Saturday, April 24, 2004
Several months ago, I wrote that I really enjoyed the trailer for 13 Going On 30. I was predicting that I would unlikely get anyone to go with me, especially any of my guys friends.
Well, tonight, my good friends Rhonda, Sarah, Kristina, and Bryan came along to see 13 Going On 30 with me. What good buddies they are.
The theatre population was skewed towards the female persuasion. Rhonda pointed out the only other guys there were on dates. It would have been really weird to see a group of guys there by themselves.
Anyways, the film was very good. Going in, you might think it would borrow heavily from Big, but it finds it's own unique path and storyline. The whole movie rests squarely on the shoulders of Jennifer Garner. Her energy is what makes the movie work and it is an admirable first-time performance as a leading lady.
Yeah, some of the reviews aren't so good, but who are you going to believe? Some "know-it-all" film critic or me, your good buddy Erwin? Trust me.
posted by Erwin |
1:01 AM
Thursday, April 22, 2004
At 6pm on Thursday, I will have written my last exam for the term. My immediate "to do" list is as follows:
1. eat dinner - done!
2. shave - done!
3. wash my dishes - done!
4. iron some clothes - done (I even ironed a skirt, not mine)!
5. consume a cocktail or perhaps even a highball - done!
posted by Erwin |
2:28 AM
Wednesday, April 21, 2004
Every once in a while, someone asks me how popular this dog and pony show of a web site is. Usually, they ask me how many visitors I get a day. I don't have an answer since I never process my log file to find out. Last night, I decided to process a 29 Mb traffic log file to see how things were going. The generated report was pretty interesting.
I'll give you the general results here. The log tracked visits for nearly a year, about 330 days. Here's an excerpt:
Analysed requests from Wed-28-May-2003 11:09 to Wed-21-Apr-2004 01:46 (328.61 days).
(Figures in parentheses refer to the 7-day period ending 21-Apr-2004 02:20).
Successful requests: 302,274 (5,758)
Average successful requests per day: 919 (822)
Successful requests for pages: 88,804 (1,922)
Average successful requests for pages per day: 270 (274)
Failed requests: 40 (0)
Redirected requests: 1,798 (26)
Distinct files requested: 2,401 (1,181)
Distinct hosts served: 12,364 (771)
Corrupt logfile lines: 3
Data transferred: 8.628 gigabytes (208.681 megabytes)
Average data transferred per day: 26.887 megabytes (29.811 megabytes)
There are several items to note. First, my site receives nearly a thousand requests a day for files. That's pretty amazing considering no one knew this site three years ago. In terms of just plain HTML pages, I average about 270-275 requests a day for those. Again, pretty good in my books. Lastly, over the last seven days, 771 unique computers came looking at my site. That's over 110 unique visitors per day in the last week. So, there's your answer.
posted by Erwin |
6:04 PM
Tuesday, April 20, 2004
The following anecdote is neither interesting or funny, but it's all I got right now.
So last Friday, I got the pleasure of invigilating a super long exam. I showed up twenty minutes before the exam started, like you're supposed to. That made it around 11:40am. The profs arrive and we distribute the exams. The venue is the SRC which is a nice gym by the SUB. The exams are spaced out on these tables by every other row and every other column. The separation is incredible, I don't even need to be here to make sure no one cheats.
At noon, the students are let in. They're all mechs. I gotta say, compared to all the other engineering disciplines, mechs are one of least nerdy. There are certainly more women in mech compared to when I was in undergrad.
As the students get settled, the profs give out directions. It's 12:15pm at this point. They're going to give the students 15 minutes to just read over the exams and ask questions. I've never seen that before.
Exam questions are read and student questions are asked. I spend the 15 minutes scurrying around and pointing out to the profs which students have their hands up. With over 100 students and only two profs to answer questions, it takes some coordination.
The exam starts in earnest at 12:30pm. I'll be there until 3pm. Yikes. Lucky I brought some reading material. I take a chair and sit down at the back of the gym. I read for a bit, get chilly, go take a leak, and do some more reading.
At 2:30pm some fresh-faced, cherubic student in sweats enters the room at the back of the gym. He looks around and walks towards me.
"Is this Poly Sci 101?"
"No, this is MECH 351. Where's your exam supposed to be?"
"SRC C, but it's empty."
"When's your exam?"
"2:30pm? That's a weird time. Exams are only supposed to be at 8:30am, 12pm, and 3:30pm."
He looks at me with apprehension and leaves the gym. I look at him go with sympathy. I hope to hell he didn't misread 12pm for 2:30pm. Missing a final exam is one of the worst fears any student has.
My exam ends shortly after. Papers are collected and I'm set free. When I get home, just out of curiousity I checked the exam time for POLI 101. It is indeed for 3:30pm. I just hope he didn't go home.
posted by Erwin |
11:47 PM
Monday, April 19, 2004
Well, it's the end of the second period and the Flames are up a goal. They have the game in the bag. It's all over. Statistically speaking the Canucks don't do too well when going into the third trailing. They've played poorly in this series when didn't score the first goal. Hell, you might even say they played poorly even when they did have the lead.
They did a good job to win game six, but as I wrote before, it would be a shame if they came up short in game seven. It will be a long summer for the Canucks. If I can see one positive out of this is that I won't have to spend every other night glued to the TV. Studying, here I come!
posted by Erwin |
9:26 PM
So how many blogs do you read that are written by people who are worth over a billion dollars? Probably not many.
For one, how many billionaires are there? In comparison to the rest of the population, not many. Of those who are billionaires, how many of them even know what a blog is? Again, even fewer. Most billionaires are probably older, having accumulated their fortune over time. Rich or not, old folks usually don't take to computers too well. Of those billionaires who even know what a blog is, how many of them have time to blog? We dwindle that number down even further.
The only super rich dude I know that blogs is Mark Cuban. Self-made billionaire and outspoken owner of the Dallas Mavericks, Cuban writes a pretty good blog. His Blog Maverick is quite popular, with posts receiving over 100 comments at times.
Now his blog would suck if he just wrote about the mansion he bought today or how he had to fire 5000 people so that he could still make a profit, but luckily he doesn't do that. Actually, I've heard he only owns one mansion and he'd probably take a pay cut before firing 5000 people. Anyways.
One of his recent posts was a great read. He thought poorly of Donald Trump's comments about him in a paper, so he offered a good rebuttal.
If anything, you should read his blog because he sometimes gives out stock tips. Remember, he's worth a billion dollars.
posted by Erwin |
12:12 AM
Sunday, April 18, 2004
My vow of not watching game six lasted three periods. A friend and I went to a BBQ for dinner earlier this evening. Of course, everyone was watching the game. I just sat there and chatted with the people who weren't that into hockey. It was actually kinda nice not needing to hang on every play of the game.
We left the BBQ somewhere during the third period. When we got back, my friend headed off to do her own thing, and I made the mistake of heading up to the TV room. It was moderately full. I popped in briefly to say hi and left.
I went to my room, turn the game on, and drank water. Calgary soon tied it up. I was dumbfounded. Despite my better judgment, I went back up to the TV room. The third ended and I knew I was in for a tense OT. I told everyone I wasn't going to watch, but I stayed.
By then, it was quite crowded in the room. It was a mix of Canucks fans, Flames fans, and neutral observers. Each type fan was predicting doom for their side. I told everyone the 'Nucks would find a way to lose. Tyson thought his Flames were going to be in trouble. Every rush into the Canucks end I would say, "This is it!".
Three overtimes later, Adam decided he had to go pee. He didn't wait until a stoppage in play, he just went. Phil said someone would probably score while he was gone. Sure enough, while Adam was doing his business, Morrison walked in from the corner and scored. The room erupted in celebration.
Adam came running in several seconds later. The bathrooms are directly under the TV room. He said he was taking a leak when he heard the ceiling shake.
So, there will be a game seven. Anything can happen in a game seven, so there's no way you can say the Canucks have the upper hand. That's why it would suck so bad if the Canucks turned in a poor performance on Monday night. To battle so hard tonight and to stink it up in game seven. It's something that might happen.
This leaves me with a bit of a dilemma. I'm not sure if I'll be watching on Monday night. It'll be so nerve wracking. Who knows. I'll make a game time decision.
posted by Erwin |
1:12 AM