Friday, June 01, 2007
After arriving home this evening I noticed a note from the strata council had been placed on the front door. Apparently a "family of bears has been spotted on the property". The bears weren't just sighted in the area, they were found on the grounds. Wow, that's scary.
When I'm not being taxied home, I walk two blocks in darkness from the bus stop to home. I remember one time there was a bear warning posted near the West Coast Express station in Port Moody. My sister read that and then randomly told this woman with a baby stroller about the warning as she approached our place. The woman thought my sister was crazy but now I'm thinking I'll stop laughing at my sister about that incident.
posted by Erwin |
12:59 AM
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Two posts in one day! How much free entertainment can you stand from Anyways, I just realized it's been two years to this day that I officially received my degree of the Master variety. Since then I'm now on my second job, worked on three games, eaten 46 Big Macs, taken five showers, dated Lindsay Lohan twice, and successfully ran for the mayor of Tijuana.
Last but not least, I'd like to welcome my many new visitors to this blog. Nearly all of you have come here via search engines looking for my post on Barbie Cummings, the porn star that performed oral sex on the state trooper. You'll be looking for this post. Thanks for visiting and I hope you find there's more to than just porn stars.
posted by Erwin |
11:50 PM
Sadly, I am still at work right now. I am, however, doing nothing... actually, I'm waiting. I've been working all day fixing some timing issues with a feature I'm responsible for. The lead front end engineer has put in new text and HUD elements to let the user know what's going on. It's a good improvement on what we had before.
I'm making sure gameplay doesn't proceed too much before the messages and text finish displaying. I'm pretty happy with my changes so about half an hour I was testing everything before checking in my files. That's when I discovered a crash in the game. Turns out one of the AI guys had put something new in earlier today. I called one of the AI dudes over and we looked over the problem. He went away to whip up a fix.
While he works on that, I have to wait since it's better that I test his fix with my changes before submitting the whole thing in. I could just check in my files and then assume when the AI fix gets in that it'll all work in harmony together. That's a dangerous assumption of course. So while I could be in a taxi on my way home right now, I'm doing the right thing by waiting.
I just realized there's something productive I could be doing while I was waiting but instead I just wrote this post. Whoops.
posted by Erwin |
9:47 PM
Today, I overheard one of our DDs (project managers), I won't say who, mention something about our food budget. Apparently, we are three times over the amount in the budget.
Why is that? There could be several reasons. We started OT way earlier than expected. More people are working OT than predicted. We are working more OT than predicted. We ordered more expensive food than was necessary.
In reality, it's a combination of all those things. Oh man, I remember early on we were having Alaskan king crab legs, goat cheese salads, and little pastries for dessert. We don't get that anymore!
posted by Erwin |
12:20 AM
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
I'm not sure how I'm supposed to improve on a post about Olivia Munn in a gold bikini but I guess I'll try. So...
Well, I took a cab home tonight again, no big surprise there. My favourite driver was unfortunately second in line in front of the Pan Pacific. He was talking to the guy who was first. He saw me and then said to his friend, "Ah! This is a good customer! Treat him well!" He left and went back to his cab.
I hopped into the van and we were off. I'm getting pretty good at predicting if I'll like talking to the driver. Within five minutes I knew this guy was alright. All the drivers take the same route to Port Moody. As such, I get pretty familar with the sights with includes the hooker strolls just off Hastings. I can even recognize one streetwalker on a particular corner. I'm not sure why I can point her out now. It's probably because she doesn't look like a stereotypical hooker on the streets. It's weird. I wonder if I'll see her again tomorrow?
posted by Erwin |
12:47 AM
Monday, May 28, 2007

Attack of the Show co-host Olivia Munn was at this weekend's Star Wars Celebration IV, the most prestigious of all Star Wars conventions. For part of the show, she appeared in the much revered Slave Leia outfit. As many of you know, the original outfit worn by Carrie Fisher ushered many boys into early puberty.
If you click here, you can see the rest of the pics of Olivia. If that's not enough for ya, YouTube has a clip of Ms. Munn in costume. Is that Ray Park (aka Darth Maul) at the end?
posted by Erwin |
12:53 AM