Friday, December 09, 2005

My favourite reality TV show of last year, Beauty and the Geek, returns for a second season on Monday, January 9, 2006.
Expanding on the six episodes from last year, the new season will have a total of eight episodes. According to ratings from the last season, Geek is the most successful reality TV show that the WB has ever had on the air.
I guess they had nothing else to do, so Richard and Lauren came back to help interview possible new beauties and geeks. You can check out amazing clips of their discoveries on the official web site. Is it just me or does Richard seem more comfortable around women now?
posted by Erwin |
12:21 AM
Thursday, December 08, 2005

posted by Erwin |
12:01 AM
Wednesday, December 07, 2005
Some of my long-time readers know that I sometimes get strange e-mails in my Telus account. As a consequence of signing up my parents for high-speed access, I get a Telus account. I don't use at all but I check it once in a while to see what comes in.
The way Telus e-mail addresses work is that you can choose nearly whatever e-mail address you want. You can even change it as many times as you want. If one day you want to be but the next change it to, that's ok. The thing to realize is that once you give up an address, anyone can take your old one.
This is exactly what happened to me. I believe I took someone else's old Telus e-mail address. In fact, I think two people have had mine before. I've gotten e-mail with confidential medical reports, real estate planning documents, and even a message from "Mom" asking why I haven't phoned in so long.
I never respond to these messages, except in the case of the medical report and "Mom". Those messages I deemed too personal not to inform the sender of their mistake.
In the last two days, I've received more personal correspondence from what appears to be some woman. Here's the first message:
From: deleted To: deleted Cc: Sent: Monday, December 05, 2005 11:16 PM Subject: Hi to you too
Hey gorgous, I got your message. Sorry it is two days after the fact. I went to Kelowna to see Kenna-Rae and do a bit of Christmas shopping. The shopping didn't go so well, I didn't see anything that struck me as terrific and wanted to buy. Oh well I think that I will just go to vernon next weekend and poke around there. I hope you are having a wonderful day! Talk to you soon. P.s. I am looking forward to the Christmas party Friday!!!!!!
Ok, so nothing weird or juicy here. It's also strange how the sender did not include a name in either the message or the e-mail header. I still think it's legit though.
The next day, I received another message from the same person. This one is way more interesting:
From: deleted To: deleted Cc: Sent: Tuesday, December 06, 2005 10:50 AM Subject: first e mail
I am so sorry. I don't remember when I talked to you or what I said. Please forgive me my friend. I am so frustrated right now that I am sure I take it out on you, because you know where you are at and what you want, and I don't. I wish life were simply, happily ever after and it's not. You know how I feel about you and it makes me angry, upset and frusterated that we are just not going to happen. I guess that I am upset because I can't have you and that I couldn't have brent either, although it was for an entirely different reason. it doesn't matter I just don't get it. I just pick unavailable partners and it leaves me feeling twice as lonely as before. Thankyou for being so loving and understanding with me. I know that I have never felt so unconditionally loved. You are such a wonderful friend and I will do my best from now on to respect our friendship and your position. I love you erwin thankyou.thankyou, thankyou for being such a comfort in my life.
Woah! Let's highlight a few sections here: "it makes me angry, upset and frusterated that we are just not going to happen" and "I guess that I am upset because I can't have you and that I couldn't have brent either" and "I just pick unavailable partners and it leaves me feeling twice as lonely as before".
Damn girl! You get a-round! Make up your mind, do ya want this Erwin guy or is it gonna be Brent? Why us? Why can't we be with you? This girl likes unavailable men? Alarm bells are going off all over the place. This explains a lot. Brent and Erwin, you guys probably dodged a bullet here.
It's good to know she wants to be in the "friends zone" however. Though, in this one super rare case, perhaps this might be the preferable position for Erwin. I'll keep you posted if anything else comes down the line. Seacrest out!
posted by Erwin |
12:52 AM
Tuesday, December 06, 2005
I'm gonna ramble on in this post about different things that have no connection between them. I'm really tired right now. I got the same amount of sleep I usually do last night, which is to say not enough, but I'm usually not this tired. I almost fell asleep at the restaurant at lunch today.
Hey, some more people at work found my web site on Friday. I wasn't going to blog about work a lot anyways, but their discovery on Friday sealed the deal. Too bad for my readers, I had juicy stuff to dish... lol. Now, I'll be limited to what I had for lunch at the office.
You'd think that being this tired would allow me to nap wonderfully on the bus this evening. Unfortunately, it was not to be. The driver dude neglected to turn the heat up, so it was more difficult to fall asleep. Then some moron in the back of the bus decided to open up the window. If that wasn't enough, some valuable member of society was talking on his cell phone across the aisle from me. He wasn't trying to show off or anything, he was just talking very loud. I hope for his sake, he's actually mentally challenged because if he's not... dude, it must suck being you.
In other news, the teaser trailer for X3 is out. After some early reports that the movie was going to be horrible, the trailer gave me a small ray of hope. Wolverine looks awesome as always. I was pleased to see Cyclops again. Beast looks kick ass. Is that really Kelsey Grammer underneath all that? Overall, it was a good trailer, gave me a semi if you don't mind me saying.
Ok, good night.
posted by Erwin |
12:01 AM
Sunday, December 04, 2005

As I reported in an earlier post, the government of Kazakhstan has threatened to sue Sacha Baron Cohen over his portrayal of Borat, a bumbling, racist Kazakhstani reporter.
Long-time reader Sarah K has notified me that Borat has responded to the controversy. In a prepared statement, Borat claimed to have no connection with Baron Cohen and that he fully supports his government in possible legal action against the comedian. Furthermore, Borat added that after reforms in 2003, "women can now travel on inside of bus, homosexuals no longer have to wear blue hat and age of consent has been raised to eight years old".
You can view a video of the statement on Borat's own personal web site. Be sure to check out video clips and pictures from his travels around the world. Also included in his video library is a clip from the MTV Europe Music Awards where host Borat told the audience to "prepare for masturbations" as the Pussycat Doll were about to take the stage.
posted by Erwin |
11:37 PM