Tuesday, December 05, 2006  


I consider myself a patient person. I know it's a virtue and it's something I strive to maintain. I do exceedingly well in lineups. I realize there's nothing I can do to make the line go faster, so if I want to pay for something then I'm going to have to wait. The only other choice is leave but without whatever I was waiting for. Realizing this keep me calm while others fume around me.

Traffic is harder to accept but if there isn't a shortcut to be used, waiting is the only thing you can do. Honking the horn isn't going to make things better. So you can either sit in traffic and be grumpy about it or you can sit in traffic and be calm about it.

Now in most cases, I'd like to think I'm kinda like Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn in The Phantom Menance. When dueling with the evil Darth Maul, the two got separated and trapped between timed force fields. While the Maul paced impatiently like a caged animal, Jinn dropped down into a meditative pose to calm his nerves and focus his energies. Now forget for a second that moments after the force fields switched off, Maul put a large hole in Jinn's chest and killed him.

As patient as I think I might be, this damn Xbox thing has gotten to me. My 360 was supposed to ship either last Friday or today, but now sources tell me that they won't ship until probably next week. As a sign that I'm crumbling under the anticipation, I bought a $45 VGA cable for the Xbox 360 I don't even own yet. The other end of the cable is going to a widescreen LCD monitor that I haven't even ordered yet. The next step is probably going to see me buy games for it.

And in other news, I'd like everyone to welcome a new blogger to scene. Hot on the heels of, gwilli, Bone, and many, many others, comes Joel himself. After a delay of many months, his blog is now live. While you may not agree with some of his opinions, please go say hi to him.


posted by Erwin | 12:11 AM
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