Friday, February 03, 2006

This video, while amusing, also taught me a few terms that I did not know of previously. The first was LARPing, which stands for Live Action Role Playing. The second was PLP or Platonic Life Partner.
Both PLP and LARP even have their own Wikipedia entry. And I learned something today.
posted by Erwin |
12:25 AM
Thursday, February 02, 2006
So I paid off my BC Student Loan tonight. Heh, just kidding... I wish.
There's a lot going on at work right now. I wish I could write about it but I don't want to wind up like one of those people who gets fired for blogging about work. Now you're all probably wondering what's going on. Sorry about that. Maybe ask me in person sometime.
My co-worker Dave drove me downtown to my bus stop today. That was so nice of him. Because I got there so early, I got one of those single person seats on the bus to Port Moody. There are only two of those per bus and I was in one of them! That allowed me to nod off before we even left the DT east side.
So I'll leave you with an extremely geeky link. I try not to post these too often since I don't want to alienate part of my audience but this site is just too cool. It's a site that allows you to play old Commodore 64 games using just your browser! You need to have Java installed but most computers have that already. The games look identical to the originals. Play classics like Ghostbusters, Commando II, and Outrun. Click here to be transported back to your junior high days.
posted by Erwin |
1:09 AM
Wednesday, February 01, 2006
I got paid today so I decided to pay off some bills tonight. In one transaction, I paid off all my credit card debt. As of today, I owe nothing to CIBC Visa.
I applied for my first credit card after getting my first "real" job in 1997. It had a $1500 credit limit. I used it sparingly for the first months and when I did, I made sure I never carried a balance from month to month.
Over the course of the next few years, that changed for some reason. I started carrying a balance. It started off small so the interest charged wasn't that bad. Some time between me working at EA and starting grad school, that's when things got worse.
I think at one point, my balance was up to $3000. I remember during one Christmas break from grad school, I was looking at my statements and saw that I was making payments that were barely over what I was being charged as interest.
I should have done something then, but I'm kinda dumb at times. Then I told a friend of mine about my little credit card problem. She suggested that I transfer over all my credit card debit into a line of credit, to escape the high interest rates. It made sense at the time, but I didn't heed her advice until the summer of 2005.
With a reduced interest rate, I was able to make significant payments on my line of credit. Now, my balance stands at zero.
Unfortunately, I now need to turn my attention to the my provincial and federal student loans. There will be a day in future when my net worth will be not negative, but it will not be this day... why did that last line sound familiar?
posted by Erwin |
1:00 AM
Monday, January 30, 2006
I'll probably be getting home from work at midnight, so I'll take the opportunity to post now.
It's been one of those days where I've been at work way too long but I'm going to head home soon. I had the biggest burger for dinner. It was from Fogg 'N Sudds. They called it the Shameless Famous. The burger had cheddar cheese, bacon and sauteed mushrooms. It also had two special ingredients. The first was a stack onion rings that were placed on top of the cheese and underneath the top bun. Below the large beef patty was a 1/4 lb. beef wiener, fillet cut so that it could be curled into a circle to match the round patty. It also came with fries.
I ordered it more to see what it looked like than to actually eat it. When it arrived, I pulled out the wiener (tee-hee) and the onion rings. It still was very filling.
My bus will be here soon. That is all.
posted by Erwin |
10:07 PM
In a recent post, I briefly mentioned that the new VPD puppy was now named Diesel. This name was chosen among the many that children submitted in a contest. Because of the many Google hits I received on this topic, I thought I'd write a little more on this.
The VPD web site has released some info on the entries they received. Twenty-two entries were submitted with the name Diesel. The winning entry came from a 12 year-old girl named Christina. All 22 children will receive a tour of the VPD kennels and a private police dog demo. Despite it not being mentioned in the press release, I still believe all 22 children will witness the police dogs firing their service weapons as part of the demonstration.
You may read the entire release here.
Diesel will hopefully follow in long line of dedicated VPD dogs, including Nitro, who was unfortunately killed in the line of duty this month. Details of Nitro's untimely end can be found at the end of this press release.
posted by Erwin |
1:11 AM
Sunday, January 29, 2006
I just rolled into work a few minutes ago. We're supposed to get some stuff done today. The stuff is kinda outside my area of expertise but I'll give it a try.
I made the mistake of eating lunch before going. The boys ordered pho for lunch. I'm considering eating another lunch, 'cause you know... it's pho.
posted by Erwin |
1:29 PM