Tuesday, May 01, 2007
When I leave work, I usually walk by a pub on my way to the limousine stop. Next to the pub is a bunch of street parking. This evening, as I walked by the pub, right where you could park a car was a big pile of horse poop. Having grown up the son of two horse ranchers, I know horse poop when I see it and this my friends was indeed it.
It looked fresh, not more than a couple of hours old. Don't ask how I know, I just do. I have no idea why someone would park a horse where a car would usually go. That street isn't known for horse-drawn carriages nor wild horses. Nevertheless, a horse was parked outside that pub for a sufficient amount of time for it to do its business... and right by the outdoor patio too. How odd.
I'm going to see if the poop is still there tomorrow. Stay tuned mofos.
posted by Erwin |
12:19 AM