Sunday, February 05, 2006

I've found that American TV execs usually borrow ideas from the UK more often than the other way around. Hot on the heels of American Beauty and the Geek, however, comes British Beauty and the Geek.
Starting on Tuesday night, channel E4 will bring to the airwaves the English take on the "social experiment". For better or worse, they've tinkered with the concept slightly. Instead of a mansion, there's a Scottish castle. At least one of the beauties has a university degree, unlike any of the previous beauties in the American version.
The Sun, London's finest daily publication, has an exclusive first look at the contestants on the show. Click here for more pictures and an article on the new show. If you ask me, and most people do, I don't think the geeks look geeky enough.
If this winds up on the torrents, I might give the first show a look. I just hope they provide subtitles.
posted by Erwin |
8:05 PM