In speedy fashion, my manager approved my request for virtual private network (VPN) access. This means I can partially work from home now. Using Windows Remote Desktop, I can now access my work computer from my home computer.
As you might expect, the level of security around all of this is pretty high. EA uses the RSA SecurID system which I believe is fairly common for companies. A username and a password isn't enough for me to connect to the EA network. I now carry around a small keyfob with an LCD display on it. It shows a six digit code that I have to enter in whenever I log in. This code changes every sixty seconds according to a specific algorithm. The servers at EA know this algorithm as well, so the numbers have to match up at both ends.
As a test, I connected tonight after coming home. I added a couple lines of code. It's not exactly like being there because the connection lags a bit but it's not bad. While I can write, edit, compile, and read code, there's no way to really test the game. I can run it but since I can't see my TV or move the controller, it does have its limit. Still having e-mail access and the ability to write code is still pretty nice. Yay! EA now gets productivity from me even when I'm home!
I am now homefrom work. I took a taxi that EA paid for. They have a corporate account with Vancouver Taxi. It was 11:30pm and my part of the game was done. My manager saw I was still around so she told me to get a taxi voucher.
People who are working late take cabs home all the time though this was my first time. I had a friendly driver. I could have just sat in silence but you know cab drivers are in an interesting line of work. My driver had been driving for 15 years. He told me how he gets paid and how many fares he needs to get before he even breaks even. He even commented on other cab companies.
It wasn't until we were almost home when the conversation got really interesting. Taxi drivers hear a lot of weird stuff. My driver has picked up a lot of fares who are hookers. They tell him how much they made that day, how many times they've had sex, and sometimes, how they've had the sex. If you think that's wild, then there are the offers. He had one guy get on downtown near St. Paul's Hospital. While on the way to Broadway, he offered to give my driver some oral pleasure. He refused on account of him being straight and married but his fare persisted, even going to the point of offering $100. It was an offer that he turned down. Another time, he picked up a dude on Davie. This guy wanted to know if he wanted to have some fun. My driver declined the offer of sex, so his fare just asked to be dropped off on the next corner. Last but not least, he had a woman offer him money to go on a picnic in the park, complete with a picnic basket, and dancing. Apparently, she wanted to make him jealous or something.
By the time he finished telling that story, we were at my place. The fare came to $39. I feel bad now because I only gave him $6 for a tip. It should have been closer to $8. What do I care? It's EA's money. I know I'll be working late again, I'll see if he's around so I listen to the rest of his stories.
Well, it's 11pm and I'm still at work. I'm usually parked in front of my Wii at this time of night but I'm here waiting for the build to finish. We're doing some stuff for the CEO when he visits the studio tomorrow.
There are lots of people here putting in lots of effort for this. I hope this dude appreciates it.
I know that scientists have been saying the Earth is getting warmer year by year but you sure couldn't tell in Vancouver today. We're into April now which is supposed to be the gateway to spring and warmer weather. This was not the case on Monday.
It was surprisingly cold today. In some suburbs there was a healthy dose of snow on the ground. The air wasn't just nipping at you with the cold, it was biting you. I regretted putting on just my fleece jacket today.
The high is supposed to be 14 on Friday. We will see Al Roker, we will see.