Sunday, June 19, 2005

After surviving my first week of work, I decided it was time to decorate my work area. If you've ever had the chance to look inside the offices of a game development company, it's likely you'll see all manner of toys and playthings around people's desks. It's very much a different office environment compared to the suit and tie days of old. There's no formal dress code and people are encouraged to be creative.
Today, I found myself near Toys 'R Us and decided to pop in to take a look. For a long time now, I've had my eye on the Star Wars Unleashed series of figures. In particular, check out the Darth Maul one.
They didn't have many of the figures, but they did have one that I liked, the Obi-Wan Kenobi figure from the 2003 set. I think he'll look great on my desk.
posted by Erwin |
1:06 AM