Monday, October 02, 2006

I have a Gmail account that I rarely use. I mainly use it to receive online receipts and I think I've only done this once. I don't think I've told anyone what the address is because I don't want anyone to e-mail me there.
A couple of weeks back, I get this message on my Gmail account. The text of the message is simply:
Big E, send me your cell phone #... Do u like the cup?
There was no signature or any sign off at all. Whoever sent it, also attached the picture you see above. The e-mail address of the sender is a ten digit number from the domain, which recently announced it will soon terminate its service. I'm supposing the ten digits are a telephone number on the ESPN network. Assuming the first three digits are the area code, this person has a cell phone in the state of Maryland. I don't know anyone in Maryland, at least I don't think I do.
Maybe the whole Maryland thing is throwing me off. Perhaps this person resides in Vancouver but has an ESPN cell phone. The picture doesn't offer me any clues, other than the fact perhaps this person likes Snickers and the Chicago Blackhawks.
Who could this be?
posted by Erwin |
11:31 PM