Saturday, March 24, 2007

I don't really have anything to say here but I do know people like to see baby animals. If this means you return to my blog just one extra time, then I'll be happy.
More pics of Knut here.
posted by Erwin |
11:28 PM
Friday, March 23, 2007
Let's take a moment to talk about nocturnal leg cramps. Do you get these? If you don't, count yourself lucky. I get them once in a while. I had it happen to me last night.
I was half-asleep. My left leg was bent across my right one. I remember thinking, "Oh hey, my calf muscle is contracting, I hope that doesn't cause... oh crap." The calf muscle then attempted to contract itself through my knee cap. I went from being blissfully half-asleep to feeling a pain I would register a nine on a ten scale in a matter of a second.
I could only grip my now rock hard calf muscle, hoping it would stop contracting. Meanwhile, it felt like a nuclear explosion had gone off inside my leg. I could only breathe in short, sharp puffs as I gritted my teeth. I don't know how long it lasted, it seemed like ten seconds or maybe it was as long as thirty. The muscle then suddenly relaxed and it was all over.
As I laid there on my Thundercats sheets, I found myself completely awake and now my calf was extremely sore. After some indeterminate time later, I fell asleep again.
They (and I mean doctors) say night time leg cramps are caused by dehydration and too little potassium in the system. I think I was kinda thirsty all night, so it that was most likely the cause.
Thank you for reading a post about a part of my body getting rock hard at night.
posted by Erwin |
12:00 AM
Thursday, March 22, 2007
I'm too tired to post anything coherent tonight, so I'll juts stream some consciousness onto the keyboard.
I gotta a craving for crunchy foods at this exact moment. I want something like kettle chips right now. A really satisfying crunch. It's too bad nothing in the house even comes to close being crunchy in texture. I got a bag of Mexican microwave popcorn but I don't want to go through the hassle.
You know what I'm eating instead? A muffin... from T&T Supermarket. I'm not sure if they make their own muffins or buy from a wholesaler. The muffin came from a box of assorted muffins. Out of the three kinds in the box, two kinds have raisins in them. I hate raisins. Who the hell puts that many raisins into a muffin? Why am I even eating this muffin? Almonds. I would like crunchy almonds right now... or a macadamia nut... surrounded my milk chocolate.
I did my taxes on Monday night. I'm getting a $2K refund. It's probably because I made an RRSP contribution this year. I think I'm going to put the refund money back into an RRSP. It's the start of the opposite of a vicious circle. Like, a fluffy, cute circle. Example usage: "After I started dating a swimsuit model, it was the start of a fluffy, cute circle where all I dated was model after model."
Ok, it's time for bed. I hate raisins.
posted by Erwin |
12:56 AM
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
Actually, I'm not giving away an Xbox 360. I am, however, giving away my copy of Project Gotham Racing 3 and a trial membership for Xbox Live Gold.
I don't play PGR3 very much since I don't enjoy accurate race sims. It is supposed to be one of the best driving games out there, I'm just more of Burnout type of guy.
Be the first to send me an e-mail and the game and the trial membership card is yours (via the postal service). Please note, I have the NTSC version of PGR3, so it won't do you any good if you're from another region.
posted by Erwin |
12:18 AM
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
I think with the exception of two days, it's been raining continuously in Vancouver for about over two months. There's no need to look at the weather forecast because you're going to wake up with rain, followed my more rain. Oh the day after that? Yeah, you guessed it Kreskin, it's more rain again.
This fall and winter, I've been facing this torrential downpour with the crappiest of umbrellas. In an earlier post, I wrote about how lost my much beloved Backbone umbrella, given to me by the last company I worked for. My replacement umbrella was this piece of crap that I found lying around. It didn't have a push button mechanism, so you had to manually open and close it each time. Also one of the arms detached from the fabric so it flapped around in the wind. The kicker was the catch at the top of the umbrella was broken which meant the umbrella didn't fully stay open.
Well, I went shopping at lunch today and bought myself a proper replacement. I purchased a lightweight, fully automatic umbrella that takes a standard 5.56 x 45 mm NATO round. I might be lying about one of those features. Anyways, this baby clocks in at only 138 grams and about 25 cm. With a one- button press for opening and closing, I'll be living the high life again.
Now with this kickass new umbrella, I can't wait to try it out in this inclement weather. Knowing my luck though, now that I'm all excited for the rain, the weather will be nice and dry for the next few days. That's just how my luck works.
So disregard the latest forecast, it's sunny skies for all of us.
posted by Erwin |
12:38 AM
Monday, March 19, 2007
The video game I'm working on, skate, features over a dozen pro skateboarders. One of them is Ali Boulala. Two weeks ago, Boulala was involved in a traffic accident in Australia. He was on a motorcycle and the accident claimed the life of another skateboarder on the bike. Shane Cross was killed but Boulala survived.
Boulala was left with a skull fracture and was put in a coma to help his recovery. Just a few days ago, he brought out of that coma and it looks like he'll pull through. There's no telling when he'll be back on his board. At least in our game, he's still pulling off crazy tricks. Let's hope he gets better soon.
posted by Erwin |
12:05 AM