Friday, August 19, 2005
So around 8:30pm I'm sitting in the lead programmer's cubicle. I ask him if I'm needed for anything else before I go home. We've all put in a long day to get everything ready for Monday. Monday is the day we're scheduled to hand over some deliverables to our client. Is it ok for me to say our client is Nokia? Hmm... I'm not sure about that. Anyways, the deliverables consist of a checklist of new features we have to get implemented for our game.
Around 5pm, I'm thinking we're looking pretty good and I may actually go home on time. Well, that was before we realize the latest build of the game is now completely unstable. Even though I'm finished everything I'm responsible for on Monday, I feel like I have to stick around to see why the game is now crashing all over the place. The problem is narrowed down to a few modules none of which I'm written. I continue to stay because I know some of my code needs to be hooked up with my lead's stuff. Because of the instability though, I'm left waiting to for this happen.
Dinner is ordered from some sushi place. I get a bento box and some gyoza. It's not bad but it's the fifth straight dinner I've eaten courtesy of the company. Over dinner my leads tells me there's really no need for me to stay since other people are on the instability problem.
So, back to the cubicle:
ME: "I'm not sure what's more sad, the fact I'm here on a Friday night or that I'm going home to read my Star Wars book"
LEAD: "Geez"
CO-WORKER1: "If you think that's sad, you don't want to hear what I'm going to do when I get home"
ME: "Masturbate?"
CO-WORKER1: "Oh, I don't have to go home to do that"
LEAD: "Tee-hee"
ME: "Tee-hee"
CO-WORKER1: "Tee-hee"
I am really tired now but at least I don't have to come in on the weekend.
posted by Erwin |
11:48 PM
Thursday, August 18, 2005
No time or energy for an entertaining post tonight. Did you know the average person makes about one cup of boogers a day? That's what one web site says. That sure is a lot of nose gold.
posted by Erwin |
1:16 AM
Tuesday, August 16, 2005
So a few weeks ago, I was on the bus returning home some afternoon when we picked up a whole gaggle of kids on some day camp outing. They looked to be about seven or eight years old. Not too old to be obnoxious punks but not too young to be freaked out about being on a bus without their parents. I overheard the following conversation between two boys who sat across the aisle from me:
"I'm bored... tell me a story."
"Ok. Once a upon a time, you were so ugly that everyone died. The end."
I thought that was the best story I'd heard in a long time. It was quite the zinger too. The other boy was too stunned to respond.
I worked my second straight day of OT tonight. Other than my second week of work, I haven't really worked any OT since I started. This latest patch of OT shouldn't last beyond this Friday. Yeah, OT isn't the most fun thing to do but at least they paid for dinner. I had a double leg dinner from Swiss Chalet. You'll be proud of me, I had sauteed mushrooms for my side dish and not fries. And I know this doesn't make up for unpaid OT completely, but take a gander at this e-mail we all got in the office today:
From: Gretchen Sent: Monday, August 15, 2005 10:42 AM Subject: Ice Cream Sundae Birthday Party
Hi Everyone,
We will be celebrating the August birthdays this coming Wednesday at 5pm in the lounge. Ice cream sundae stations will be set up with all the fixings (nuts, whipped cream, cherries, and chocolate sauce).
Be there or be square!
- Gretchen
It's sad how a little bit of ice cream can raise my spirits. Ah well, we're having sundaes on tomorrow!
posted by Erwin |
11:32 PM
Monday, August 15, 2005
The weather here in Vancouver has been quite hot in the last several weeks. Unfortunately, for me, I live in an apartment building that must hold the world record for the ability to retain heat through out the day and night.
For a split-level apartment, I strangely only have two windows that open. The one on the ground floor is large and but opens so wide, anyone can just step through the window and into my living room. Consequently, I have to keep this one closed whenever I'm out. This is too bad since it's this window that seems to let most of the heat escape.
The window in my bedroom upstairs is smaller but I can keep it open all the time, which I do. The down side is that no cool air seems to want to flow through this window. Nevertheless, I keep it open. The curtains for this window are so thick it effectively keeps in all the air when they are over the windows. It takes less than a minute for me to feel the bedroom heating up when they are closed.
Because of this oven I call a bedroom, I try not to do anything that might add to the heat. This means I forgo closing the curtains for even a minute. This can get real interesting when I'm changing clothes or when I step out of the bathroom naked after a shower. Of course, none of this would matter if my window faced nothing, but it faces a whole slew of other apartments. The building I'm in has this open courtyard concept and many apartments face inward towards the courtyard. From my bedroom window, I have a view of no less than I'd say 15 apartments.
I'm so damn lazy and hot, I just change my clothes, get naked, and walk into my bedroom naked, all with my curtains open now. I just don't care anymore. I figure the odds of someone seeing me for during that brief time is still pretty low. Also, it's not like I lounge around naked. The part when I'm naked is only a transitionary stage. Since we're all supposed to be adults, who's going to get offended by a quick flash of wang?
Anyways, I'm tired so I'll end it here. I bet you're all wondering what OVERHEARD ON THE BUS would have been.
posted by Erwin |
9:47 PM
Sunday, August 14, 2005
An idea came to me tonight, which I think will be interesting, not to mention I'll get to heat up my chicken gumbo sooner.
Rather than me make a random post tonight, I'll let you guys decide what you want to read. I have in my mind, three topics that I think might be blog-worthy. Some are more interesting than others and the length of each post will vary.
I'll give you the titles of each potential post and you guys vote for which one you want to read. I'll then write the post up for Monday night. Vote using the comments. I'll probably be working OT on Monday, so don't expect it until late Monday night.
In no particular order, the potential post titles are:
Please, no ballot-stuffing, unless that's your term for choking the chicken.
posted by Erwin |
11:34 PM