Please allow me to share with you an interesting site I found a few weeks ago. It is simply entitled What Jeff Killed. According to the owners of the site, Jeff is an orange cat who lives in California. Jeff is not a house cat. He lives in the wild. The site owners supposedly supply Jeff with some food and water but do not own Jeff nor let him inside their home. All their interactions with Jeff happen in or around their back patio.
For some reason, Jeff kills animals of varying sizes and brings them to the patio for the home owners to see. The people who run the site thought it would be neat to document and photograph each of the kills.
Judging by the size of Jeff's kills, he is an efficient and probably vicious hunter. Looking at his pictures though, he seems nothing but a lazy, docile house cat. I personally found the site fascinating. Somewhat like a wildlife show, it shows the seemingly cruel ways in which animals hunt each other.
Yes, some of the pictures will make some people squeamish but I guarantee you you've seen worse if you grew up anywhere near a farm. The site does get hate mail but please, Jeff is gonna kill those animals whether or not anyone takes photos of the kill. There's nothing glamourous or sensational about those photos.
Man, I had a nasty case of insomnia last night. I wasn't really sure what caused it. I was well hydrated and stayed away from any caffeine all day. Maybe it was because I ate some spare ribs before I went to bed. It was like four pieces. Next time I won't soak them in coffee.
Anyways, it made for a hell of a morning. I thought work was going to be bad but it turned out alright. I was fairly productive and I only felt tired at lunch which was the best time to feel the fatigue. On the way home, I didn't even nap on the bus.
I am feeling wicked tired now though. I'm going to bed fairly soon. My mind is running all over the place. I thought of half a dozen different topics to write about tonight. There's my next selection for my book of the month club. I was also going to write about one of my favourite South Park characters. I briefly thought I'd write about my experiences with spending and saving money as well.
I'm not coherent enough to write about any of those topics, instead here's Neil Patrick Harris' funniest scene from Harold and Kumar (contains language that would make your Mom blush, but that's why it's so funny).
So let me sum up my long weekend in a few words. I had some grand plans to do a hike along the Trans Canada Trail. I also had planned on playing some tennis.
Unfortunately, I fell a little under the weather so I couldn't play tennis and only managed a very abbreviated version of my hike.
I did have a rather pleasant Thanksgiving dinner with my family on Sunday. It was one of the best I've had in recent memory. Everything was rather delicious.
I picked up a "best of" collection of South Park episodes on DVD. For less than $20, it's a good deal for over 300 minutes of entertainment. It includes one of my all-time favourite episodes, "The Return of the Lord of the Rings to the Two Towers".
Last but not least, I drank a lot of caffeine-free Coke.