Wednesday, February 07, 2007  


I received an e-mail from the facilities manager today informing that there will be a Wii waiting for me at company store tomorrow. It's my choice whether or not I buy it. Almost ashamedly, I am going purchase it.

Why the shame? I just got my Xbox 360 less than three months ago. Mind you, I got it free but I still shelled out some cash to get a new LCD, a VGA cable, Xbox Live account, and four games (all substantially less than retail). I feel lucky just to own one next-gen console and here I am about to get another.

As kick-ass as my LCD is, I pointed out in a previous post that there's no way to connect a Wii to it. My LCD has every high-def connection known to civilization, except for component, which is the only high-def connection the Wii has. I'll be playing it on a 4:3 standard-def 28" TV until I figure something out. I know this sounds petty but once you've seen 480p gaming and above, it's hard to go back.

So why am I getting it then? Well, everyone that has one has told me it's a lot of fun. I can believe it too. I've played it a few times at work. The most important reason behind the purchase is that the Wii just makes for more active gaming. I sat for 1.5 hr tonight playing 360. While it was entertaining, I sat here like a slug. With the Wii, you're swinging and moving around. People have documented real weight loss because of owning a Wii.

On the off-chance that I just find the Wii boring and that I prefer my 360, there's also a silver lining. I've decided I won't sell my Wii, I'm going to give it away to the BC Children's Hospital or Canuck Place. Actually, that's pretty dumb. If I keep my Wii, I'm going to make a charitable donation to either place because now I'll feel guilt if I keep it. Wait, did I just think aloud and write it all down in the last paragraph.

So, I'm getting a Wii tomorrow. Ok, so it's not the best way to spend $180 but oh well.


posted by Erwin | 12:18 AM
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