Monday, June 27, 2005  


I arrived at work today with supreme confidence that I wouldn't have to work OT in the evening. I was wrong of course, but hey, at least I got to eat Stephos for dinner, and I didn't even have to lineup!

Yep, my first milestone day as a real video game developer. Save for a couple of scary moments before 6pm, I actually got my stuff ready to go and checked in at relatively decent time. It's just that when everyone is checking their code in all at once, things tend to break. I actually didn't do a lot of work past 6pm, I was just waiting around to see if anyone needed my help. No one did and so finally I got the ok to head on home around 8:45pm.

I arrived home just in time to see a beautiful sunset on campus. It was gorgeous as any sunset on Cloud City. The way the sky was tinged with red and pink, it was enough to convince me and Ponyboy both to stay gold.

I know this is my 5 millionth proclaimation, but I swear I'm not going to work a single day of OT for the rest of the week. There's no need for it with the next milestone date being more than three weeks away.

And for the people who I played croquet with yesterday, yes, that was the largest crystal meth lab in the history of this city that we walked by yesterday.

Well, I'm tired, time to wash off all the OT and get to bed.


posted by Erwin | 10:14 PM
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