Tuesday, March 15, 2005  


So I have this wedding dinner thing to go to tonight. Remember my friend Stephen? Yeah, he got married last week in Hawaii. He's back in town now and this dinner is a chance for all his Vancouver friends to celebrate his nuptials. Dinner is for sure gratis and I think I heard it's an open bar as well. The evening will take place on some Greek restaurant on Davie Street (no, not Stephos, another place).

This all seems fine and dandy except for the fact that I'm still sick. I've entered the coughing phase of my illness. You know the phase, where people on the bus don't want to sit next to you because it sounds like you're going to cough up a lung. Yeah, that one. I'd really like to go because I haven't seen Stephen in person in years and this is his wedding after all. I've never even met his bride before. On the other hand, I don't want to be sitting in a corner all by myself interrupting all the speeches with my coughing. True love is... *cough* hard to find... *hack* I thought I had true love...

I'd also hate to realize that after half an hour of being there, I was feeling miserable and just wanted to go home to my bed. How would I explain that to Stephen? Hey thanks for the lamb, but I gotta get going...

And what about the wedding gift? They've registered at The Bay and I was planning on buying a gift certificate online for them. I still haven't done it yet. Should I buy them a gift even if I don't go to the dinner? I'm leaning towards it since Stephen has been so helpful with restarting my server all these months.

Hopefully, I'll be better tomorrow, but I'm not planning on it. It usually takes several days for my cough to subside. Well, I'm off to take some Dimetapp cold medicine. That stuff knocks me out like crazy! I'll be lucky to be awake by 1pm tomorrow.


posted by Erwin | 1:52 AM
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