadmin or anything. There were no traffic restrictions or port blocking. That meant we were clear to file share till the cows came home. It was great.
Some time over the summer, SJC residents got an ominous e-mail from SJC office. Our connections were going to be switched over to ResNet. Uh oh. They tried to candy coat it with the promise of better support because at least ResNet had a support department. Yeah, great, except that no one had any problems with our previous network.
At the start of September, everyone had to change over to ResNet. Unfortunately, at that time, that virus started infecting every computer on Earth, including machines on the campus. ResNet was slow as hell from all the traffic the virus was generating. To combat this, ResNet overseers began blocking port traffic on the network relating to the ports that the virus used. This was fine and dandy, but they got so scared of viruses and stuff, they began blocking (or limiting traffic on) file sharing ports as well.
Up until the time of the switch over, I was using WinMX as my file-sharing app. When we switched over WinMX became useless. All my downloads were capped at exactly 0.15 Kb per second. I knew this because no matter who I downloaded from, it would always cap off at 0.15 Kb per second. Bastards. The thing that irks me is that ResNet explicitly says on their web site that they have not blocked file-sharing programs. What a bunch of crap. Sure they have.
I thought I could be smart and change the default ports that WinMX uses. No such luck. I changed the port numbers dozens of times, but somehow, ResNet knows what is going on. I've used both unassigned and assigned ports, but it still won't work.
I guess they have a right to block file-sharing, but don't publicly lie and say that they aren't. That makes me angry.
posted by Erwin |
2:58 AM
Wednesday, October 08, 2003
Ever have one of those nights where you're just gassy the whole damn night? Um, me neither.
posted by Erwin |
10:01 PM
I prepare for the tutorials I help give the night before. I look over the material the students are supposed to have read or know for the assignment I give them. The material is usually in the form of course notes that the prof has given me. Then I look at the assignment and read it through. If I'm not given solutions (which is usually the case), I try to work through the problems myself and try to anticipate their questions. It usually takes half an hour tops.
Tomorrow's tutorial is different. The material for the assignment was finished late, so it never made it into the course notes. The students have to download it from the course web site. The section they are on now has to do with probabilities of failure. I am currently facing two problems. First, the course web site is down. It just times out. I can't get to the course notes. Second, I suck at probability. I took one course in statistics in my last year of undergrad. It was offered by the mechanical department and not math, which means it was a bit watered down as stats go. Also, it was a purely "by-the-numbers" type of course, which means I learned the material, got my "A", and proceeded to forget everything related to stats about 0.0000001 seconds after I put down my pencil in the final exam.
It's just my luck the one time I need to visit the course web site to get the notes and it's down. I've read the assignment over and luckily (I think), it came with solutions. The answers make no sense to me unfortunately. They use a formula that I may have seen before or maybe I've never seen it all. Who knows?
Anyways, tomorrow I meet with the prof whom I help during the tutorial. Hopefully, he can explain it all to me.
It did cross my mind to go on-line and learn about probabilities and stuff on my own, but that's way beyond the call of duty as a TA.
Good night folks!
posted by Erwin |
2:41 AM
Tuesday, October 07, 2003
I need more sleep. For my schedule, I'm getting a lot less sleep than is possible. Anyways, who wants to read about my sleep debt.
I have several things on my mind. First, I get a big kick out of listening to Asian people who have Australian accents. It's a dumb thing to get entertained by, but it's just something I haven't heard before. Can ya tell I need sleep?
I went to Dairy Queen tonight. Thanks to Dana for driving us. It was there I determined what kind of birthday cake I want for my next birthday. I want an ice-cream cake silkscreened with a picture of Hilary Duff on it. It's amazing what kind of cake technologies they have now.
I had hot eats at Dairy Queen tonight for the first time. I had a cheeseburger meal. It wasn't bad at all. It had a home-cooked taste to it. I want to try their chicken strips next time.
Well, I plan on being in bed by 3am, so I leave it here.
posted by Erwin |
2:22 AM
Monday, October 06, 2003
My weekend just ended five minute ago. It did so when I printed out the last page of my AI assignment. It took all day to finish the last third of it. Too bad it took me only about an hour for the first two-thirds.
The assignment is worth approx. 12% of the total grade in the class, so I suppose I should be glad I got it done in the first place. Burning a whole day in the process irks me though. I put aside another project I have and I wanted to do some more marking today as well. Damn. An entire day... gone.
I have about an hour or so before I go to bed. I could start marking. It's easy to do and I know I'd get through a lot of it. Unfortunately, I feel like chilling out for the rest of the night. So, that's what I'm going to do.
Hey, why didn't anyone tell me there was a new trailer for Revolutions?
posted by Erwin |
2:35 AM