Wednesday, July 06, 2005
When you run a web site, you're privy to info like how people are getting your site. I search the logs for specific terms like "Google". As you might imagine, I get to see what search terms people are using to find my site.
Once in a while, I'll see spikes in specific search terms that all happen in a particular short period of time. For example, several weeks ago, I noticed I had many hits from people using the term "Angie Harmon" who happens to be an actress who on Law and Order. It was unusual to have so many hits on that term, so I myself used Google News on her. It turned out she had her second child the day before.
And just today, I got two really specific searches from Google from distinct IPs. The terms were as follows: thong, underwear, City TV, news, Vancouver. Hmmm... I'm not a genius but I'm thinking there must have been a City TV Vancouver news story on thong underwear which probably ran on Monday night. I have no idea what that story was since I didn't write about that specific story, but it's interesting to know it's out there.
And in other news, I had beef chow fun for lunch today.
posted by Erwin |
12:16 AM