If you've been reading this blog you know that I sometimes post some errand e-mails that come my way. They're not intended for me but nonetheless wind up in a rarely used account.
So there's this "Erwin" guy that I get all his e-mails. For the longest time, I couldn't figure out why I was getting all his messages but now I know. He's inadvertently setup his e-mail client with my e-mail address. The weird thing is, he's able to send e-mail from his own address because I always get the messages when people reply to him. So the thing I don't understand is how he's able to enter in my address in his client but be able to send messages with his own account. Geez, what if he's actually using my address when he sends? Anyways, I rarely use this account so it's no big deal.
The last e-mail I got that was intended for him was pretty interesting. He sent some instructions to his stockbroker. His broker replied but was nice enough to include the original message which included the dude's full name, bank account number, bank address, and bank identifier code. Now, I don't intend to do anything with this info nor could I really with this interesting yet non-actionable info. I do wonder, however, if it's time to tell the dude what the hell is happening.
I know he knows something is wrong because every once in a while, I get "test" messages from people, probably because he's trying to diagnose the problem. I can almost guarantee this guy is over 40 years old, if not older. No one our age would or could let this problem linger this long. Another sign that he's old is that Google turns up nothing on his name.
So this evening, I'm gaming on my Wii (yes, I've finally started using my Wii again) when I heard this loud bang outside the window. Not a split-second later, the lights flicker but they don't go out. I look on the screen and yes, I'm still in Nazi-occupied northern France.
Upon further inspection of my home however, reveals that some lights have indeed gone out. It turns out that anything that isn't powered via an electrical socket, for example fixture lighting, isn't receiving anything juice. A quick check of the breakers reveals none have been tripped.
So while I'm able to get my ass kicked in 32 person multiplayer on the Wii, I have to pee in the dark in the bathroom. I've never seen something like this before. The next weird thing I noticed was the electric stove. These things use a special plug, so it wasn't a surprise to the stove's electric clock was off. When I tried to turn on one of the elements though, it lit up and actually got hot. I tried heating up a can of soup but I noticed something was wrong. Even though I had it cranked up to max, it wasn't getting very hot. It took about twice as long to heat my soup up compared to normal. So it would appear the stove isn't getting enough juice.
The video quality isn't the best but the above video shows the full segment from the "Best Individual Sports Game" part of the VGAs. No one told Big to call out the president of Neversoft but it sure was funny.
Accepting for skate. is (from left to right): Big Black, executive producer Scott Blackwood, Rob Dyrdek, and Danny Way
Despite the fact the results were announced well in advance of tonight's airing, I hope some of you still managed to catch the 2007 Spike TV Video Game Awards. In any case, skate. won its category! Yay! According to Spike TV, we're the "Best Individual Sports Game" of 2007.
I actually didn't see the show tonight as my cable package doesn't get Spike but I'm hoping to find a torrent before the night is out. I'm very curious to hear what Scott had to say up on stage. He mentioned before he left that given the chance, he would for sure give a shout out to the rest of the dev team back in Vancouver.
So wow, something I worked on won an award on a televised award show. Sure, it wasn't the Oscars and a large segment of gamers loath the show but hey, I'll take it. It's a far cry from the crappy cell phone games I was working on not two years ago.
If you're interested, here are some pictures from the awards show, including red carpet and backstage appearances. Also, if you took a liking to the attractive ladies who were body painted for the show, you'll probably want to see this video, look for the skate. girl!