Friday, November 04, 2005
For about two months now, I've been taking the same bus every morning to work. I'm not alone in this habit. I regularly see the same people on my bus. Some are unremarkable in their appearance and behaviour, they're just normal folk trying to get to where they need to go.
Then there are those who make me wonder what the hell their story is. The most notable person is this woman in her 40s or so. She's got really dark, jet black hair which makes me believe it might be dyed so. Her hair is about shoulder length and she's tied it so that a single tail comes out of the top of her head. It's not a good look. She also has these really thick glasses, your prototypical Coke bottles if you may. The quirks are many for this person. First, she has this big fascination with newspapers. On most mornings she's got at least the Vancouver Sun and/or one of the free morning dailies with her. Yeah, a lot of people read on the bus, but she's different. Every once in a while, she'll feel the need to rip out huge sections of the paper out. This isn't coupon clipping, we're talking pages at a time. She'll stuff the ripped out pieces in her handbag. What she does with them is still a mystery to me.
Her other quirk verges on the annoying. This woman seems constantly late for something. She's always looking out the window to see what the traffic conditions are in front of the bus. It's like she's always behind schedule and needs to be somewhere five minutes ago. Whenever we get into heavy traffic or a construction zone, she'll start to fret and mutter to herself. Weird. She'll also start to mumble quietly when the bus has to pull over to pick up passengers along the route. Doubly weird. She gets off the bus one stop before me downtown. I have no idea where she's going. A job? Paper recyling plant?
There's also an older gentleman who seems to have warped space around his body. When you look at him, he doesn't seem like a big guy. He looks slightly portly but I wouldn't say at all fat. When he sits down though, he takes up like a seat and a half. I don't get it. He seems to be all the way over to his side but his body is so wide. Also, and this is completely unfounded, he kinda looks like one of those older guys that you later find out was a Nazi who fled to Canada to hide from his past. Man, conjecture is fun ain't it?
The final person is this younger guy who is obviously a university student. At first I thought he might be an SFU student taking classes downtown but I've seen him run for the 44 and 99B. He's clearly a UBC student. He must live somewhere in Coquitlam and commutes everyday to UBC. You know I've heard of these poor bastards that have to do that everyday but this is the first time I've seen one in person. He usually has a chemistry book out. I'm guessing he's either a first or second year student. If he's a first-year, I'll give him the rest of the year tops before he goes crazy from the commute. He's also got the narrowest jeans I've seen in decades. They narrow down to basically the width of his ankles. It's straight outta of the 80s. It maybe the jeans that causes this but he sits with his legs crossed in a manner that if I tried it, I'd crack both my walnuts.
Hey, wouldn't it be neat if someone else on that bus was writing about me in their blog?
posted by Erwin |
12:26 AM
Thursday, November 03, 2005
Both Google and Blogger were both down the entire time that I wanted to post. They only restored service just now but me gots to go to bed. The meaning of life will have to wait another day.
posted by Erwin |
1:39 AM
Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Too much DVD viewing tonight has left me no time for a post. I will return tomorrow with nuggets of wisdom... or is that poop?
posted by Erwin |
1:20 AM
Tuesday, November 01, 2005
There's a pretty good thread going on at the Discover Vancouver web site message board. Some guy in Vancouver got tired of being lonely and starting posting his experiences trying to get dates in the city.
If he's at all genuine, I think it's a pretty bold move to be revealing all your dating activities (or lack of them) on a public forum. The next thing you know, he'll be telling us what he had for lunch everyday.
He's a gotten a lot of support from other people who check in periodically to see how he's doing. Of course, he's got a lot of detractors as well. A few have said without extremely good looks and/or a wad of cash, he'll be destined to stay single in Vancouver as, in their opinion, a large majority of women in this city are superficial ice queens. While certainly there are exceptions to this rule, I've seen the exact type of woman that's described on many occasions. For normal guys in Vancouver, dating is indeed a very difficult activity.
I'm hoping the poster finds some measure of success but nevertheless, it's fun to read his exploits.
posted by Erwin |
12:56 AM
Sunday, October 30, 2005
Many months ago, my sister gave me for Christmas a one night stay at the Opus Hotel in Yaletown. It was a very thoughtful and expensive gift but I had no opportunity to cash in on it while I was living out by UBC.
Since the gift certificate was to expire at the end of December and since I've been exiled to the wastelands of suburbia, I booked a room and stayed downtown this past Saturday. It also helped that Adam's farewell evening was also on Saturday. For once, I wouldn't have to worry about making the long trek back to the suburbs after an evening out with friends.
I checked into the hotel around 3:30pm or so. I've been to the Opus before: once at the Elixir restaurant for dinner (pricey!) and also at the hotel bar for drinks. Some of you long-time readers might recognize the Opus bar as the last stop before Behennah and Woba drove off to Seattle at 2am on a whim.
I was give what turned out to be a "superior room". The Opus is considered to be a boutique hotel, meaning it's smaller than your average chain hotel, it's supposed to offer higher levels of service, and of course, it's going to cost you more. My room was unlike any other hotel room I've been in. Rather than your standard white walls, the room had a bluish colour theme to it.
The bathroom was the most interesting part of the room. In your standard hotel room, the bathroom usually has no windows. In my Opus hotel room, the only windows in the room are in the bathroom. The bathroom had floor to ceiling windows and was the only place you could go if you wanted to look outside and onto the street. Obviously you would need some privacy if you wanted to do your business and that's where these two windows screens come in. One screen was like a partial light filter that obscured some of the view but could still let silhouttes show through. There was also another one that was completely opaque that gave you the most privacy. For the record, I felt comfortable enough to tinkle with only the partial screen down. The bathroom tiles were also heated to a temperature of your desire. There wasn't a tub to soak in but the shower was shaped like a wedge that easily could have fit two people. There's also no bathroom door. Two Japanese style sliding doors serve as the only way to separate the bathroom from the rest of the room.
The rest of the room was nicely appointed and the queen sized bed was quite comfy. There was an in-room safe, ironing board, iron, TV, hair dryer, and umbrella. Also available was this oxygen canister that you could take O2 from at $8 per hit. How trendy! Room service can be had at all hours of the day and night. I quickly flipped through the menu where I discovered a BLT sandwich with fries would have set me back $15 not including the $3.50 delivery fee plus taxes and gratuities. Local calls were $1.25 per call and there was a high-speed internet port at the desk ($16 for 24 hours of access).
When I returned to my room after the evening out I discovered they also have a turn down service. A card displaying tomorrow's weather forecast was placed on the bedside table as was two chocolates on the bed.
They do treat you nice at the Opus and everything is very cosmopolitan and modern. This does come at a price, starting at around $200 a night. If you have the cash, I'd recommend the hotel for sure but for those on a budget, there are better values out there.

P.S. When I returned to my hotel room at around 2am, there were tons of people still out on the street downtown in their costumes. It's weird, but it appears that to women in their 20s, "dressing up" for Halloween means wearing anything plus a tiny, short skirt and knee high boots. Where was I when that memo got sent out?
posted by Erwin |
9:16 PM