Friday, September 28, 2007
The guy that sits behind me at work has declared himself to be my "life coach". He's a pretty silly guy so he's not serious... well, maybe he's a tiny bit serious. Anyways, he coached me to go McDonald's with him at lunch so we could use his 2-for-1 coupon. I've started to call him "El-See" now.
Also in work related news, I finally completed the online sexual harassment training course that I was initially supposed to complete about six months ago. It turns out I was slapping ass in the most inefficient way at work. Now, it's effortless!
posted by Erwin |
1:27 AM
Thursday, September 27, 2007

So as many of you know, I spend most of the summer indoors (skate. is now available in stores everywhere for Xbox 360 and PS3, get your copy now!). The one thing I did everyday though was to go up on the patio on the 19th floor and sit outside and get some fresh air. It's a beautiful view up there. As I sat, I would look across Coal Harbour and Burrard Inlet. My eyes would invariably turn to Stanley Park. I could see people walking on the seawall by the Nine O'Clock Gun. They were outside, enjoying the weather and enjoying the park. I was envious. I'd then get up, go back inside and continued to work. Later on in the evening, at 9pm, the gun that I'd stared at would go off, indicating that I'd been there all day and into the evening. Sad.
Well now the game is done. Three weeks ago, on a gloriously hot and sunny summer day, I went to Stanley Park to walk the seawall myself and go visit the gun up close. I can't remember the last time I was at Stanley Park I but spent a nice couple of hours there. In the second picture above, you can see this tiny thing in the middle of the image, that's the Nine O'Clock Gun. That was taken from the 19th floor. In the third picture, I'm standing next to the Gun itself. By the way, the Gun is now silent at 9pm as part of the civil labour disruption. Apparently a city worker usually fires the thing and I guess s/he is a union person.
If anyone is interested, I took a few more pictures while I was there. The gallery is here.
posted by Erwin |
12:01 AM
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
If you're like most people, you love blogs and you love being a voyeur. What if there was a way to combine those two things into a single application that could run on a web browser? Well, the smart folks over at Blogger/Google have done just that.
Blogger Play shows you what images bloggers are uploading to their blogs in real-time. If you click on show info, it will show you the blogger's profile, plus a small snippet from the post to which the image was added. The best part is that while Blogger uses a smart filter to prevent naughty images from appearing, they can't guarantee something spicy won't show up while you're watching! How exciting! Go see what other people are blogging because I couldn't come up with anything interesting for this post!
posted by Erwin |
12:18 AM
Monday, September 24, 2007
Did you know that as early as two weeks ago here in Vancouver, it was still sunny and warm? Since about last week, it's been cloudy and steadily getting colder and colder. Yes, I am aware that last weekend was the official end of the summer.
So that was summer whimpering away. I had a good three, possibly four weeks of summer where I actually had time to enjoy the weather. Other people had about three months but I had other things to do. From now on, it's about six months of grey clouds, dreary and never-ending rain, punctuated by the odd flurry of snow.
You know, someone should figure out how to make a huge reflector in space and direct sunlight over Vancouver during the daytime. I'd paid at least a dollar to see that happen.
posted by Erwin |
11:47 PM

I hope none of you get too squeamish about this post. Anyways, after I got my tooth extracted, I asked my dentist if I could take the tooth home with me. He said yes but gave me strict instructions to disinfect the tooth first and to not touch the tooth with my barehands before it had been sanitized.
After a half day dip into isopropyl alchol and a thorough cleaning, I was able to take pics of the tooth. My camera's macro mode isn't the best so the images didn't come out too clean except for one which was pretty good.
So in all the pics, the colour is really off. The exposed enamel looks it's this dark shade of gray. In reality, the enamel is actually quite white in colour. The roots themselves are actually this light manilla colour. The first pic shows two roots that were in pretty good shape, which my dentist said made it a shame since it was only one root that was problematic. What you don't see is this pulpy, fibrous crap that was stuck in between all three roots. I heard my dentist say it was part of the abscess that had formed because of the infection. It took a bit of work to tear that fibrous stuff out of there. As I was cleaning, I was thinking, man, my body made that stuff in there.
The second pic shows the "root" of the problem. There's the root that went really bad. It's as black as the pic shows, there's no colour problem in that image. I was pretty amazed when I saw it for the first time. That thing had been stuck in my jaw for a few years, getting a shade darker as time marched on. Notice that the tip of black root has been cut off. My dentist wanted to see if his root canal had been as good as he wanted it. Indeed it was, it went as deep as it should have been. Also notice the bits of pulpy tissue that I couldn't clean off. That stuff is stuck on there tightly. You'd need like a nail file or something to get all that off.
The third pic shows the top of the tooth. The improper colour makes it look like my dentist had filled in my root canal with tar. In fact, the filling is very white in colour.
The last pic, though fuzzy, shows all three roots of the tooth. Again, notice the cut off tip of the black root. You can see the material that my dentist used to fill in that root canal.
Thanks for reading and sharing in my extraction experience!
posted by Erwin |
1:01 AM