I ran out of time to post something substantial tonight. I played two hours of Godfather on the Wii. It's easily one of the top five games for that platform right now. There's a certain satisfaction to playing a mobster, taking him from a lowly street thug to potentially the Don of NYC.
From extorting shopkeepers to taking out rival mobster families, it's all good stuff. The unique Wii controls are used extensively throughout the game, especially when it comes to hand-to-hand combat. From the trailer above, you can see it there's some fun to be had.
I have little time for posting tonight but I will mention what I've been listening to at work lately. It's called Pandora, a music web site unlike anything that's out there right now. You could classify it as Internet radio but that wouldn't do it justice.
Pandora streams high quality music to you and only music that you want. Enter a song you'd like to hear and it'll try to find you that song and... more songs like it. You can do the same for artists. Give it a try.
Tonight, I was able to setup my new 5.1 speaker system. I've owned two previous 5.1 systems before, the first coming in about 70W RMS and the last about 90W RMS. My new system outputs 100W RMS per channel for a total of 600W RMS. Yes, this is most powerful accoustical device I have ever owned.
It was very unfortunate it was kinda late by the time I set everything up. I really wanted to take her out for a test drive but I was limited to a very short sampling of a scene from The Island (a totally underrated movie if you ask me), a few minutes of Gears of War, and a couple climatic moments from Revenge of the Sith.
Oh, how sweet it was. I have forgotten how rich surround sound is. It was a feast for the ears. I want to replay every Xbox 360 game again. I want to rewatch every DVD I've bought in the last three years.
I cannot wait for the weekend. Yeah sure, I'll probably be working but when I get home... oh, how the sounds of joy (and/or explosions and bullets) will fill stately Wayne Manor.
Like a lot of pro athletes, NFL quarterback Peyton Manning spends some of his time doing charitable work. As this United Way commercial shows, however, Manning puts a lot more heart and dedication into it.
I was out for a Sunday drive in the vicinity of Coquitlam Centre when I saw something that nearly made me drop my Super Big Gulp. For about two years, there's been an empty restaurant space where a failed Popeye's Chicken used to be. Today, on the roof of the building a sign proclaimed what future tenants would be taking over. Coming soon is a combined KFC and Taco Bell outlet!
KFCs are plentiful in BC but free-standing Taco Bells are a rarity. For some reason, they've only opened them up in Surrey and Maple Ridge. Now, I'll be able to get the awesome taste of Taco Bell only ten minutes away from my home. Oh yummy steak gorditas!