Thursday, September 08, 2005
I'm moving out of my on campus apartment this week. Though I didn't get kicked out, I figure it won't be long before UBC figures out I'm not enrolled in any classes. Technically, on the other hand, I am still registered as an unclassified student. I wonder if I should try to get a U-Pass.
Anyways, the question is, where I am moving to? Well, as I like to put it, I've decided to rent out a room with an older couple out in Port Moody. Another way to put it is that I'm staying with my parents for a little while. Man, I almost wanted to vomit writing that. So why in the world would I descend into a living hell? There's only one reason: economics. I'm in debt $13 000. Grad school wasn't cheap. It cost a lot to finance the three year fantasy life I had.
Actually in early August, I applied for and received an offer to move into a studio apartment near W. 7th and Laurel, right by the Rugby Beach Club Grille. It was a nice building with a friendly building manager. They were going to redo the floors and bathroom before I moved in. The apartment building was also next to a park that fronted the waters of False Creek. Beautiful.
I then realized that the rent was $750 a month and I still had to pay off my loans. I was thinking maybe I could do this, so I looked at my finances since I had started working. In the two months or so I had started worked, I had managed to save about $100 a month. My rent at UBC was $841 a month but that included things like utilities, cable, and internet. The other place was $750 without those things. So in the end, I'd have about $100 a month to pay off my loans. If I had taken the apartment, it would have taken ten years to pay off my loans (and that's without interest). Mind you that'd be at my current salary, which I hope to hell won't stay the same over the next ten years.
So the question is, how long do I stay there? The timing is about right because the game I'm working on is entering a critical stage. I'll be working lots of OT in the next two months, so it matters less where I'll be living since I'll be at work anyways. I'm going to take it month by month and see how it goes. The longer I stay, the faster my loans will be paid off. I expect to put about $800-1000 a month towards my debt. If I can't stand it anymore, I leave anytime I want. I'm firm on not staying more than 12 months, in fact, I can't even see myself being there that long. I'm almost certain I'd go nuts by then.
The strange thing is, my sister made the same decision almost a year ago. She came back to live with my parents when she took a pay cut for a job she liked better. I talked at length with my sister about her decision and it helped me a lot to see the reality of what faced me. Sure, it's gonna suck donkey balls but in the long run, I'll be in better shape.
I'm not sure if this a good or bad thing, but my situation is strangely not uncommon. The term "boomerang kid" has been given to people like me who return to the nest. There are articles all over the damn Internet about the phenomenona.
Well, regardless of how many people are in the same boat, I'm not looking forward to this at all. There's going to be some rough patches for sure, but I've got to do the right thing for now. I just wish I could be a stripper or something to pay off my debts just like young women can.
Anyways, my phone number will change by Monday. I'll send out an e-mail soon with my new number. If you don't get it and want to get a hold of me, send me a message.
To finish off this post, here's the best Dick Cheney video I've ever seen.
posted by Erwin |
11:59 PM
Tonight was the first Pit night of the school year and I, along with some other grad students, attempted to be the oldest patrons of the pub. Unfortunately, the lineup was way too long for our patience, so we had to go to Koerner's. The bad news did not stop there, as Koerner's was about as jumping as an old folks home.
Sadly, the highlight of the night was looking into the windows of the new Irving K. Barber Learning Centre and seeing the automated retrieval and storage system for books. There were stacks 100 feet high and probably as long. A sight to behold.
posted by Erwin |
12:17 AM
Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Chat with God now.
posted by Erwin |
12:25 AM
Monday, September 05, 2005
Tomorrow (or today if you're reading this in the morning) is the first day of classes for Winter Session 2005 at UBC. For the first time in three years, I will not be a grad student as a new fall term commences. It's such a weird feeling. It's almost like I've known nothing more than the grad student lifestyle until now.
After a peaceful summer, the campus will be buzzing with activity tomorrow and for many days to come. Even before I'm awake in the morning, there will be students at 8am lectures. When I make my way to the bus loop to go to work, I'm probably going to encounter lots of students going the other way.
I think part of the weirdness stems from the fact I'm still living on campus while all this is happening. I'm not a student anymore yet still immersed in the whole student culture, which to be honest, is fine with me right now.
So while thousands of students get back into the academic life tomorrow, it'll be just another day at work for me. Like I mentioned before, it'll be a bit weird. Will school actually continue on without me there?
Hey, for all of you students still living the high life at UBC, you might want to read this news release from Translink. There is now even more frequent bus service to and from UBC. Good news for commuters and on campus residents alike.
I hope everyone has a great day tomorrow, no matter what you're doing.
posted by Erwin |
11:37 PM