Saturday, October 16, 2004
Today, for the first time ever, a scheduled ball hockey game at SJC was cancelled due to the lack of players. Since I sent out the very first e-mail in November of 2003, we've played a game every Saturday not including holidays and special occasions. Until today, if an e-mail was sent out, we played on Saturday.
When I showed up this afternoon, it was only myself, Joel, and Darryl. Not enough for a game. Part of the reason was that one guy had his out of town girlfriend come visit and another guy decided to go play golf. The main reason though? Too many of the guys that supported hockey week in and week out have moved away. I'm talking about guys like Phil, Pat, Jamil, and Aseem. They, like me, looked forward to hockey every week. They all knew it was for fun, but they also knew if you weren't serious about showing up, it would be less fun for others.
Sure they are some holdovers from last year and there are some new residents who seem to be keen on playing, but it's the old crew that I knew I could depend on. I understand that people are busy, but it was good to know that at every Saturday at 3pm, I could knew I could have some fun with my friends.
As I was walking home, I was disappointed, but I realized that I missed more than just their presence at hockey today, I missed them as friends. That we had to cancel hockey today just highlighted that fact. When you apply to SJC, read through the promo material, you get a sense of the community that exists there. You're encouraged to make friends. But what no one prepares you for is when all these friends move away. There's no pamphlet for that.
So, I came home early today, put away my sweat-free equipment and my unopened water bottle. I guess at least I have some extra time to do work.
posted by Erwin |
3:31 PM
Thursday, October 14, 2004
So, do you walk by the Hennings Building at UBC regularly? Do you know that's the physics building? Are you like me, do you wonder why there's a guy outside on a bench on a hunger strike?
Well, wonder no more... sorta... read this odd explanation.
posted by Erwin |
11:35 PM
Wednesday, October 13, 2004
I saw this over at Fark, but I thought I'd post it here too. K-Y is giving away a free bottle of their warming ultra-gel to US residents. According to their web site, this gel: creates a gentle warming sensation on contact, helps enhance intimacy, and is smooth, non-messy.
While this offer doesn't help any Canadian residents, it might be useful for some our US readers. Dana and Carolyn, I'm looking in your direction.
Click here for this totally unbelievable offer.
posted by Erwin |
3:48 PM
Tuesday, October 12, 2004
"Alright Rupert, why don't you turn around and show Allison your bulge."
posted by Erwin |
11:53 PM
I spent half of Sunday and half of Monday at my parents' place out in Port Moody. Before dinner on Sunday night, I hit Wal-Mart to get some things. I know I've campaigned against Wal-Mart before (mainly about its less than classy patrons) but one thing I could never argue against are their low, low prices. Everything is so cheap at Wal-Mart. During the week, I bought a toothbrush and some toothpaste at the drug store. I saw the same items for nearly half the price at Wal-Mart. Even though I had already bought said items earlier, I had to buy them again at Wal-Mart. It was too good to resist.
I also picked up an ironing board and broom (with dustpan!). The ironing board will allow me to do away with wrinkles in the privacy of my own apartment now. The broom is for my kitchen area and entryway which is surrounded by linoleum.
Thanksgiving dinner was pretty good. I didn't get food poisoning from my Mom's cooking, which is the most you can ask for. Tee-hee. Seriously though, there were enough leftovers for me to take home. After dinner, my sister took off with her boyfriend and my parents went to play mahjong. This left me with a perfect opportunity to study, which I promptly threw away by wasting most of the evening.
On Monday, I had dim sum with my parents before heading back to my apartment on campus. I immediately put my broom and dustpan to good use. I sweep the whole downstairs floor, picking up all manner of dirt and crap. All I need to do is to Swiffer it.
I also brought home Picky, my fish, from my parents' home. I was half expecting him to be dead, but somehow he made it through the three weeks away from me. I put him on top of my bookshelf, where I hope he can find happiness and fulfillment once again. Don't tell anyone this, but I left a whole package of frozen blood worms in one of the freezers at SJC. I'm going to try to pick it up sometime this week. Picky loves eating those.
Well, I'm going to try to be productive again. Later.
posted by Erwin |
1:22 AM