Friday, March 10, 2006  


There are days that aren't exactly blogworthy. Today was one of those days. Well, let's see. It was snowing heavily when I left for work. It stopped, it seemed, as soon as I got into the office. Then the sun came out.

I had a seafood club sandwich for lunch. I also had fries. Though tasty, I should have had the salad. I thought about going to Starbucks to get a hot chocolate this afternoon. I was too busy to do so in the end.

The lights are almost out in one of the bathrooms in the office. The lighting is very dim in there and you kinda have to guess your aim when you're doing your business. Guided by the Force, I've been on the mark every single time. Next time, I'm going try it with the blast shield down. Two people will get that joke.

For dinner, I had a chicken salad sandwich and a bowl of wild rice and chicken soup. For my other dinner, I had honey garlic spareribs and a Chinese green onion pancake.

Later on in the evening, I watched the rest of The Fantastic Four. It wasn't a bad movie, however, any of the X-Men movies are way better. Having said that, I will see how the FF4 sequel moves the story along. And yes, both Jessica Alba and Vancouver are quite beautiful in the movie.

I am looking forward to the weekend, though I might have to work one of those days.


posted by Erwin | 1:04 AM
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