Wednesday, January 04, 2006  


I really didn't get enough sleep on Sunday night, so when I arrived at work on Monday morning, I was kinda tired. The commute, however, was awesome. There was barely any traffic so we zoomed right into downtown Vancouver in just under 25 minutes. I even got a whole row of seats to myself. I got to work nice and early.

When I arrived home that evening, I was exhausted. I felt like going to bed around 9pm and if you know me, that's amazing. I managed to stay up until midnight and that's when I crawled into bed. I was thinking that I'd get a whole eight of hours of sleep and wake up fully rested.

I awoke at 4:30am to find myself lying on top of one of my arms which had fallen asleep. After restoring bloodflow to the appendage, I tried to go back to sleep. I heard sirens though and it sounded like a few of them were going off. I was thinking it might be a police chase of some sort. I tossed and turned for a bit. Then I had to go pee. Upon returning, I did more tossing and turning. Then I started thinking about random stuff. I began to wonder if I was thirsty or not. I finally fell back asleep sometime around 5:30am (I think).

I woke up at 8:30am and I was tired. I hate that feeling when you wake up and you're already thinking about the next time you get to sleep.

I was tired all day at work but I managed to get a decent amount of work done. We even went to Denny's for lunch.

Thanks for sticking with me on this post. Click here for a fun Flash-based tennis game.


posted by Erwin | 12:27 AM
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