Sunday, December 03, 2006
As if by some unspoken signal, people decided to flock to the malls this weekend in massive numbers. On Saturday afternoon, I met up with my good friend Garrett at Coquitlam Centre. I had to park my car near the outer edges of the lot because there were so many people there. It really surprised me at how crowded the mall was. I guess there are only four weekends until Christmas (three now).
Anyways, I kinda got annoyed at the amount of people I had to contend with inside the mall. I was still in the mode of shopping for myself, not for presents, so really I should have been exempt from the crowds. We later decided to get a snack at the food court after GK got his item. The area was packed with people and I had to line up for several minutes to get my poutine. It was delicious but I wished I had gotten the large size. By the way, I ate very little in the way of healthy food this weekend. Poutine on Saturday and several pieces of KFC on Sunday.
Then I tried to tempt fate again on Sunday. I busted one of my shoelaces last week, so I've been walking around with an unsecured shoe. I unfortunately forgot to buy some when I was at the mall on Saturday so I had this crazy idea Lougheed Mall wouldn't be packed today. I decided I'd go take a look at how packed the parking lot was.
When I got there, it didn't take me long to realize things were probably a madhouse inside the mall. People were parked in areas they shouldn't be in and there were vehicles circling all over the place. I decided to leave immediately and saw there were even lineups to get out of the parking lot. I had to use a little known shortcut to avoid waiting for at least ten minutes for the traffic to clear.
I have decided I will not visit any suburban malls until after Christmas is over. I might duck into Pacific Centre since it's so close to work and it's traditionally less busier than other malls. And that's your weekend forecast.
posted by Erwin |
11:48 PM