Saturday, March 19, 2005
I dragged my ass out of the apartment tonight to attend Jeff's farewell dinner. Jeff is leaving SJC and UBC for two years as part of his PhD work. He'll be studying in Japan. Jeff, I know I will miss you. I look forward to a trip to Future Shop sometime down the road.
We went to Sushi Aoki for dinner, which is always an excellent choice for Japanese. Other than being kinda out of it, I was actually alright for most of the evening. That is until sometime after I ate my food, at which point I started to cough nearly uncontrollably. It went on for like an agonizing five to seven minutes. I'm just glad everyone just left me alone to work it out by myself.
After my coughing fit, the waitress took a group photo, which you see above. Despite my thumbs-up, I was not feeling so great. Karen said I looked pale. I prefer to call it being in a state of "conservative bloodflow".
Part of the group then departed to go see a movie. As Karen left she said, "and the next time I saw Erwin, he had a tube down his throat". Wonderful. That left Eddy, Frank, Woba, and myself. I convinced Eddy to drive me to Safeway so I could get some more cough medicine and anal throat lozenges. When we got to the Safeway on 10th, I discovered something amazing. It's actually possible for a hot girl to wear a skirt four inches long and still keep both her ass cheeks covered. If you want more details go ask Frank, Eddy or Woba, this blog is about me after all.
After buying medicine, a sandwich, lozenges, and some caffeine-free Coke, the boys dropped me off at home. I've been trying to study and work ever since. Right now, I can feel my sinuses are just a bit achy, which is usually a sign they're drying up. Hopefully that means my body is beginning to stop producing mucous.
Anyways, let's hope I feel better tomorrow.
posted by Erwin |
1:37 AM
Friday, March 18, 2005
So I've been sick for about a week and I'm getting quite tired of it. I've done less work than I'd liked to have done and don't even start me on the number of social events I've missed out. The fact I tried working all evening while everyone else was spilling green beer should be an indication of how untimely this illness is.
The thing I can't believe is how limited this cold is in terms of symptoms. My nose isn't really all that runny and it sure isn't stuffed up. I don't have pains or headaches. I'm not tired or fatigued. So what's the problem? I've got a cough that's just kicking my ass. Every half hour or so, I get these uncontrollable coughing fits where it feels like my body is trying to cough up an alien that's been breeding in my lungs. In between those fits, I just cough regularly. And here's another weird thing, sometimes my cough is "productive", other times it's just a dry, hacking cough. That makes buying medicine a real treat because I've read you should never suppress a productive cough. Do I buy a cough medicine with a suppressant or an expectorant?
Well, I've had it with this poopy cold. I'm going to see a doctor tomorrow to get some professional advice. I don't care if she prescribes a rectal lozenge, I'm doing whatever it takes to get better.
posted by Erwin |
2:59 AM
Thursday, March 17, 2005
posted by Erwin |
12:28 AM
Wednesday, March 16, 2005
If you haven't, you might want to click here. Pretty cool.
posted by Erwin |
4:25 PM
At first it was my web server, now it's my own computer. I've experienced some spectacular crashes in Windows XP for about the last day and a half. I've seen things happen that I've never even heard of. While I was working on my resume tonight, something happened and this window popped up. It told me a serious error had occurred and that I should hurry up and save all my work because XP was going to reboot in one minute. In the corner there was this countdown until restart. Of course, when the time ran down to zero, my computer anti-climatically just sat there. Apparently, even the restart utility had crashed. I had hit the manual reset button to get things going again.
In other news, I did not go to Stephen's wedding dinner tonight, depriving me a meal of roast lamb, golden potatoes, and rice. I felt tired all day and didn't want to talk to anyone. What kind of guest would I have been? Just some grumpy Gus sitting in the corner, eating his lamb, and sending the children running with his horrendous hacking cough.
Anyways, I'm going to see if I can crash my computer while editing some other important documents. Take care kids!
posted by Erwin |
1:30 AM
Tuesday, March 15, 2005
So I have this wedding dinner thing to go to tonight. Remember my friend Stephen? Yeah, he got married last week in Hawaii. He's back in town now and this dinner is a chance for all his Vancouver friends to celebrate his nuptials. Dinner is for sure gratis and I think I heard it's an open bar as well. The evening will take place on some Greek restaurant on Davie Street (no, not Stephos, another place).
This all seems fine and dandy except for the fact that I'm still sick. I've entered the coughing phase of my illness. You know the phase, where people on the bus don't want to sit next to you because it sounds like you're going to cough up a lung. Yeah, that one. I'd really like to go because I haven't seen Stephen in person in years and this is his wedding after all. I've never even met his bride before. On the other hand, I don't want to be sitting in a corner all by myself interrupting all the speeches with my coughing. True love is... *cough* hard to find... *hack* I thought I had true love...
I'd also hate to realize that after half an hour of being there, I was feeling miserable and just wanted to go home to my bed. How would I explain that to Stephen? Hey thanks for the lamb, but I gotta get going...
And what about the wedding gift? They've registered at The Bay and I was planning on buying a gift certificate online for them. I still haven't done it yet. Should I buy them a gift even if I don't go to the dinner? I'm leaning towards it since Stephen has been so helpful with restarting my server all these months.
Hopefully, I'll be better tomorrow, but I'm not planning on it. It usually takes several days for my cough to subside. Well, I'm off to take some Dimetapp cold medicine. That stuff knocks me out like crazy! I'll be lucky to be awake by 1pm tomorrow.
posted by Erwin |
1:52 AM
Sunday, March 13, 2005
If you're a male around my age, you can count on at least two things being a part of your childhood. That would be Lego and Star Wars. Who hasn't built a multicolored Lego car that you couldn't pull apart after mashing the pieces together too tight? And Star Wars, what needs to be said about the Star Wars? This virginity-preserving world of fantasy has caught the imagination of millions across the globe.
The two have finally come together in video game form in a title aptly named Lego Star Wars: The Video Game. The development of this game has been done quietly, with little or no fanfare from the game media. Only recently, just a couple weeks before the game's release have we heard or seen anything about this game, but boy does it look good.
You can view the trailer here. I must say it's both funny and inspiring to see blocky Lego characters in the Star Wars universe. And the fun doesn't stop there, you can download a demo of the game here. I tried the demo briefly but it keeps crashing. From what I've seen so far, it's a neat little game. Try it yourself!
posted by Erwin |
9:23 PM
All sandwiches should have a bit of mustard, preferably Dijon, in them.
posted by Erwin |
3:54 AM