Saturday, July 09, 2005
 On your first day of work at Digital Eclipse, you're given a short questionnaire to fill out. One of the questions they ask is what do you see yourself doing if you didn't have to work in your current position. Of course, I found this hard to answer since I was so nervous about everything else I had to do on my first day of work.
In the five minutes I had to fill out the entire form, I managed to write something lame down about being a "game show host". The answer is eventually used by a caricature artist to make our name plates to identify who sits where.
I, along with several other new employees, got back our caricatures on Friday. I thought the artist was quite kind to me, giving me a more defined jawline than I could ever have wished for in real life. It looks pretty good.
Upon seeing other caricatures related to Yoda and Darth Vader, I somewhat regretted not answering with something Jedi themed. Nonetheless, the original laminated drawing is now attached to the wall by where my desk is, clearly identifying my mess.
posted by Erwin |
9:13 PM
Friday, July 08, 2005
Toyota is opening up a new manufacturing plant in Ontario. Along with Ontario, many southern U.S. states were attempting to woo Toyota in choosing their respective territories for the site.
According to this CBC report, despite higher subsidies offered by the U.S., Ontario won out because Canadian workers are easier to train with a higher level of literacy and education. Let me supply you with a quote from the story:
"Nissan and Honda have encountered difficulties getting new plants up to full production in recent years in Mississippi and Alabama due to an untrained - and often illiterate - workforce. In Alabama, trainers had to use 'pictorials' to teach some illiterate workers how to use high-tech plant equipment."
Now keep in mind what I just quoted you came from the mind of president of the Automotive Parts Manufacturers' Association, an organization which has the goal of promoting Canadian interests in the auto industry. This actually maybe true but Toyota sure as hell won't say it.
Also keep in mind that along with Nissan and Honda, even Mercedes-Benz has manufacturing facilities in the southern U.S. states. Though this might be the first signs of a new trend towards more educated auto plant workers. Who knows really?
To be honest, this doesn't make southerners look very good at all.
posted by Erwin |
12:14 AM
Thursday, July 07, 2005
I really have nothing to write about tonight. Let's see... um, we're on a new e-mail system now at work. We switched over to Microsoft Exchange today. Yep, we did... yep... My name is in the company address book now. I right-clicked on my name and looked at the properties. Under the title field, it said, "Engineer". It's still very hard to believe that I'm now a software engineer. Remember that old commercial where they deliver the new software engineer his first stack of business cards? He gingerly takes one out, runs his fingers over the raised type, and then violently sniffs the card before putting it away. Well, I didn't do that, but I can relate.
In other work related news, I've had lunch at Connie's Cook House two days in a row now. I had the lemon chicken today. I doubt we'll go again tomorrow, but you never know.
And that brings us to the end of tonight's abbreviated post.
posted by Erwin |
12:32 AM
Wednesday, July 06, 2005
When you run a web site, you're privy to info like how people are getting your site. I search the logs for specific terms like "Google". As you might imagine, I get to see what search terms people are using to find my site.
Once in a while, I'll see spikes in specific search terms that all happen in a particular short period of time. For example, several weeks ago, I noticed I had many hits from people using the term "Angie Harmon" who happens to be an actress who on Law and Order. It was unusual to have so many hits on that term, so I myself used Google News on her. It turned out she had her second child the day before.
And just today, I got two really specific searches from Google from distinct IPs. The terms were as follows: thong, underwear, City TV, news, Vancouver. Hmmm... I'm not a genius but I'm thinking there must have been a City TV Vancouver news story on thong underwear which probably ran on Monday night. I have no idea what that story was since I didn't write about that specific story, but it's interesting to know it's out there.
And in other news, I had beef chow fun for lunch today.
posted by Erwin |
12:16 AM
Tuesday, July 05, 2005
Stand-up comedians are an interesting lot. It's a fascinating occupation with a long history. They have their own lingo, ways of doing things, and superstitions. Some stuff they keep within their own circles, rarely letting the public in on the secret. One such example is "The Aristocrats".
What exactly is the "The Aristocrats"? I actually didn't know until about two months ago. "The Aristocrats" lies somewhere between an inside "joke" and a competition for comedians. The basic premise begins like this: a comedian must start off the joke with a family visiting a talent agent to show off their act. After this, the comedian is free to improvise whatever he or she dream up. The goal is produce the most rude, disgusting, politically incorrect description of the family act. The end is constrained with the family calling the act, "The Aristocrats". It is the common beginning and end that binds every comedian's version together with everyone else's.
Apparently, this little inside joke has been around for decades, passing from one comedian to the next. "The Aristocrats" however, will not be a secret for much longer. Comedians Paul Provenza and Penn Jillette have made an entire movie based on this premise. In his film, they've asked about 100 comedians to give their take on "The Aristocrats". Participants include Drew Carey, Jason Alexander, Lewis Black, Tim Conway, Andy Dick, Carrie Fisher, and many more.
The trailer for "The Aristocrats" can be seen here. Worry not, the trailer contains not even single objectionable syllable, so feel free to view it at work.
What is not safe to view at work is the leaked version of the joke from the South Park guys, Trey Parker and Matt Stone. Not surprisingly, they framed the joke around their most famous creations, the boys from the South Park cartoons. Before I give out the link, I cannot stress how utterly inappropriate this clip is for work environments. There's no nudity, but the words coming out of Cartman's mouth is worse than anything you've probably heard anyone say. I'm serious, if you're a sensitive type of person, it's best you sit this one out. Let me say this again, unless you've got the most liberal work environment in the world, don't view the clip at work. Ok, so here we go...
The South Park take on "The Aristocrats"
As bad as the South Park version is, I've read that among the other versions in the movie, it doesn't even crack the top five in terms of shock. Wow. The Aristocrats opens on August 12, 2005.
posted by Erwin |
12:13 AM
Monday, July 04, 2005
So apparently these long weekends are supposed to mean more when you're a working stiff. I guess I can see that now. Then again, I'm guy that a had long weekend every single weekend last academic term.
While others had grand plans of partying, boozing, and/or camping for the weekend, my biggest goal was to sleep in. I still think I'm feeling the effects of OT week, or as I call it, "my second week on the job". As the weekend draws to a close, I believe I got some rest, but certainly not as much as I could have.
The weekend started early for me, as in Thursday night, where I said goodbye to my friend Nenagh. She'll be the best damn prof in Australia before you can even say "top chick". We'll all miss her. Thanks to Bryan and Sarah for hosting the event. You know, they never tell you at the beginning of grad school that you'll have to say goodbye to all your friends eventually.
I tried my best to sleep in on Friday. I lounged around before playing some tennis in the afternoon. It was supposed to be a guys night out that evening, but Tyson and I wound up going on a "man-date" for dinner. It didn't help that Tyson ordered hot tea for his drink. The waitress was kinda surprised. After our romantic dinner, we tried to see War of the Worlds, but the tickets were almost sold out and Bone had an early morning the next day. We left it for another day. I went home and watched TV shows I had downloaded earlier.
On Saturday, I slept in enough that I was late for brunch with friends at the Rugby Beach Club Grille. Their brunch is surprisingly good and no one wanted to kick us out of the restaurant after we were done eating. After dining, I headed downtown for some shopping. I was on the hunt for casual and tennis shoes. I am now convinced 98% of the athletic shoe market consists of basketball shoes. It was very difficult to find any tennis shoes. I am now leaning towards buying a pair of New Balance cross-trainers.
That evening I made the trek to Riverport with Tyson and Tom to finally see Mr. Katie Holmes and his movie. It was a really well made movie. It was technically flawless. The special effects were top-notch. The way they composited live action with CG elements was amazing. It was hard to tell where real life buildings and streets ended and the striders began.. whoops, I mean the tripods. Anyways, despite the excellent execution of the film making, the movie suffered from the same weakness as the original movie from the 50s... the ending. Now, for people who knew nothing of the original movie or the novel, I can easily see how the ending would have left them absolutely disappointed. Mr. Spielbergo has an easy way out of the jam now, because he can just say he was being faithful to the source material. Bit of trivia for you, the actor that played Cruise's son was born in Nanaimo and once attended UBC as a commerce student.
I'm too tired to write about Sunday, but the highlight of the day by far was having dinner with Woba, Chiming, and Eddy. Those guys are a laugh a sec, thereby making the laugh frequency a stunning 1 Hz.
Tomorrow's work day comes too soon. Until then my friends.
posted by Erwin |
12:14 AM
Sunday, July 03, 2005
On Saturday, I spotted Greg Williams at approximately 12:35pm. He was walking out the front doors of the Regal Beagle located near W. Broadway and Vine. He stopped briefly at the doors to look at a dog and then proceeded towards the patio area. His Dodge Charger was no where to be seen.
posted by Erwin |
12:14 PM