Friday, January 13, 2006
If you were looking for car chases and explosions, none of that happened in my day unfortunately. I got to work kinda tired, had a bento box for lunch, and went shopping after work. I did not purchase anything and I had a burrito for dinner.
This guy, on the other hand, will have an awesome story to tell his buddies.
posted by Erwin |
12:40 AM
Thursday, January 12, 2006

Only once have I ever used baby animals in a post and even then, it was kinda science related. Here we are again.
The Vancouver Police Department has an eight week old puppy that will soon be on his way into training as a police dog. The VPD needs a name for the puppy and has started a contest for the public. Here are some details:
"This contest is open to anyone under the age of 14 years and the lucky winner will receive a Vancouver Police Dog Squad t-Shirt, a hat, and their picture will be taken with the newly named puppy. The winner and their family will also receive their own personal dog show and tour at the Vancouver Police kennels."
Ok, so maybe none of my readers are under the age of 14 but maybe you have a little sibling, niece, nephew, grandchild, or upstairs kid that might want to enter. A personal dog show is pretty damn cool and to be honest, I'd pay money to see a police dog shoot his service weapon.
Full details can be found here.
posted by Erwin |
12:27 AM
Wednesday, January 11, 2006
In a previous post, I shared with you the numerous (and humorous) Chuck Norris facts that were being spread across the Internet. Here's one if you've missed out on this so far:
"Contrary to popular belief, America is not a democracy, it is a Chucktatorship."
Well gosh darn it, all this talk about Chuck on the Internet has got the attention of the man himself. On his official web site yesterday, Norris made a statement regarding these "facts". Unfortunately, he also made use of the statement to clumsily plug a few of his books.
I hope Chuck doesn't give me a roundhouse kick to the head for writing that.
posted by Erwin |
1:20 AM
Tuesday, January 10, 2006
This actually happened on Friday but I've only had time now to write about it. So let's all get into the wayback machine and take us to the last day of work before the weekend. I'm easing into my workday with my first half hour. Surprisingly, I am actually productive as I smash away at my keyboard with my fingers.
I look away from my monitor over to the game designers' area. Andrew is standing at Dave's desk but his back is facing Dave. Dave himself is standing behind Andrew. Andrew has a very serious look on his face. I can hear him wheeze slightly from across the room. Dave starts talking.
"You're seriously choking? You want me to give you the Heimlich manoeuvre?"
Andrew nods yes. He starts to wheeze louder now. I now realize this could get very serious very quickly.
Dave puts his hands on Andrew's abdomen and pulls up firmly. A few people have started to gather around the area now. Andrew is still wheezing and he motions for another try. Dave gives him another pull. This does the trick. A huge chicken bone comes flying out of Andrew's mouth. Actually, it wasn't a chicken bone, it turned out to be a piece of granola.
With his windpipe clear, Andrew sits down to catch his breath. People check on him. I can hear him talk. He sounds like nothing happened at all. It's all over in less than twenty seconds.
Fewer than ten people witness the incident. Later, when all the excitement dies down I go over to Dave's desk. I tell him that I thought he did a great job and that he should be proud of himself. Dave quietly admits to me that he was uncomfortable during the incident. I tell him that most people would be uncomfortable as well but the important thing was that he got the job done.
The day finished as it normally would. When Andrew left, he wished us a good weekend and he thanked Dave for saving his life.
posted by Erwin |
12:23 AM
Monday, January 09, 2006
Ha, I bet you didn't expect a post in the middle of the day. Blogger has finally fixed a long-standing bug that made posting a pain in the ass, especially if I wasn't at home.
With the problem gone, I am free to post whenever and wherever. Get ready for more crap, more often!
posted by Erwin |
11:45 AM