Saturday, January 24, 2004
I have a new pet peeve that is annoying. It kinda started last year but I've seen enough of it to raise it to the status of "pet peeve".
Last year, I took an undergrad com sci course. Part of the course tools was an on-line discussion board. It's a useful place to post questions, discuss homework, and communicate with classmates and the lecturer.
More than once, students were referring to the lecturer as "Proff. SoAndSo". This went on several times through the semester and more than one student did it. Let me point out what's wrong with calling the lecturer Proff.
First, the formal abbreviation (at least to me) of Professor is Prof. Where the hell one gets an extra "F" is beyond me. Proff.??? That's just plain stupid. It makes CS students look dumb.
Second, it is completely wrong to assume a lecturer has the status of a Professor. I don't think I'm the most anal person in the world, but sometimes you have to understand that certain segments of life consist of hierarchies. If you choose to live in the academic segment you should be aware of what that hierarchy is. Not everyone that teaches a class is a "Professor". Like any organization, the academic department of any faculty divides their teaching staff into ranks. At the bottom usually are the lecturers, sessionals, or instructors. These people may or may not have job security, are paid less, and may not have a Ph.D. Next up are associate and assistant professors. These people almost always hold a doctorate, are paid more, have job security (usually tenure track), have money to work with, and have power within the department. Next up are full-fledged professors. These people always hold a Ph.D, are making the big bucks (for academics at least), have bigger sums of research money, have a lot of clout, and have been recognized for their academic excellence. If you're an academic, you've done quite good if you can reach this level.
For a student to call any old lecturer or instructor a professor would be like calling a middle manager the CEO or the Chairman of the Board. You can be wrong. A person teaching a class is lecturer, because hey, that's what he or she is doing... lecturing. You can't go wrong with that. If you want to afford them a little more respect, you can refer to them based on their education level. If they hold a Ph.D, call them Dr. They have earned that right. If they only have an undergraduate degree or a Masters degree, a Mr. or Ms. is your only option. They are only a professor if they hold that title.
I've only been instructed by people holding Ph.Ds, so I've refered to them as Dr. SoAndSo when speaking to them or referring to them specifically. I might say, "I have this professor who gives easy exams...", but only if I knew they held that rank, otherwise, I might say, "I have this instructor or lecturer..."
In all my years at school, I've actually never heard anyone say out loud, "Professor..." I think that's the realm of movies and TV.
So there you go, another little thing that bugs me as I grow older.
posted by Erwin |
2:40 AM
Friday, January 23, 2004
Adam, remind me to be around you more when you're drunk. That's entertainment.
Hey, have you ever seen someone who's so messy eating watermelon you had to put a tarp down? Yeah, I haven't either.
posted by Erwin |
12:41 AM
Wednesday, January 21, 2004
I actually made it in time for breakfast this morning. Yeah, amazing, I know. Wait, it gets better though. I went to a meeting and came back before breakfast! That's the most I've done in a morning in a long, long time.
I think I'm going to take the rest of the day off.
posted by Erwin |
9:53 AM
Tuesdays are my bad days for this term. I'm in class for about 4.5 hours and I wake up at 8:30am. That's early for me. I don't come home until around 6:30pm and by then I'm usually starving. I was today.
After dinner tonight, I felt beat. I was really tired. It was the kind of day that made me want to be done with school. Next thing I knew, it was already 8pm. Despite having a lot of work to do and being exhausted, I managed to bake some cookies. I did the rounds of delivered them to some fellow residents. No one is unhappy to see a person bearing a fresh batch of cookies.
With that done, I managed to get some work done. I even made a breakthrough on this assignment I'm working on. If I had an extra hour or so tonight, I'd probably be done almost all of it. I had to stop though. Why? I have to be up at 8am to be at this weekly lab meeting. It's going to suck getting up tomorrow morning.
You might be asking why I'm writing here given I should probably be in bed. Well, it's because you can't spend all day doing things for other people and not do a single thing for yourself. I like writing here, so if this is the last thing I do tonight before I go to bed, I'll go to sleep at least somewhat content.
And with that, I'll leave you with a "person on the street" type story. Enjoy!
posted by Erwin |
2:16 AM
Tuesday, January 20, 2004
Assignments leave you with almost no time to write to blogs.
posted by Erwin |
2:03 PM
Monday, January 19, 2004
I spent most of my Sunday evening wondering what the hell was wrong with my code that I'm writing for an assignment. The prof gave us some starter code to get us going. I just need to extend it and increase the functionality. It took me several hours before I discovered there wasn't anything wrong with my code, but the starter code was buggy to begin with. I then spent more time trying to debug it, which isn't even my responsibility since it was supposed to be working in the first place. All this means I'm no further ahead in my assignment than I was at the start of the evening. Oh well.
Anyways, if you're like me, you find great pleasure in the most simple and free things in life. One of those things is watching movie trailers on the Internet. When I was a kid, the only place you could see full-length trailers was in the theatres. You couldn't download them, burn them onto a CD, e-mail them to your friends, or put them up for Kazaa. Instead, you had to go to local Singlo-plex (tm), pay your $4.25, buy popcorn (no Burger King!), and watch the trailers. If you were extremely lucky, you might even have a theatre where they had Dolby Stereo (tm), meaning they had two, count them, two speakers out front where the sound would come out of.
Nowadays, you can practically be a movie expert without even going to the movies. All you need to do is have a computer connected to the Internet.
A simple joy for me is to just watch a two minute trailer of a movie I might want to see.
So... what trailers have come out recently that I've liked....
Well, there's Van Helsing, which is based on the literary character from the mind of Bram Stoker. I like Hugh Jackman and I think he'll be able to pull this off. I also like the appeal of a character that fights supernatural evil. Creepy.
After all this talk, I finally saw the trailer for Jersey Girl. With the maelstrom of gossip surrounding Bennifer, you'd think this movie was Gigli 2. Much to my pleasant surprise, the movie only has J.Lo in it for a short time, the main female lead is Liv Tyler, who is an actress I like a million times more. From Clerks on in, I've enjoyed all of Kevin Smith's movies. Let's hope his movie survives the gossip.
Now, for some strange reason that I can't put my finger on, I thought the trailer for Ella Enchanted was pretty good. Maybe I was hungry at the time or something. Anyways, it kinda made me think if I had to go see it, it wouldn't be a bad thing. Though, I wouldn't go alone... or with another guy... possibly with a female though... that wasn't my mom... or my sister...
posted by Erwin |
2:43 AM
Sunday, January 18, 2004
Yeah, I know you want something new to read for the evening, but I got some work to do. I'll be back later with a new entry. No promises that it'll be fun to read though.
posted by Erwin |
9:48 PM