Saturday, September 25, 2004
If you had told me on Monday that on Saturday night, I'd be sharing 100 chicken wings with four other guys, I would have found that statement quite incredible to believe. Here I was tonight though, consuming my fair share of some incredibly delicious breaded chicken wings.
It has been a difficult week. I can't remember in the last two years if I've had a more challenging time. Between dealing with food poisoning that was debilitating and attending classes, I also moved into my apartment in T-Bird. Of course, the effects of the food poisoning overshadowed everything this week. For several days, I was confined to my bed, waiting for the painful cramps that would occur with a frequency of as little as five minutes apart.
Today was the first day that I felt someone recovered. Fatigue is something I am still trying to get over. I get tired more easily now. Simple exertion now causes me to break out into a sweat. My pants are very loose on me now.
With my recovery on the way, I am looking forward to getting settled. I work best when I feel comfortable in my setting. I need to clean my place. UBC Housekeeping is a joke. While I didn't find a dead body in my tub, there are some glaring areas where some work is needed. My bathroom needs a once over. Among over things, there's some strange orange mildew growing on my tub ceiling. In my oven, there's an odd crystalline patch on one of the walls.
I wonder if I'll ever getting everything unpacked into it's proper place. So much of my stuff isn't even here. I still have a few boxes over at SJC. Hell, my microwave and toaster oven are still SJC.
Ok, I have to go put together the rest of my cabinet before fatigue overtakes me again. More soon.
posted by Erwin |
11:02 PM
Thursday, September 23, 2004
I'm tired, so I'll keep this short. Tonight will be my first night here at T-Bird. Most of my stuff is everywhere, still packed away. I have three pieces of Ikea furniture to put together. Earlier in the day, I went saw a doctor about my illness. She said it was almost certainly food poisoning. I've had food poisoning before, but by the spice mines of Kessel, I've never felt anything like this before. It's turned my whole purpose in life into cramping and pooping.
She gave me the okay to take Imodium. Now you might be wondering why I didn't take that from day one. Well, that's because a few years ago, I saw this medical detective show on TV. It featured the story of a young boy who came down with food poisoning by eating improperly cooked ground beef. He got sick and his parents at first gave him anti-poop medicine. It turns out that made it even worse. He was eventually hospitalized and just when it seemed things were getting better, he developed a hole in his intestinal tract. This led to an infection that nearly killed him. While he survived, his immune system now operates at a much reduced capacity. A simple piece of hamburger will haunt him for the rest of his life.
Well, with that in the back of my mind, I waited for the doc to give me the green light. I started taking the Imodium in the late afternoon. It certainly has helped, but it hasn't eliminated the problem yet. Now, instead of knowing I'll definitely have to go every five minutes, it's now only a possibility I'll have to go every five minutes. I'm not out of the woods yet.
Alright, I gotta get some rest. If you see me on-campus and I walk right by you, pray that I make it to the can on-time.
posted by Erwin |
1:05 AM
Monday, September 20, 2004
For more than a month, I'd be looking forward to this day as it is my move-in date for new T-Bird apartment. I will not, however, be spending the night on-campus. My head was pounding all night and I got very little rest. When it was time to get up for school, I just leaned against the bathroom counter for five minutes. I caught myself breathing heavily as if I had just sprinted. I felt awful.
I am pretty sure I have the stomach flu. I feel this virus wants to knock me on my ass and then some. If the constant head throbbing and muscle aches weren't enough, I can't seem to retain any food. It goes through me like a greased pig on a Slip 'N Slide. I have to be near a bathroom at all times now.
Somehow, I mustered the strength to get to school. In hindsight, I probably should have stayed home. I made it through three hours of class, where somehow, I closed off my "leaky valve". After class, I did pick up my keys nonetheless. I have seen my new place. I'm not sure if it's fair to comment on it now, since all I can concentrate on is not pooping every five minutes. I'll take some digital photos when I have the time and energy.
I so thankful that my father came to pick me up from school. That reminds of me of line from Conan 'O Brien, "which one of these buttons calls your parents to pick you up?" My dad also loaded up the car with some stuff, so we moved a few things in. I was winded just after a few boxes. We then drove home.
I am going to spend the night here at my parents and I'm not even sure if I'll be moving in for real tomorrow. I'm going to take this day by day.
posted by Erwin |
7:29 PM
Sunday, September 19, 2004
Tomorrow I take possession of my apartment on-campus. It will signal the end of a difficult three week period when I spent on average 12-15 hours a week using transit. It seems however, fate is not without a sense of the dramatic.
Do you remember the end of Star Trek II : The Wrath of Khan? Kirk had finally outwitted Khan. As Khan's crippled ship drifted and Khan himself was dying, he ignored Enterprise's demands to surrender. Instead, he armed the Genesis device which threatened to blow himself and the Enterprise with him. Kirk realizes this and immediately turns the Enterprise around to get away, but without warp capability they won't make it. In a classic scene, Khan mutters the line, "No... You can't get away... From hell's heart I stab at thee..."
Fate is Khan and I am the Enterprise. After three weeks of commuting, I avoided nearly everything that could go wrong. I wasn't late for class a single time. I didn't get diarrhea on the bus. None of my buses were late nor did they break down. I missed a stabbing incident at the Lougheed Skytrain station by less than 30 minutes. I managed to avoid catching an illness from all those unwashed commuters.... oh wait , what's this?
Sometime this afternoon, I felt every muscle in my body ache and sing out that they were sore. Granted I did play hockey for the first time in three weeks yesterday, but these were the aches and pains that you feel when you're about to be knocked on your ass by something. I don't know what this is going to be, a cold, a flu? Who the hell knows. I do know that I just want to drink warm fluids and lie down. However, in between reading for my classes, an assignment, and packing the remainder of my stuff, I won't be able to rest. I hope I'll be in a half-decent condition to move tomorrow.
Incidently, the last line before Khan dies is, "For hate's sake... I spit my last breath at thee!" The only question that remains is, do I have a Spock who will save the day?
posted by Erwin |
7:38 PM