Friday, September 08, 2006
I had the oddest lunch I've had in a very long time today. The place I went to almost defies description. In fact, I think you'd have to visit the place yourself to truly understand what I saw and experienced today.
The event itself demands a lengthy post that requires more energy and time than I have right now, so the full version will have to wait for the weekend. I will leave you with this tidbit: I ate lunch in a basement today.
posted by Erwin |
12:20 AM
Wednesday, September 06, 2006

"I gotta mention our sponsors... Dr. Scholl's comfort gel insoles for women. You know, women... they got delicate feet. I once made love to lady's foot for seven hours. But then the nurse came in and said, 'Mr. Bennett... she's gone...'"
posted by Erwin |
7:59 PM
Tuesday, September 05, 2006
For thousands of students in the Lower Mainland, today marked the first day of school for the academic year. From the tiny ones in kindergarten to the first year noobs at UBC, lots of people were experiencing new things today.
I for one, expected traffic to be a lot more congested this morning. It turns out I was wrong. Yeah, there were a lot more cars on my street this morning but that's because I live a block away from an elementary school. Other than that, it was a pretty good commute. My bus was actually less crowded than usual which was a most pleasant surprise. I got a nice comfy seat to myself. I hope this trend continues tomorrow.
On a bus related note, I managed to lose my bus pass for about five hours today. It somehow slipped out of my pocket at the place I was having lunch at. That almost caused me to be late going home but it's a good thing the Cecil has a great lost and found department. Bada bing!
posted by Erwin |
11:52 PM
Monday, September 04, 2006
The long weekend is over and by most people's standards, the summer is also over. I always align the beginning of May as the beginning of summer because for university students, that's when classes end. May is also when the movie studios mark the start of their summer season.
Four months have come and gone. It seems like not a lot happened but then if you kinda squint at my summer, yeah, a few things changed here and there. I can tell you it was lot different than last summer. Oh the previous summer started off with me just finished my degree and being unemployed. Soon after, I got a job at Backbone and thus started my new career. Looking back at those four months, the summer of 2005 was pretty damn good. Lots of my friends were still in Vancouver and I still had my apartment on campus.
This summer was a bit different. I started May off on a vacation of sorts, a reward for working long hours on a game that had been in production for over a year. I'll be honest here and say I have some serious doubts if that game will ever see the light of day. The rest of May was spent trying to get used to the new project I was on. By June, things were rolling alright at work but things weren't perfect. Then July rolled around and things got crazy. For about three weeks, I had no idea if I was going to take a job with EA or if I was going to stay. The decision gnawed at me for a long time and I really burned a lot of time that I could used to enjoy the nice weather.
Well, with the decision made, I received a week off at the beginning of August to recharge and relax. I can't even remember most of what the hell I did with that time. I know I didn't go away but I do remember seeing Superman Returns and having a few drinks with Tim and Ron.
All of August has been essentially a blur to me. From the two weeks in Burnaby to the rest of the time downtown, it's been a whirlwind of new terminology, new processes, new faces, and new places. Hell, it's already the fifth of September tomorrow. A sixth of the month is already over.
Yes, the forecast calls for sunny skies tomorrow but by month's end, the all too familiar crispness of Vancouver autumns will be creeping in. The grey won't be far too behind with the rain. This fall, I'm going buy one of those full spectrum, natural light desk lamps for work. I don't think I get depressed during the rainy season but hey, it can't hurt.
Well, at least hockey is going to start soon!
posted by Erwin |
10:19 PM
Sunday, September 03, 2006
I had lunch my friend and former co-worker Ron on Thursday. He was nice enough to come down to studio to meet up with me. We headed out to the nearby Lions Pub for lunch. I'd been there once before and the service was fast and the Montreal smoked meat sandwich was fantastic. This time around though, neither the service was fast nor was the food great. Don't get the clubhouse sandwich if you're ever there.
I enjoy Ron's company whenever we hang out. I credit him and some other people at Backbone for making last year's long and cold winter just bearable enough for me to survive into the spring. We talked about a lot of things at lunch but the conversation eventually drifted towards "The Bet" which remains one of my favourite posts of all-time. It garnered a lot of comments and discussion which I always love to see with posts.
Anyways, Ron asked me how things were going on that front. I told him progress had ground to a halt. Oh sure, I had gotten Jennifer Love Hewitt's phone number but she refused to go out on even one date with me. When Ron's mocking laughter had subsided, we realized that we were approaching the ninth month mark since the inception of this wager. Almost a year had gone by. Feeling sympathy for me, Ron announced he would waive one of the stipulations in the legal wording.
Previously, Ron had forbade me to use the Interent to pursue the fulfillment of "The Bet". That meant that I could not use dating sites, chat room, forums, or Craigslist postings. From his point of view though, the removal of such a restriction was going to affect the bet as much as a drop of water fills a bucket.
I'd like to think the task got easier but I can certainly see his point. Well, in any case, Lavalife here I come! :)
posted by Erwin |
12:21 AM