Saturday, July 09, 2005
 On your first day of work at Digital Eclipse, you're given a short questionnaire to fill out. One of the questions they ask is what do you see yourself doing if you didn't have to work in your current position. Of course, I found this hard to answer since I was so nervous about everything else I had to do on my first day of work.
In the five minutes I had to fill out the entire form, I managed to write something lame down about being a "game show host". The answer is eventually used by a caricature artist to make our name plates to identify who sits where.
I, along with several other new employees, got back our caricatures on Friday. I thought the artist was quite kind to me, giving me a more defined jawline than I could ever have wished for in real life. It looks pretty good.
Upon seeing other caricatures related to Yoda and Darth Vader, I somewhat regretted not answering with something Jedi themed. Nonetheless, the original laminated drawing is now attached to the wall by where my desk is, clearly identifying my mess.
posted by Erwin |
9:13 PM