Friday, November 25, 2005
I have a big post on the backburner but I have neither the time nor the energy to get it out on the airwaves tonight.
Instead, I'll pull out every blogger's backup plan... the external link. Click the link below to take you to a totally random (work safe) web page on the Internet. Your result will be completely unique compared to everyone else. Try it out!
I'm Feeling Random
posted by Erwin |
12:45 AM
Thursday, November 24, 2005
I got back home way too late tonight to post anything remotely interesting. I will say that this heavy blanket of fog has been draped upon the Lower Mainland for five days now. The fog has had a very cool visual effect on the city.
It's slightly unsettling which makes it even better. Some of my co-workers believe we are on the verge of a zombie invasion. Their excitement is almost palpable!
posted by Erwin |
1:00 AM
Tuesday, November 22, 2005

posted by Erwin |
11:37 PM
Monday, November 21, 2005

Well, they've finally done it. Adam Sandler and his production company have made a movie about the life of a video game tester. Yes, the glamourous life I lived for about two years will at long last be immortalized in movie form.
Here's the plot summary from what I've gathered on the Internet. The main character Alex is a video game tester in his mid-30s with no girlfriend. He's been evicted from his apartment after his roommate spent the rent money on hookers. Forced to couch surf for a while, he winds up staying at his grandma's house with two of her friends. Hilarity reigns throughout the movie.
You can find out info about the movie in several places. There are two trailers here. One is for those under 18 and the other for those over 18. Both trailers are actually quite funny. Once you access the adult trailer, you'll also get access to a delightfully raunchy clip. It's not exactly high-brow material, but that kinda captures the whole video game testing environment. Pictures and behind the scenes video can be found at Adam Sandler's web site.
I have no doubt there will be more than a few testers at EA Canada who will be catching this flick on or after January 6. Whether or not this movie will give them more respect remains to be scene. Things like the character who still sleeps in a racing car bed won't help their image. On the other hand, maybe this movie will help them get laid easier.
Now, if they can only make a movie about video game software engineers... because that movie would be totally different...
posted by Erwin |
10:52 PM
I had my performance review at 10am sharp on Friday. I took an earlier bus just to be there on time. Though the bus was just ten minutes before the bus I usually take, it was a world of difference. There was hardly anyone on the bus. I rode into work in style and comfort.
The whole process went well. They gave me a copy of the review. It was all positive for the most part. I was told, however, to ensure that I wear underwear to work. Well ok, maybe that wasn't on the review.
There are also rumours at work that we maybe moving to W. 1st Ave. and Fir Street. This was one of the locations that was visited by our company when they did a tour of available office space. If we did move there, it wouldn't happen until after the new year. My commute time would probably identical to the one I have now. It would be a shorter distance to travel but more walking time from the bus stop.
Of course, this is all unofficial hearsay and one of the other options is to just stay where we are. It wouldn't be all that bad if we stayed but I will admit, our current office is the most unglamourous video game workplace I've ever seen. It's certainly a far cry from the sleek campus that EA has in Burnaby and we sure don't have a log cabin at our place like Radical does. I've been told the Fir Street location is more along the lines of what kind of office we should be in.
Ok, so that's your Monday morning post.
posted by Erwin |
12:15 AM