Saturday, January 03, 2004
I took advantage of a boxing day sale and purchased a much needed second hard drive for my system. It's 40 Gb, not the biggest drive on the market, but it's four times more than I have now.
I'm going to install it as a slave and not the one I boot off of. I'm hoping that will make the installation easier and faster. You can never be too sure of things when it comes to computers, so if you don't hear from me soon, you'll know why. I'll be archiving some important files right now and then I'll put in the new drive.
I'll see you guys on the other side.
posted by Erwin |
5:23 PM
Thursday, January 01, 2004
I saw this over at The Onion. I suppose it's funny for movie geeks only, but hey, I got a laugh out of it. Here's my favourite part from it:
"Tyler's got very specific tastes," Bernie said. "He told us he likes those foreign films. What did he call it? The Criterion Collection. Well, Hannah and I tried to find those, but they didn't have them at Target. We sure didn't want what happened with the wizard movie to happen again."
posted by Erwin |
11:00 AM
Geez, this manual posting really is not the way to do things. Anyways, until I get things figured out, this will have to do. Ok, so I managed to get part one of my Halloween photos up. With a digital camera, I had a lot more photos compared to last year, so I've split them up into two parts. The second set should be done tomorrow.
Until then, please take a look at part one of Halloween 2003 at St. John's College.
posted by Erwin |
10:00 AM
Yep, we're having some serious problems here. I am writing directly to my blogger file, which isn't the best way to post. Some of you don't know this, but I have made a pop-up window appear which explains the current situation. Unfortunately, a lot of you have pop-up blockers on. I don't blame you.
Ok, so here's the current situation, I can't write to my blog (in the correct way), however, all other methods of updating are available and my e-mail is working again. Of course, since you're reading this, my web server is back up again.
Sometime tonight, I should have my photos from Halloween up. Check back later. Sorry for the mess.
posted by Erwin |
9:00 AM
Wednesday, December 31, 2003 RELOADED
Sometime after the night of the 28th, the machine that handles my web site and e-mail stopped working. It just slowed to a crawl and died. With it being the holidays, it took me several days to contact the right person to get the machine re-started.
For those two days, I had no access to my e-mail nor could I access or change my site. That also meant that no one else could visit my site either. Some of you might have noticed this.
While this was going on, I decided that I'm going to do what blogger does. They maintain a separate server, purely for updating people on the status of the main blogger service. So when the main blogger servers go down, the status server still is running to tell people what's going on and how long it'll be before everything is back to normal.
I decided to go the quick and easy route and used a geocities server. So, if you ever come here and things are screwy, go to to find out what's up.
posted by Erwin |
11:03 AM
Sunday, December 28, 2003
The only reason I stayed at my parents' place today was to be near a Silvercity Theatre so I could watch The Return of the King.
I even deliberately cut back on my (hot) water consumption so that I didn't need to run off to the washroom somewhere around the three hour mark. You know you're partaking in an event movie when you arrive at the theatre around 2pm and don't leave it until 6:30pm.
So what can I say about Return of the King that hasn't been said or written already? Yes, it is a grand epic of a movie. It stands as a brilliant conclusion to what maybe the greatest movie trilogy in cinematic history. As I reflect upon what Peter Jackson has done, I cannot help but gaze wistfully as what Mr. Lucas has done with his prequels thus far. You could argue that Jackson already had excellent material to begin with, but there were many, many places he could have faltered. His successful marriage of CGI and story should be applauded. I wonder if George sometimes sits back the Ranch and thinks to himself, "...that's what I wanted to do..."
I've read a lot of complaints about the many ending to Return of the King, but I can't say I agree with them. With such a large ensemble cast, I think we were owed more than just a hasty end. In fact, I would have liked to have seen more of what happened to Aragorn, Arwen, Gimli, and Legolas. At least I can refer to the literature for this.
So, with the movie done, I was all ready to return to SJC and get some stuff done. I feel really lethargic when I'm at my parents' place, like time is passing me by and I'm wasting it. Well, my parents bought a whole bunch of Costco stuff and I need a car to move that stuff. My parents were going out for the evening, so I was just going to drive everything back myself, drop the car off, and take the bus back to UBC. Yeah, a pain in the ass, but at least I'd be there for all day Sunday.
I get ready to leave, and I look in the garage. My parents have taken the car with all the Costco stuff in the trunk! So I was stuck here tonight with nothing to do but watch the Canucks stink up the joint. So my return will have to wait an extra night.
posted by Erwin |
3:23 AM