Saturday, November 08, 2003
My attention span isn't what it used to be. I get distracted quite easily now. It could be anything... TV, the Internet, food, that piece of lint on my desk, the list goes on.
In undergrad, I used to mitigate this weakness of mine by going to the library. Also, back then I was a machine when it came to schoolwork. Hell, I guess it wasn't a weakness back then anyways.
I'm lazy now, and it just takes too much damn energy to pack my crap up and hoof it over to some library where I may or may not get a decent place to study. Just thinking about the time and energy that I expended going to libraries makes me shudder.
So, I work in my room where I can do a million things other than study. I feel like I'm not productive most of the time. In an effort to stop this, I discovered a radically alternative method of making me concentrate. Instead of placing myself in a quiet environment conducive to studying and working, I go to the other extreme. I make it loud in my room.
I'm not talking about glam rock or metal or anything like that. The best thing that I've found so far is the first twenty minutes or so from Saving Private Ryan. I'm not sure why, but listening to arguably the most chaotic battle sequence in history of film allows me to focus on what I need to get done. I've done this with my speakers twice now, and once with my headphones. Something about the incessant chatter of machine-gun fire drowns out any thoughts I have of doing something else. I'm guessing it must be similar to those white noise generators some people use for sleeping.
I can't do this with my normal speakers much more now. While I believe the soundproofing between walls here is good, I think my neighbours will probably want to kill me if I keep this up.
Maybe I should look into those white noise CDS. The headphones are ok, but nothing can replace the sweet boominess of a dedicated subwoofer.
Holy crap, what the hell am I doing writing for my blog at 4:30am in the morning?
posted by Erwin |
4:30 AM
Friday, November 07, 2003
Jordan, it was a pleasure having dinner with you and Lesley (or is it Leslie? sorry!). Like I said, feel free to come by and visit again.
posted by Erwin |
2:09 AM
Wednesday, November 05, 2003
"I have dreamed a dream... but now that dream has gone from me..."
The character Morpheus spoke that line in The Matrix Reloaded, but it seems that many film critics have been echoing the same thing. Gone from them are the dreams of another sequel worthy of or even better than the original Matrix.
From what I've seen on the Internet and some print media, the reviews are less than stellar for the final chapter of the Matrix trilogy.
I have not seen Revolutions myself, but I am hoping that I will have a better impression of it than others. Even if the reviews are what they are, how can one not want to see how the story ends? Will the human race break free of their enslavement from the machines? How does Neo awake from his coma? How many more rubber outfits will Monica Bellucci slip into?
Weak or not, if you've invested any interest into these movies, I think you've got to see Revolutions at least once.
One question I have is whether or not critics are poorly reviewing the movie just to say that they panned a movie that had good box-office. Similar questions were raised when Clones came out. I even remember one Detroit critic panning it for disparaging Hispanics. His evidence? He said the actor that played Jango Fett was clearly a stereo-type for Hispanics. What he didn't know (stupidly), was that actor was Temuera Morrison, a famous Maori actor from New Zealand. I guess in Detroit, there are only four or five ethnic groups.
Well, that's all I have to say about that... heh, geez I'm tired right now.
posted by Erwin |
10:56 PM
I did almost no school work today. Technically, that's no different than any other Tuesday. Tuesdays and Thursdays are my lightest days where I have the opportunity to do the most work. Somehow, I usually wind up finding a way to piss away the day while at my desk.
Today was different. I consciously made the decision not to do much work. It all started when I went to my AI class. We have (er, had I guess) an assignment due on Wednesday. I was having some trouble with it, but I was looking forward to handing it in and being done with it. It's possible to spend too much time spinning your wheels.
Anyways, my prof decides he wants to give us more time on it. Great. He first decides to give us until Friday. Then he says, "Well, I'm not going to mark on the weekend anyways... how's Monday?"
Of course, everyone is cool with it. I was actually a bit disappointed. He gave us almost a week more time. That took the wind out of my sails for the day. After class, I went home, paid my rent and checked my mail. I decided I'd have a day off. I knocked on Patrick's door. He's game for anything these days. Having just completed an M.A. and just starting his Ph.D., Patrick is pretty much willing to do anything.
I suggested we go for lunch at Cactus Club. On the way to the bus loop, I started feeling guilty. I was thinking maybe I should have taken another class this term. The thought passed as we got on the bus.
Minutes later, we were on the corner of Granville and Broadway. I had an excellent lunch at Cactus. You know, it's actually possible to go there just for good food. After lunch, I did some shopping. I went and bought mugs. I came to SJC with three mugs, but broke two of them over the course of the year. A few days ago, Rhonda came over unexpectedly to have hot chocolate with me. I was using my only mug, so she couldn't have a warm beverage. That ain't cool.
I went to Cookworks on Broadway and bought two mugs. You know, there are a lot of terrible mugs out there. Some are butt ugly, while others hold like a sip of liquid. I like a mug that can hold enough liquid to last an entire debate on the total number of Jedi in the Galaxy before the fall of the Republic. I found two acceptable mugs today.
Next, it was off to Future Shop to purchase Finding Nemo on DVD. Having just seen the movie for the first time just two weeks before, it was a relatively short wait for me. As always, I passed by the plasma TV section. It's my dream to hang a widescreen plasma TV over my desk and use it as my TV/monitor. It won't happen, but a dude can dream can't he? As I was paying for Nemo, they handed me a Nemo plush toy. Neat.
After that, it was time to go back to the ranch. We got back at four and we both went to take a nap.
At dinner, I had the honour of sitting down with Lloyd Axworthy, but that's a story for another time. After dinner, I did more dicking around and here we are.
I think I'm going to go to the vending machine for a Coke.
posted by Erwin |
1:56 AM
Monday, November 03, 2003
Wow, I really did a whole lot of nothing today. I wonder what it's like to be one of those super-efficient people who do a million things in one day. It must feel so good.
So, it turns out my costume for the party was well-received in general. Tonight at dinner, Carl came up to me and said, "Dude, you made my night." That was nice to hear. I got a few other positive comments. The weirdest comment came from Rhonda who said, "I'm glad you're out of costume now, it was kind of frightening."
Some guy beat my record of consecutive hours in your room without leaving. I previously had set the record of 26 hours last year. I did it from 4pm Saturday to 6pm on Sunday. I thought that was pretty good. At dinner tonight, Tyson told us he spent approx. 36 hours straight in his room. From approx. 2am Saturday morning to around 4pm or so on Sunday afternoon. Now, if I may, I must point out that he was completely wasted by the time he rolled into his room at 2am and he spent a lot of the 36 hours asleep. For the most part, he was trying to recover from drinking. I was working my ass off for most of my 26 hours, so I figure you have to put a disclaimer on his record at the very least. I'm not bitter or anything, he's got the record for sure. It just means I can get a tub of Hybernol and try to break the record some time later.
I'll leave you with a treat. My Halloween pics will be up shortly, but here's another person's gallery. Thanks Sarah!
posted by Erwin |
3:49 AM
Sunday, November 02, 2003
Without a doubt, I should be trying to get some sleep right now. I spent most of the day trying to get my damn AI assignment done. I think I've got 65%-70% of it done. Of that, I really have no clue how much of it is correct.
I finally had dinner at Burgoo tonight. After hearing about how good it was, Bryan, Sarah, and Chris took me there for a meal. It's all about comfort food at Burgoo. I had the Kentucky Burgoo. It was good, but I'm looking forward to trying out their other dishes. We had the Dark Chocolate Banana Bread Pudding for dessert. It was fabulous. Warm desserts with ice cream rule.
We had a Halloween party at SJC on Friday night. It was a blast. I had lots of fun. Everyone was dressed up and there were some fabulous costumes! I am trying very hard (hence the late hour) to post my pics. With my digital camera this time around, I took about 90 pics.
Here's a taste of things to come. If my costume needs explaining, yes, that's a blonde mullet I'm wearing. Notice the wife-beater tank top and large belt buckle I'm sporting. Yesss! That's awesome!

posted by Erwin |
4:49 AM