Friday, October 31, 2003
I came back from a McDonald's run about 45 minutes ago. It is freezing out there. I think it's mother nature's way of saying, "Hey mofos, let me remind you it's just about November out there." Did I just type the word mofos?
My heat has been on most of the day. The air is getting really dry now. I can feel it and I can see it. How can I see it? There are quite a few doors here at SJC that have photos adorned on them. When the air turned dry, the photos began to curl out of shape. When I walked down the hall this morning, some photos had curled so much that they peeled off their adhesive and fell onto the floor.
We also have a photo board in the Social Lounge. It shows the picture of every resident at SJC. About 15 or so photos had fallen off. Mine, just to let you know, is still firmly attached.
So dry air is a bad thing for me. I have really sensitive skin and it gets painful when it's this time of year. I usually have to lather myself with moisturizer every day. On some nights, I humidify my room. When I do so, I'm not shy about it. I turn the air into the Amazon. I know when to stop when the moisture starts dripping off my toilet tank. It feels so good when the air is so moist.
Change of topic, but I think I may get this AI assignment finished in time after all. Notice I didn't say I'd ace it. Ah well, you can't win them all. I'm much happier about it than I was a week ago. You know AI doesn't just stand for Artificial Intelligence. A little birdy that I know, who grew up as a farm-girl, told me that AI also stands for Artificial Insemination. I'm not sure which AI I'd be better at.
Well, I better get on to other things. By the way Jordi, I know you're reading this.
posted by Erwin |
2:50 AM
Thursday, October 30, 2003
True love is hard to find. Sometimes you think you have true love and then you catch the early flight home from San Diego and a couple of nude people jump out of your bathroom, blind-folded like a Goddamned magic show, ready to double-team your girlfriend...
posted by Erwin |
3:24 AM
Tuesday, October 28, 2003
I got my midterm back today. Not since the depths of Physics 153 in first-year, when I was a naive eighteen year-old, have I scored so low on an exam. Well, maybe in third year, but that's beside the point.
I passed... barely. I hope he scales it. The average mark was 60% or something. I'm below average. Ewww... I'm below average. I'd hate to go through life labeled like that. Say it with me again... below average. Makes me want to shower.
So, I was fairly bummed out when I went out to dinner tonight. I met up with two of undergrad classmates, Johnny and Wendy. Johnny told me it's ok as long as I passed. Yeah, I guess. I always try to overacheive (it's a tactic that's served me well, academically at least), so settling for a pass is hard to do.
Well, tomorrow is another day. I'm going to sleep so I can get to it.
posted by Erwin |
3:21 AM
Monday, October 27, 2003
Yes, I need to finish my story in New Orleans, but I ran into a bit of difficulty during the weekend. It's called my AI assignment. Holy crap, this monster of an assignment is due on November 5, and I wanted to start it today. Yeah, I know you're thinking Nov. 5 is a long time away, but have you seen this assignment?
It was today that I took a serious look at it. My assessment is that I'm in a heap of trouble here. It's got four problems to it. Each problem has at least three mini-problems to it. I'd say each mini-problem would require about half a working day (four hours) to finish, and that's if you knew what to do from the beginning... which I do not.
I don't mind doing lots of work for an assignment. What I don't like is wasting time and banging your head against the wall because you inherently don't know enough to do a question. The worst thing about this assignment (and I know this already) will be begging the prof for scraps of info, any tips, or hints he can give us. Just thinking about it makes me want to weep.
It's too bad I had to read this assignment today. My Saturday was so much more enjoyable than my Sunday. On Saturday, I marked an assignment, got some groceries, someone cooked me dinner, and I watched Finding Nemo at the SUB.
Well, it's time to go to bed.
posted by Erwin |
3:17 AM