Thursday, December 25, 2003
From everyone here at, we'd like to wish everyone a safe and happy holidays.

posted by Erwin |
3:15 PM
Wednesday, December 24, 2003
I am finally home at my parents' place for the next few days. I got a ride into Port Moody from fellow SJC resident Chris. Another resident, Michelle, lives in Coquitlam, and she was having a small Christmas party last night. We went to the party before Chris dropped me off.
Michelle's parents live in a very nice house, right by where my friend Trevor used to live. In fact, I've driven by Michelle's place many times without knowing who lived there. Anyways, it was quite a fun party. It was attended by SJC people, Michelle's med classmates, and Michelle's high school friends. It turns out that a lot of people there went to Centennial, my old high school.
There was also a fabulous spread to feast upon. Chris was impressed. There was food covering the entire length of a huge island in their kitchen. Some Krispy Kreme doughnuts even made an appearance.
The most memorable event of the evening happened as I was reaching for some smoked salmon. There was this large marble dining table in the kitchen and several people had gathered around it to converse. I heard this large crash and smash and when I looked over, it appeared a large section of the table had just collapsed. It missed hitting one dude by inches and everyone just jumped away. A three by two foot slap of marble had fallen to the ground. That was a heavy piece of marble.
Luckily, everyone was alright and the people at the table moved into the living room. Some people knew I was a mechanical engineer, so they asked me what happened. I told them, "There was too much food on the table."
Michelle's mom said that she didn't like that table anyways and she'd be happy to get something new.
Near the end of the party, I sat down with a few of Michelle's high school friends. It's interesting to see what type of people have as friends from way back. All of them were very nice ladies. One of them, and I won't say who, was really drunk. She was a hoot to talk to.
Chris had to drive back to UBC, so we left around 1am. I got dropped off at my parents' place and hoped that my directions to Chris would get him back safely.
I spent the day here doing errrand, but between you and me... I'm really bored already.
posted by Erwin |
5:01 PM
Tuesday, December 23, 2003
Yep, it's almost Christmas Eve and I'm still here at UBC. I ran a few errands today, including picking up Miriam's dry cleaning. She moved out of SJC on Sunday and the dry cleaning place is closed on the weekends. As the perennial nice guy, I volunteered to pick up her clothes.
I thought she was going to have a couple of shirts and/or sweaters, but was I in for a surprise when I got to the place. The lady gave me Miriam's four items, two of which were dresses. One was this orangy, long one and the other was a purple number with spaghetti straps. I was thinking, man, I gotta walk home with this? The total for two dresses and two blouses was $57. That place is a rip-off of enormous proportions. Do not go to the on-campus dry cleaners.
While I was in the Village, I also open up a membership at the video store. They have this one-time membership "activation fee" of $4. What the hell is that? Most video places these days have free memberships. Anyways, one of the things I wanted to do this holiday was to catch up on movies. I rented Terminator 3 : Rise of the Machines. Compared to T2, it wasn't an epic movie by any stretch of the imagination. I found T3 to be a tight, compact action movie that didn't seem long at all. Was it bad? No, but I enjoyed the previous movie much better. I did enjoy the end though, where for once, I was pleased that I was left with more questions than answers.
In other news, I'm really enjoying these Christmas lights that I bought. How can you not get into the holiday spirit with them? Along the entire southwestern side of SJC, I am the only resident to have Christmas lights in my window. This side also faces Southwest Marine Dr., so there's a steady stream of traffic that sees my lights. This portion of the road is practically unlit, so my lights are the only thing they see for quite a distance.
I have a few more things to do before bedtime, so I'll end this post here.
posted by Erwin |
2:21 AM
Sunday, December 21, 2003
Every year, UBC publishes a report on the various offences that students commit and the resulting discipline. It's always an interesting read. I linked to it last year and this year's report has been released. Here's the most interesting entry from the last academic year:
4. A graduate requested to have his/her degree, which was conferred many years earlier, rescinded by the University, due to an academic misconduct he/she committed. In particular, as a student he/she submitted someone else’s essay as his/her own material in a course.
Discipline: A mark of zero in the course, with transcript being amended accordingly, and a suspension of the degree until the course, or an equivalent, is successfully completed.
Wow, they got away with this, received their degree, yet decided to come clean, years later. I guess they wanted to have a clean conscience. Notice that the university will reinstate their degree once they honestly complete the course in question.
The rest of the report can be found here. Thanks goes out to Kirsten for reminding me of the report.
posted by Erwin |
10:41 PM
Spank my ass and call me Sally! RALLAN has finally updated his web site.
Though it says the corporate site is 98% complete, I'm a bit skeptical still. He's teased us before and let us down.
posted by Erwin |
3:46 AM