Friday, December 15, 2006
Well, it took about two decades, but I finally left something behind when I got off the bus yesterday. I didn't have my messenger bag with me, so I had multiple items to keep track of instead of the one bag that held everything.
When I boarded the bus, I shoved my umbrella in between the seat and the wall of the bus. It was out of the way and made for a more comfortable ride. It being out of the way ultimately was my undoing. The other bag I had with me contained a housewarming gift that I had bought during lunch and a copy of G.R.A.W. which I was quite eager to try.
When it was time to de-bus, I hopped up and left my umbrella behind. Sure, people leave umbrellas behind all the time but I really liked this umbrella. It was the first piece of swag I got from Backbone Entertainment when I was working for them. The umbrella was bar none, the best umbrella I've ever owned. It both opened and closed at a push of a button. I'd never seen that in a brolley before. It also had a foam handle that made holding it a pleasure. Last but not least, it had an amusing gorilla version of the Backbone logo on it.
I am going to get a replacement umbrella that has the same features. Once you've had the best umbrella that a game company gives away for free, you just can't go back.
posted by Erwin |
12:04 AM