Saturday, March 12, 2005
In regards to my last post, yep, Daddy is in fact sick. I know that some of my female readers find it creepy when I refer to myself as "Daddy". In my defense, my head hurts and every muscle in my body seems to ache. You know it's bad when just moving the hairs on my head causes sharp pain.
Anyways, if you're like me, you're always in search of cheap entertainment... and what better place than on Internet to look for it!?!?! If you live in Vancouver, you no doubt have seen or read The Georgia Strait, a venerable free newspaper for the arts and entertainment scene in the city. They've recently put online their "I Saw You" section of the classifieds. If you're not familar with this, it's a free ad where people usually try to reconnect with someone they briefly encountered. Did you catch a girl smiling at you on the bus? Were too shy to say anything? This is the place for you to get a potential second chance.
Here are just small selection of ads from this week's paper:
I saw you walking into the DKE frathouse on Wesbrooke. You: thin, blond, black eye, skateboard, trucker hat. Me: blond, tall, eyebrow, hiding behind bushes. We exchanged a glance which I found meaningful. I will be standing by the Dance Dance Revolution at the SUB Arcade on Saturday Night at 11 pm. I would love to start talking to you rather than just seeing you from a distance.
This young "lady" clearly has a case of the "bad boy" syndrome. Not only is she after a frat boy, he's a frat boy with a black eye. A black eye no doubt gained while living the "bad boy" lifestyle. I wasn't even sure frat boys were capable of meaningful glances. I'm almost tempted to be at the SUB arcade tonight just to see what happens.
Here's another one:
I CAFE, VANCOUVER, Wed. March 02,05.
You- hot asian lady with asian friend sitting in the booth in front of us. Me- tall guy sitting with asian ladyfriend. We exchanged several glances & smiles. Being the shy type I missed the opportunity to meet you. Wishing to meet you some day soon.
Asian, asian, asian! Let me guess, the tall guy is in Asian Studies at UBC right? I know, I know... low blow, but hey, I call 'em the way I see 'em.
Last one:
Feb 24th Outside UBC Hospital.
Me; making strange sounds, unable to breathe, and tears streaming down my face. You; tall Asian guy who carried my bag and blond girl who carried my weight. Thank you both. I was really struggling/afraid and you guys really helped. With gratitude, Louise
Finally, it's not all about random hookups. Sometimes people just want to give thanks when they couldn't the first time around.
If you want to see the rest, click here.
posted by Erwin |
2:50 AM
Friday, March 11, 2005
Either I have allergies now or I'm about to get sick. Last evening, I came home and spontaneously just had a problem with my throat. It felt like a small piece of food had gone down the wrong pipe, you know when you cough uncontrollably when your pork rind tries to go down your lung. Except with me, it was an extremely mild form of this. It only felt like there was something there and the reflex wasn't strong enough to make me automatically cough. My body was kind like, "You might wanna cough a bit, we're not too sure what's happening there... hey is that The Daily Show?"
When I woke up this morning, I felt fine again. This evening though, I felt a distinct tickle in the back of my throat, you know, the usual cursor before a cold comes on. I've had this feeling before though, and sometimes nothing happens. Perhaps it's just allergies as well, my eyes itch like a mofo right now.
Wow, what a post. Here are some more random pictures from the last room crawl.

posted by Erwin |
1:45 AM
Thursday, March 10, 2005
So here's the story, I tossed and turned last night until well after 6am. It was probably the worst case of insomnia I've had in a long time. I had a little bit of Coke to drink at 9pm, but I've had way more before at even later times and had no problems. I wonder why that was. In any case, I managed to squeeze in a little under 6 hours of sleep. The odd thing is, I don't feel all that tired right now. That actually concerns me. I should be tired.
Anyways, when I was out and about campus today, I did some thinking. I realized that the world don't move to the beat of just one drum. What might be right for you, may not be right for some. Everybody's got a special kind of story, everybody finds a way to shine. It don't matter that you got not alot, so what? They'll have theirs, and you'll have yours, and I'll have mine. And together we'll be fine. Because it takes, more than six hours of sleep to move the world. Yes it does.
posted by Erwin |
4:43 PM
It will only cost you $2.76 for four apple pies at McDonald's.
posted by Erwin |
2:29 AM
Wednesday, March 09, 2005
So I think things are slowly returning to normal here at the offices of We've removed all the water out of the lunch room and sweeping up the last of the glass out by reception. Gosh darn it, good old Jimmy spent all night just putting the mailroom back in shape. I knew I made the right decision when I hired that kid right off the street.
Speaking of mail, all the e-mail that's been accumulating is still trickling into my inbox. I got several e-mails from Saturday just today. If you still don't know what happened, here's the short story: the guy who fixes my server left town to get married and didn't leave a contingency plan. I scrambled for days to get it fixed. It actually took longer because the server went down on Friday night and I couldn't get anyone at the network operations office until Monday. If there's one person I have to thank, it's Roland, who answered my desperate plea for help and got my message to the right people. Thanks once again Roland. And thanks also to Sarah, who let me have a little of her own blog space.
Not having my web site, my blog, and my primary e-mail for three straight days was not a pleasant experience. You can probably guess why the e-mail was so important, but I really missed my blog too. I thought at first it might be nice to take a little blog vacation. Writing one entry a day can be more taxing than you think, especially with the demands of school. I genuinely missed writing stuff. Whether it was an update to the guy that got his testicles ripped off by chimps or the fact I had dinner at Stepho's for the first time on Saturday, I wanted to write about it.
What I did learn from this little episode is to always have a back up plan. In this case, it's in the form of It's easy to remember (I hope) and it's hosted a completely different server. If this site ever goes down, that's where you should go.
Alright, here's to some dependability in the near future.
posted by Erwin |
3:20 AM
Tuesday, March 08, 2005
My server was rebooted about three and a half hours ago. The plan worked! I'm sorry for all the inconvenience. If you were wondering if you missed anything, is a good place to start. I'll be back with more later.
posted by Erwin |
12:56 PM